Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.




This is my first week..I warm up with the bending, followed by 5 minutes of hot wrap, then 5 minutes of two way stretch and then another hot wrap.

After all of this I am pretty stoked…..what harm would it do to jack off and


I just started this week. I find that after I do my PE workout I am really stoked……any harm in finishing up with a good old hand job?

Hey smokey


You have every reason to be glad for starting PE - a lot of good changes to look forward to.

As for your question, it is general opinion that masturbation right after PE exercises is not a good idea. In theory (none has ever proved it), the chemical/hormonal changes your body goes through when you ejaculate, will hinder your gains.

However, I must say this has not been the case with me. I jerk off a lot, and I like to do it especially after my PE routine, when my dick looks and feels so great. And I don’t feel this affected my gains. After a PE + masturbation session it stays pumped for a long time so I guess it’s not a bad thing.

ù ì å í


Thanks for reply…just what I wanted to hear?…If I can bother you one more time, what is the horse440 exercise?

Will is right

and I must admit I sometimes do the same, but common sense tells me it would be better to wait. I look at it as a exercise of control, and although I can usually keep control, sometimes it cannot be helped. And it gets so pumped too :chuckle:

As to the Horse squeeze, do a search. This is not to be done unless you have being PEing some time, because it could be somewhat dangerous. And nothing worst than a burst vein to put a temporary hold on PE. Read as many comments as possible.



No prob, feel free to ask whatever you need.

Read the thread on Horse Squeezes, click the link:
https://secure3 … 15&pagenumber=1

You will know everything about them when you finish reading, but I recomend you wate a while - a couple of months - before you start them, give your member a chance to get used to the stretches and jelqing first. Too much pressure at this point may lead to an injury. Take your time and build it up slowly and safely.

ù ì å í


Last edited by WillB7 : 05-15-2002 at .


I think getting off after a “starter” session might be counter productive. In the long haul you wil have to work on the mental side of things as well as the physical .

What I’m trying to say is regardless of the rountine you decide on your going to be spending alot of time working your dick. So you probably want to get a handle on the excitement factor early on.

what do you mean by bending? Why not do your hot wrap first?

I have no idea how this ended up as a seperate thread.

Last edited by ledzep : 05-16-2002 at .


>>I just started this week. I find that after I do my PE workout I am really stoked……any harm in finishing up with a good old hand job?>>

I have lately taken to “edging” for 20 to 30 min post work out.
Feels good (although not as good as just letting it fly) and I think it keeps the tissues maximally engorged and stretched out post session for a good while. I think letting fly is ok from time to time but better to get into a habit of separating ejaculation from your workouts.

Check it out guys, no need to have a big dick if you ain't gonna use it!!

Lovdadus….thanks for the idea, will give it a try…..

For newbies, especially, I think it’s better to postpone ejaculation until later in the day. Reason for that thinking is: you will deflate more significantly after you cum, for some time, getting whatever pumped effect back later on usually. But the enlargement PE routines give is super encouragement and why not enjoy that for what it’s worth? Keeps you moving on.

Edging is great fun. Play with that instead?

I wish I knew more about the hormonal after-effect of ejaculation. Most of what I’ve read is speculation. Anybody have supporting data for what happens chemically after we cum?



The sexual response is a balance between 2 aspects of the autonomic nervous system.

The parasympathetic (neuro transmittor = acetylcholine) inervation is responsible for erection.
The sympathetic (neurotransmittors = epinephrine and norepinephrine) is reponsible for ejaculation and detumescence.

When you ejaculate, it is due to a sudden outpouring of stimulation of the sympathetic nerves to the pelvic area resulting in emission and unfortunatly detumescence.

Check it out guys, no need to have a big dick if you ain't gonna use it!!


I understand the sympathetic and parasympathetic interplay. But what specific effect does ejaculation itself have on hormonal levels and generally for what period of time? If my refractory time is, say, 20 minutes before another erection, does this suggest that I’ve restored a sufficient level of testosterone for that to happen?




The issue is NOT testosterone at all.

Although a certain amount of testosterone are necessary to allow erections to happen, the main determinant is which nerourotransmittor/hormone predominates in its effect on Henry.

When the sympathetic tone abates enough then a full erection is possible. Testosterone secretion from the testes after ejaculation is probably slightly depressed but this effect is not apparent for hours, not seconds or minutes, in any case it is not supressed enough to inhibit erections. I guess what I am saying is that post ejaculation detumescence is neurotransmittor related rather than “hormonal” related.

Check it out guys, no need to have a big dick if you ain't gonna use it!!

Thanks for the clarification! I appreciate that.



Couple of your exercises.

How do you bend and do a 2-way stretch?

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