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NBPEL and NBPFSL-same measurements?


NBPEL and NBPFSL-same measurements?

I notice that both of these are exactly the same measurements for me. Are they the same for you? I think taking NBPFSL measurments would be more accurate because many times I lose my full erection whenever I measure.

I have the same situation concerning NBPEL and NBPSFL. My measurements for both are really close, about the same, I would say.

I think the key would be to first work on increasing the NBPSFL, as it is usually a precursor to gains for NBPEL. Am I right with this one? Anyone else have this occurrence as well?

Of course the logical thing to do, I guess, would be to perform more stretches and increase the FSL.

By the way, what is your LOT? I experience LOT at 8:00.

I’m all the way down, my LOT is 6:00.

Increase the FSL, then jelq and improve the EL till it reaches your FSL? This sounds logical to me, what do you say?

Restarting everything.

Originally posted by mrCow

Increase the FSL, then jelq and improve the EL till it reaches your FSL? This sounds logical to me, what do you say?

Yes, just keep doing whatever your doing stretching, jelqing, or hanging and hopefully your EL will reach your FSL. For instance, my BPFSL is 8.5 which is 1.25 inch longer than my BPEL. I have a looong way to go for my BPEL to reach BPFSL.

Bump…Anyone else have the same nbpel to nbpfsl measurements?

Mine were the same when I started PE, now the are significantlly different. If I was making EL gains like I was making FSL gains, I’d be one happy man.

Oh, how I hope and pray that I will, but today I am still just a bill.

See this amazes me.

My NBPEL (or BPEL for that matter) is LONGER by a minimum of 3/4 of an inch than my NBPFSL!

I used to be more than that but has closed up a little now I’m hanging.

What do you make of that??

Doesn’t NBPFSL pull the base skin forward? I’ve never taken that measurement. BPFSL and BPEL are better for tracking progress.

Originally Posted by mrCow
Increase the FSL, then jelq and improve the EL till it reaches your FSL? This sounds logical to me, what do you say?

For most guys BPFSL runs longer than BPEL (typically by .5” or more), and for many the gap between BPFSL and BPEL widens somewhat over time.

However, BPEL can also temporarily lag behind BPFSL progress, especially if your dick is worn out from stretching or hanging. If you measure a BPFSL gain, jelqing or rest are sometimes needed before you get the equivalent BPEL gain - assuming it catches up at all.

Mine are the same also. I think I’ll start using BPFSL to track gains, because the hardness of an erection is so unpredictable. Where the flaccid stretched out dick would always be the same except when gains are made.

Thanks Mike
A very helpful thread.


2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

I’m going to bump this tread. I’d like to know if any other pe’ers have the same measurement. I think NBPFSL is a better way of tracking gains than NBPEL, because you can easily lose your 100% erection by the time you read a ruler. It takes just a few miliseconds to lose a complete erection. I usually measure NBPFSL sitting down on the edge of a bed or chair.

I used to have the same BPEL & BPFSL (just recently my BPFSL jumped to 8”, come on BPEL :D ). I know that isn’t exactly what you were asking but similar.

I seem to have noticed an increase in BPFSL before I gained BPEL.

I have no success with flaccid stretch measuring

hey, this is my first entry, and I’m just trying to figure out abbreviations. Can someone direct me to a description of all of the measurement abbreviations?

Thanks much,


Originally Posted by sparky4
hey, this is my first entry, and I’m just trying to figure out abbreviations. Can someone direct me to a description of all of the measurement abbreviations?

Thanks much,


I just has a flashback of a great day, way back in May of 2003.

Anyway, here you go: PE Glossary

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