Thunder's Place

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Lots of ideas and questions from a newbie himself

Lots of ideas and questions from a newbie himself

1) I have been PEing for about 2-3 weeks now, and i and my girlfriend have noticed a SUBSTANTIAL amount of diffrence in my erections.. or should i just say erection, because since ive been peing he is rock solid all the time.. well all the time im in the mood.. even immediatly after I go, my penis is still ROCK SOLID.. is this the same for all of you? I am 90 percent sure it is due to PE.

2) reguardig jelqs i have 2 questions : a) should you do them really slow? For instance milk them and do 1 jelq per 2-3 seconds, or fast i.e. 2 per second and as fast as my arms can go?
b) how much pressure should i use?

3) Does donating blood affect PE’ing at all?

4) For Hot Wraps would a cup of hot water be just as good as wrapping it.. if not better?

5) Does protein help gains? What is the BEST supplement i could take to help the gains… AND what types of food are they in.. or should i just go for the vitamins..

6) My SGT has been a little ‘bent’ lately while soft.. does PE cause any bent penis’?

Any help on any of those questions would be very helpful!
Thanks alot in advanced =}

TGC Theory | Who Says The Penis Isn't a Muscle?

"To leave the world a better place, to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived is to succeed." - Emerson


I know you’re excited about PE and you’re flip-flop-flyin’ around the boards but I want you to stop, take a deep breath and read the Forum Guidelines. Finished? Good. Continue reading.

1) A lot of guys report sustained erections and even cured erectile dysfunction from PE. It’s definitely possible that it’s helping you keep erections after sex, but I’m sure part of it has to do with the fact that you’re now handling your penis a LOT more than usual.

2) THE Thread on Jelqing. Read, read, and read some more.

3) If you still get erections without any problems…NOPE!

4) Yep. A lot of guys use hot water, steam, infrared lights and hot rice socks as alternatives to the standard wetcloth. Do a search for “hot wrap” and be astounded at the results.

5) This varies from person to person. Check the Review and Supplement forums. There aren’t one size fits all answers to this one.

6) I’m sorry…what?

Originally posted by Antistar
6) I'm sorry…what?


His lil german soldier, pocket rocket, trouser trout, one eyed monster, pocket poolstick, hampton, etc. Make sure you arn’t hooking to one side when you jelq, and make sure you are stretching evenly and with alternating hands.

Check out the $ to grams of protien ratio of a can of tuna on sale.

I like using an insulated cup of hot watter the most. In hot weather, privacy permitting, try PEing out in the sun.

Running a Massive Co-Front.

Im sorry, i must of mis interpeted the way i worded it, i was really asking for personal advice, because I have read all of that atleast 3 times :D .. Thanks alot tho for taking the time to answer me. However I was just asking more “personal opinons”. Any1 ? =]

TGC Theory | Who Says The Penis Isn't a Muscle?

"To leave the world a better place, to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived is to succeed." - Emerson


>Im sorry, i must of mis interpeted the way i worded it, i was really asking for personal advice, because I have read all of that atleast 3 times<

Just curious, what’s the difference between asking for help and asking for personal advice?
Anyway, if you got a bunch of anwers they would more or less echo what anti said, especially that ‘sorry..what?’ part.


Originally posted by remek
Im sorry, I must have misinterpreted the way I worded it, I was really asking for personal advice, because I have read all of that at least 3 times :D .. Thanks a lot though for taking the time to answer me. However, I was just asking more “personal opinions”. Anyone ? =]

Remek - you’ve been asked to read the Forum Guidelines twice. Apparently you haven’t done that. We pride ourselves on having many international members who may not speak English as well as those of us in the U.S., the U.K., Canada, Australia and other countries where it is the “first” language. We’d like for those who can to write in proper English, using the correct spelling and punctuation, so as to set a good example.

Please don’t use “chat room” lingo. Please capitalize “i” when you are talking about yourself. Please start each sentence with a capital letter. Please use proper English (anyone, not any1). If you have to be told again, your membership will be canceled.

Sorry, I did not mean to offend anyone. Thank you for the advice and personal opinions. Oh, and by the way #6 was asking if PE could be the cause of a bent penis.

TGC Theory | Who Says The Penis Isn't a Muscle?

"To leave the world a better place, to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived is to succeed." - Emerson

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