Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

A Newbie Primer

A Newbie Primer

Hello and welcome to Thunder’s Place.

This is a virtual community, but it’s not that different from other social situations you encounter every day. Like many other places, you can, if you like, just keep to yourself. You don’t have to join the conversation, ask questions, share your ideas or make new friends.

However, when you do participate, you’ll learn a lot more and have a better time. And, if that’s not incentive enough, you’ll also get a bigger dick.

But before you post, please take some time to read through the following forums and threads. It won’t take long. It will save you time and frustration, and you’ll learn a lot about PE (penis enlargement) in the process. Consider this the basic reading list for PE 101.

Frequently Asked Questions
That’s one of those six buttons (currently five) in the upper right hand corner of every screen, labeled “f.a.q.” Go click it. There are answers to questions about the basic standards of communication here at Thunder’s, as well as a lot of good technical information on how you can get the most out of the forum.

Forum Guidelines
The Forum Guidelines cover where to post, how to post and what you can and cannot post. Like anywhere else, there are basic, agreed upon ways of communicating here. You (probably) don’t walk into a crowded bar and start shouting obscenities, speaking incoherently, or making inappropriate comments to the wrong people. Thunder’s is probably a lot more tolerant than your average neighborhood bar, but if you don’t follow basic principles of forum etiquette you’ll be reminded to check the Forum Guidelines. If you repeatedly ignore the Guidelines you will probably be helped out the door.

New Member Instructions
These are a few more posts from Thunder on how to use the forum more effectively.

“Quick Start Guide to PE and PE FAQ site”
PE is a fairly young “science,” but it has already acquired a useful vernacular we use around here to understand what each other is talking about. Read the definitions of terms and techniques so when you do post you’ll spend less time explaining and more time getting and spreading information.

And remember: Be very careful as you try different techniques. Read and respect any precautions. Some exercises are dangerous, especially when you are first starting out and your dick isn’t conditioned to withstand more advanced techniques. Be patient. It’s often said around here: you only have one penis. Don’t lose it.

Size’s PE Database
Stop by here and enter your starting stats, then click on a few names to learn about other men’s individual routines and lifestyles. It’s interesting reading.

Tech Tips
‘Just a good post with tips on viewing threads, doing searches and formatting posts.

The Newbie Forum
This is…oh, never mind. It’s obvious. Just go there and browse around, particularly see Luvdadus’ “Newbie Routine.”

For all you visual thinkers, there are good downloadable movies here that show how to do various techniques, and DLD’s well written and well researched study on penis size perception and reality is essential reading for those men like me who have watched a lot of porn and assume those cocks are discouragingly extraordinary. (A teaser: some are, most aren’t.)

Progress Reports/Personal Routines
Like the PE Database, this is another good place see the broad range of routines and results among Thunder’s member’s members.

When you’ve read through that basic curriculum, and you’ve hung out for a little while just to see how things work around here, it’s time to post something – that is, of course, if you have something to say. Just to break the ice, many guys start with a post describing their initial dimensions and starting routine. Post a picture of your Special Purpose too if you have one. In any event, if you are the same courteous, humble and friendly person you are everywhere else you’ll get nothing but encouragement here. Everyone wants you to succeed.

If you’re still hesitant about posting, or you think it might not be a matter that warrants a full-blown post, you could try one of these alternatives:

Do a search: Use that little button next to “Home” in the upper right hand corner. You might find that someone has already posted something similar, or you might find the answer to your question.

PM (Private Message) a moderator: If you’re unsure about the best place to put a post, whether to start a new thread, or if something might have already been discussed ad naseum already, send a draft of your post to a moderator first and get his or her advice.

PM one of the veterans: You might first try asking your question or bouncing your idea off of one of the veterans here; but don’t take it personally if you don’t always get the kind of response you had hoped for. They have lives too.

(And this is a good time to mention that you should always remember to check your private messages. They’re viewable by clicking Private Messages on the home page, or the “User CP” button at the top of every page.)

I hope others will extend this thread with more suggestions of things newbies should know. Happy PEing, y’all.

Last edited by ThunderSS : 06-03-2012 at .

Great work, ikpm.

The opening of your post is simply … Perfect !!

Thanks, I enjoyed reading it.


ù ì å í


Very nice work ikpm. This should be a prerequisite before joining the forum.

Link to the DLD Blasters Soon to be Triple

Can we have this be emailed to all new members upon registration?

2-15-2003: 7.25" x 4.75"

4-24-2019: 7.75" x 5.375"

Goal: 6" EG | Picture proof

Originally Posted by bunbuster
Can we have this be emailed to all new members upon registration?

That could be a good idea. What do you think Thunder?

BPEL 7.00 in (17.7cm) WANT 8 in (20cm)

I concur!

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