Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

NBPEL and NBPFSL-same measurements?


I can’t even imagine how NBPEL and NBPFSL could be the same. Maybe it’s because of my girth. If I would stretch it that long it would be sooooo thin. Btw, in which state is your cock when you measure NBPFSL (my NBPFSL differs much depending erection level)?

Before PE: NBPEL 5.50" x EG 4.30"

Current: NBPEL 6.50" (BPEL 7.5") x EG 4.6" (head EG 5")

Goal: NBPEL 7.00" x EG 5.25"

My BPFSL runs about .25-.5 longer than my BPEL. As I make gains the gap closes up then widens again the more I hang. FSL seems to always run more than EL. I think this is a good way to measure progress and gains to come.


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