Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Newbie with some questions and ideas of his own

Newbie with some questions and ideas of his own

Hello everyone and thank you Thunder for this wonderful place. A fine job.

I am started out with about 6.75-7 inches erect bone pressed length (varied but 7+ with a good one) and 5.0-5.1 inch girth, 4.5 inch flaccid length and 4 inch flaccid girth (flaccid dimensions vary greatly). I am shooting for 9+ inches erect length and 6.0-6.25 girth, and 7 inches flaccid length and 5.50 inches flaccid girth. In only 10 days of PE I I have noticed growth and improvement. I measured a non pressed 6.25 inch flaccid length the other day that maintained for several hours. Although I first looked into this realm with great pessimism…. now that I have researched it and tried it on my own I am quite optimistic I will achieve my goal.

I have been reading up on PE as much as I can lately and I wish to research this as thoroughly as possible so I am still learning here. Since I am starting with a half decent length and I am also concerned about safety (because I have a tendency to overdo things and so I am afraid I will do something stupid and injure myself), I have decided not to go with hanging weights or pumping or any other mechanical devices but to go with manual stretching and jelqing and am trying out various squeeze routines that work best for me. Once I get going full tilt I am sure I will be okay on my own with all this stuff but at the moment there are a few things I can’t find and figure out. Can anyone help me here?

1. Is there any info out there which can tell me the maximum girth one might want when you consider oral sex in the equation? It would seem anything over 6 inches girth could cause difficulties for the average woman to perform good oral sex. Does that sound reasonable?

2. Technically speaking, what exactly causes girth growth as opposed to length growth and can you isolate one from the other at least to some degree? For me it will be important to concentrate on girth at some point in my progress. What are the best exercises for me at the beginning to concentrate on girth and length gains and later to isolate gains for girth?

2. I read something in this forum about a DLD technique. Where and what is that and what does it do and where can I find info on that?

3. Does anyone have any info or experience on how much smoking can affect your size? I presently smoke and I do understand that it does and can affect your size as well as erection strength but is there any info out there “how much” it can affect a person?

3. Does anyone have any info on how being overweight can affect your size? I am certain it affects my length to a degree, perhaps up to 3/4 inch. I am currently 30 lbs overweight and several years ago I lost all this weight and unexpectedly also gained in penis size. And no, it didn’t just appear bigger. It was bigger. However, I did not set about accurately determining just how much but it appears about 1/2 to 3/4 of an inch was gained. I believe I was about 7.5-7.75 inches in length. I have a theory on why this happened if anyone is interested. I believe for men with my type of physiology a heavy belly can cause a “rotational” sort of “see saw” effect pulling inward on the penis. In other words, a belly weighing downward pulls the penis inward and losing weight releases the force of this stress allowing the penis to move back outward from the body. This may sound silly but it did occur and it does seem this was what occurred in my particular case although I am not certain why this occurred.

I am interested if anyone else has any information that suggests or indicates that reducing one’s belly increases size for at least some men.

4. Are these herbal products like Vigrx and Viacyn, etc. which contain Yohimbe and other supposedly enhancing things, really effective? If so, what can one expect from consuming these products over and above a daily enlargement routine? I can’t find any information on this that I feel I can trust. Put another way, how much more will I gain if I use these products rather than if I don’t use them at all?

5. What should be expected? What is a reasonable percentage increase in both length and girth for someone committed to PE?

6. I am uncut and find dry jelqing easy to do. Is this recommended for quicker gains and a newbie?

7. MY Modified PE Kegel

A few years ago I tried an little experiment at random that yielded good results although I did not do any measuring or anything like that but my size did increase and my erection strength increased strongly. I knew almost nothing about PE at the time and had never heard of Kegels but for some reason this idea occurred to me so I gave it a whirl. Every night for about 3 months when i went to sleep I would lay on my side, as is natural for me, draw up my knees and push my cock between my legs out the back door and hold it there by straightening out my legs again as far as I could and squeezing my thighs together and Kegeling by slightly moving my hips back and forth and squeezing. This pulled on my cock on one hand and gave it strength through a Kegel action on the other. After time I could do this and arrive at an erect state and continue the process with come care and caution. After a time I simply stopped doing it as I did not realize that substantial PE growth was possible and had thought I had reached my limit. This is now part of my present routine. It works well if you can do it and play safe. Has anyone else tried this?

I hope to achieve part of my gains by overall body conditioning such as stopping smoking, losing weight and improving my cardiovascular health. From what i know of myself and past experiences this should result in 3/4 inch in length. The other 1.25 in length I hope to achieve by a well thought out PE program.

Thanx to anyone and everyone who can help me with my questions. I hope I can contribute as I learn more here.


hey, I can tell you about the weight loss and penis size. Your penis did not grow. You lost fat in the “pouch” above the base of your shaft, so that more was showing in a non bone-pressed state.


Hi, these are extensive and detailed questions, its good to see someone so enthusiastic.

>1. Is there any info out there which can tell me the maximum girth one might want when you consider oral sex in the equation? It would seem anything over 6 inches girth could cause difficulties for the average woman to perform good oral sex. Does that sound reasonable? <

I cant really help you on this one, I guess it depends on if your woman has a big mouth. But then they all do:) Maybe some of the bigger guys can chime in.

>2. Technically speaking, what exactly causes girth growth as opposed to length growth and can you isolate one from the other at least to some degree? For me it will be important to concentrate on girth at some point in my progress. What are the best exercises for me at the beginning to concentrate on girth and length gains and later to isolate gains for girth?<

Well, there are many theories about what actually causes growth. With girth it is the actual tissue of the penis, the CC which is being expanded. By filling the chambers with blood they expand, and this is a stimulus for growth, it has to be, there is no other explanation. There are many methods and techniques to do this but they all work on the same principle, engorge the penis to a larger size.
With length growth, there are two ways. You can stretch the ligament that connects your penis to your pubic bone, which allows the penis inside your body to come out, if you catch my drift. Feel around behiond your balls and you’ll know what I mean. The other way is to stretch the tunica, which is like a sheath that surrounds the chambers of the penis. I think this kind of stretching works in the same way as girth techniques - causing a stimulus for tissue growth.
Most people suggest that if you gain girth first, it is harder to gain length, as there is more tissue to stretch. I’m not one of them though, plus you can always opt for ligament stretching, where girth is irrelevant. Either way, if your avoiding hanging and pumping then jelqing, squeezing and stretching are the way to go. Start off with an easy routine and build up to more advanced exercises, or you will regret it. Even soft tissues will adapt to the PE routine, so you need to toughen these up first.

>2. I read something in this forum about a DLD technique. Where and what is that and what does it do and where can I find info on that?<

Do a search for ‘dld blaster’ there is a thread, usually on page 1 or 2. It is a length exercise that can be done manually or with hanging. I’ve never done the manual method, so I dont know if its suitable for a newbie.

>3. Does anyone have any info or experience on how much smoking can affect your size? I presently smoke and I do understand that it does and can affect your size as well as erection strength but is there any info out there “how much” it can affect a person? <

This is one thing I do know about! I smoke, but not as much as I used to. I had a bad impotence thing going on when I was smoking heavy, that is no good. Plus I have never gained. I believe smoking is the worst thing for PE and general penis health, because circulation is one of the biggest factors (esp in girth routines). You need to improve your circulation to ‘push’ the new size out, as I understand it. Dont concern yourself with how much it affects you, just cut down. I’ve got a few tips about that if you want them.

>3. Does anyone have any info on how being overweight can affect your size? I am certain it affects my length to a degree, perhaps up to 3/4 inch. I am currently 30 lbs overweight and several years ago I lost all this weight and unexpectedly also gained in penis size. And no, it didn’t just appear bigger. It was bigger. However, I did not set about accurately determining just how much but it appears about 1/2 to 3/4 of an inch was gained. I believe I was about 7.5-7.75 inches in length. I have a theory on why this happened if anyone is interested. I believe for men with my type of physiology a heavy belly can cause a “rotational” sort of “see saw” effect pulling inward on the penis. In other words, a belly weighing downward pulls the penis inward and losing weight releases the force of this stress allowing the penis to move back outward from the body. This may sound silly but it did occur and it does seem this was what occurred in my particular case although I am not certain why this occurred.

I am interested if anyone else has any information that suggests or indicates that reducing one’s belly increases size for at least some men.<

This has been discussed for a long time. When you put on weight, it goes on everywhere, your belly, face, and even your pubic area. The fat literally covers up your dick. Lose that, and you will see it again.

>4. Are these herbal products like Vigrx and Viacyn, etc. which contain Yohimbe and other supposedly enhancing things, really effective? If so, what can one expect from consuming these products over and above a daily enlargement routine? I can’t find any information on this that I feel I can trust. Put another way, how much more will I gain if I use these products rather than if I don’t use them at all?<

We’ll, these products increase circulation to the penis, so this would seem at first to be useful, but in my years at the boards I have never heard anyone attribute a gain to a product like this. Some people say products like ginkgo, tribulus and vitex can improve flaccid size. Since you smoke and are overweight they might be of some use, but dont spend too much $$$.

>5. What should be expected? What is a reasonable percentage increase in both length and girth for someone committed to PE?<

One thing you are going to get sick of hearing on this board is “everybody is different and reacts differently to PE” or some variation thereof. The trend is quick gains in the first 1-3 months, due to getting back size you may have lost through shrinkage and shortening of the ligs through bad health, age etc. Then a plateau is hit, and the routine is modified and then the next gain may take months to get. But then again, some of us are still waiting after a very long time. Its all about finding what works for you, which may take more time than the actual growth process. Many gain an inch or more in length and half an inch or so in girth in the first year, but I wouldnt like to speculate on how much you are going to gain.

>6. I am uncut and find dry jelqing easy to do. Is this recommended for quicker gains and a newbie?<

I am uncut and I find that lubed jelqing is much more effective in getting a good engorgement, and is less sore. I suggest giving it another try, get some vaseline and stick loads on. If you still dont like it then just do dry jelqing, both have worked for people.

>7. MY Modified PE Kegel

A few years ago I tried an little experiment at random that yielded good results although I did not do any measuring or anything like that but my size did increase and my erection strength increased strongly. I knew almost nothing about PE at the time and had never heard of Kegels but for some reason this idea occurred to me so I gave it a whirl. Every night for about 3 months when i went to sleep I would lay on my side, as is natural for me, draw up my knees and push my cock between my legs out the back door and hold it there by straightening out my legs again as far as I could and squeezing my thighs together and Kegeling by slightly moving my hips back and forth and squeezing. This pulled on my cock on one hand and gave it strength through a Kegel action on the other. After time I could do this and arrive at an erect state and continue the process with come care and caution. After a time I simply stopped doing it as I did not realize that substantial PE growth was possible and had thought I had reached my limit. This is now part of my present routine. It works well if you can do it and play safe. Has anyone else tried this?<

Sounds interesting, I havent heard of that one, but if it works for you then keep doing it.

OK, I hope these answers were helpful, if your not sure about something then do a search on the forum, or just ask.
Good luck with your gains

Last edited by SS4Jelq : 01-21-2003 at .

>>It would seem anything over 6 inches girth could cause difficulties for the average woman to perform good oral sex. Does that sound reasonable? >>


>>I presently smoke and I do understand that it does and can affect your size as well as erection strength but is there any info out there “how much” it can affect a person? >>

I believe there is a poll going on at peforums which seem to suggest that non smokers were twice as likely to be “easy gainers”.

>>3. Does anyone have any info on how being overweight can affect your size? >>

You gain 3/4 to 1” in non bone pressed length for each 35-40# weight loss.

>>I can’t find any information on this that I feel I can trust. Put another way, how much more will I gain if I use these products rather than if I don’t use them at all?>>

I don’t think these things help increase gains at all. Yohimbe does give better erections (not as good as viagra) and orgasms seem more pleasureable on it to me.

>>5. What should be expected? What is a reasonable percentage increase in both length and girth for someone committed to PE?>>

go to the bottom of the page and click the link to sizemaster’s pe data page and review the data table. everyone seems to have a pattern unique to themselves but there are a few common patterns.

>>. I am uncut and find dry jelqing easy to do. Is this recommended for quicker gains and a newbie?>>

Yes, very much so.

Check it out guys, no need to have a big dick if you ain't gonna use it!!

Excellent reply, SS4Jelq.

I have to tell you, reading that bit about smokers being hard gainers is going to be the thing that helps me to finally quit smoking.

I am taking a Niacin supplement, so I hope that will offset the smoking a little bit, not to mention, I am constantly “edging” so I can only expect that that would be an offset to smoking as well.
I actually attribute the edging to 1.5 inch length gain. When I was in high school I was about 6.5” and now (34) am about 8”.


I actually attribute the edging to 1.5 inch length gain. When I was in high school I was about 6.5” and now (34) am about 8”.

Please explain - edging


Edging is just an extended masturbation session.
Going until near orgasm, and then holding back and then working back up again. Repeat as many times as desired. :)
Sometimes I would do this for 3-4 hours at a time.

I mean, I don’t think there is really any other realistic explanation for the gains I made.

I was with my ex-girlfriend for 8 years. She got the 6.5 incher and never really commented on my size gain over the years.
Then, the first time I slept with my new (now ex #2 :) ) girlfriend when I took it out she dropped to her knees and said “it’s HUGE”.

I only wish I had measured my girth way back when.


I was confused, (which is not a new state for me), as Luvadus has described edging for sexual endurance and staying maximally pumped after a jelq session -

Maybe I missed him saying so, but I didn’t read where he attributes PE gains directly to this. Conversely, I dont think he does it for 3-4 hours at a time, so maybe that’s the difference (man, I wish I had that kind of time for PE).

Hell, if it worked for you, then maybe others can attribute gains to this.

Thanks for sharing the information. :)

Thanks for the links, DarkTrick.
I will check them out.

Even if edging can give one gains I still don’t think it’s the most efficient way to go about PE.

Having said that, I still think it should go into the knowledge base somewhere.

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