Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

A couple of newbie questions.

A couple of newbie questions.

Why does jelqing create permanent gains while pumping does not? Don’t they both do pretty much the same thing?

Has anyone here with significant gains stopped PE for longer than a couple of months (say a year or so) and kept their gains? The reason I ask is that it seems that most people who get gains keep doing PE because they always want to get bigger no matter how big they already are. I am wondering if anyone here has completely stopped and kept their gains.

Thanks in advance for your replies.


Hi bunbuster and welcome,

I dont do pumping so I cant answer your first question really. Some people have reported gains from pumping, but they usually are doing other types of PE with it.

Yeah some people have kept their gains, but some people have lost them over different time periods. I suppose it depends on how well the gains have been cemented. I can see myself doing PE forever, for maintenance and general health, if not to gain after I get my goals.

Good Luck

Thanks SS4Jelq for the reply. Just one more question if you don’t mind: how do you know your gains are cemented if you don’t stop PE?

2-15-2003: 7.25" x 4.75"

4-24-2019: 7.75" x 5.375"

Goal: 6" EG | Picture proof

You will get a feel for this over time. To me it seems that jelqing helps seal in the stretch gains (whilst providing more stretching). The penis is elastic and its only once you get beyond the elastic stretch that you are gaining. Personally I find I lose very little after taking a break but its always worth rounding down your measurements to the nearest 1/4” so that you don’t get a feeling of going backward if you have marginal losses.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

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