Thunder's Place

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Newbie here, questions on safety of exercises, all help would be great

Newbie here, questions on safety of exercises, all help would be great

Hi all,

This is my first thread, and I hope that all of this is OK under regulations and stuff.

I had a few questions that would really help me, and probably other beginners.

1) Is there any way that stretching can be dangerous? It just doesn’t seem normal to me, to be stretching the ligament.

2)Warm ups, can that just be a hot wet towel? Does being in a hot shower qualify enough as a warmup. And is there any way that there could be too many warm sessions, I know it is suggested before and maybe after the work out, but would it be safe to stick a warm towel session in the middle after stretches?

3) I read that using soap as a lube for Jelqs, is not good. Why?

4)Can someone give me a simple link to explain LOT?

I think that is it for now… answers would be really helpful, but please don’t just put down your thoughts if your not sure of your answers. Thanks much.

Originally Posted by sparky4
Hi all,

This is my first thread, and I hope that all of this is OK under regulations and stuff.

Welcome, sparky. Glad to have you around!

1) Is there any way that stretching can be dangerous? It just doesn’t seem normal to me, to be stretching the ligament.

Yes, stretching your penis can be dangerous. That’s why I’d like to encourage you to spend a while reading as much as you possibly can on this forum before you, in all your eagerness to get a bigger tool, begin tugging on your jewel.

Read through these threads:

Most Important Newbie threads/info

Jelqing & Stretching 101

And the link in my signature.

2)Warm ups, can that just be a hot wet towel? Does being in a hot shower qualify enough as a warmup. And is there any way that there could be too many warm sessions, I know it is suggested before and maybe after the work out, but would it be safe to stick a warm towel session in the middle after stretches?

I prefer a rice sock, but am currently using a hot rag or hot towel. A shower is fine, but, for me at least, I find that I’d rather shower after I PE (which is like warming the unit after my session), because I use KY jelly, and, as it turns out, I like to wash it off when I’ve finished my session. Some people find that they like to PE in the shower, maybe you’ll be one of them.

There’s nothing wrong with warming your unit throughout the session, along with before you begin. In fact, I’m sure many of us here do just that.

3) I read that using soap as a lube for Jelqs, is not good. Why?

Post #36 in the Jelqing & Stretching 101 thread will help you

4)Can someone give me a simple link to explain LOT?

Bib’s LOT Theory 101

Hope this helps, and good luck.

"Only enemies speak the truth; friends and lovers lie endlessly, caught in the web of duty". -Roland, in Stephen King's The Last Gunslinger

Thanks Kog, That was quite helpful.


No problem, sparky. I also replied to a comment you left in another thread. Click to read

"Only enemies speak the truth; friends and lovers lie endlessly, caught in the web of duty". -Roland, in Stephen King's The Last Gunslinger

Welcome to Thunder’s Sparky!

Kudos on the post KOG, good info in there for everyone. Especially the soap thing. I need to stop that….lol.


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