Thunder's Place

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Just some newbie questions.

Just some newbie questions.

Hello, I’ve been here for alittle over a month, and well, I’ve been following the newbie routine and taking alot of precautions(ie: hot packs before and after I’m done my strecthing as well as after my jelqing) and I havn’t seem to have made any gains.. So I’m pretty sure I’m doing somthing wrong. I’ve read alot of threads trying to find info about gains and what not, but I didn’t find anything with the same issue (It may have been me reading over things too quickly.. I dont have alot of time to read stuff because I’m into the final projects at my college and they take most of my time.) So.. If it isn’t too much trouble, some help would be awesome.

Thank you for your time.

Initial Newbie gains may be common for some, but they are not for a lot of others. You’ve only given it a month, and it takes a lot more than that. Most members upon starting PE committ to a year. I suggest you do the same. Keep working and you will see some results eventually.

I’ve been at this for over four months and have seen almost a half inch of length increase and so far nothing for girth. PE certainly does not happen overnight.

Good luck and keep at it. :)

Most people don’t gain a bunch at first - some do, and some initially get fuller erections than they’re used to and think they’re gaining. After another couple months, you may want to add some different techniques if you don’t feel you’re making progress.


Hey Kinter.
Everyone is different when it comes to gaining, some notice gains after a month, others take longer before they see any gains. Just keep doing routine and you will see some gains eventually.

The best place to look for how long people take to gain is in the progress reports forum.

good luck

awesome, thank you everyone for your posts. I just found alot of “whoa its been 21 day’s and I have .25 to my length” so I thought I was totally screwing up somewhere. Thanks for clearing that up for me.

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