Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Help with Kegels please And general advice

Help with Kegels please And general advice

Hi gents,

I did PE about 8-10 years ago with great success. I added about 2cm in length and 1cm in girth over the course of about 3-4 months.

I just did jelqing and stretching. I ended up with a size of 19.5cm in length and 15cm girth in total.

I would like to start PEing again and get back to where I was when I did PE all those years ago. I am currently 31 years old. I am 6 foot 3 inches.

I currently measure 16.5cm BPEL / 13.5cm NBPEL and 14cm mid-shaft girth. The reason why my length is so poor at the moment is because I’m quite overweight - I have a decent sized belly.

I am going to start running soon and I am already lifting heavy weights in the gym. Done 2 weeks (6 workouts) of heavy compound exercises so far.

I eat a clean diet as well. So my belly should be gone soon and I can, hopefully, get at least 2-3cm back in length, once my love handles and belly is reduced.

I currently weigh 124kg, but am aiming for 95-100kg in the next 4-5 months. Lean, but strong! :) With a big dick hopefully :D

Anyway, I’m going to start off with 20 jelqs tonight, with a 2x warmup (Hot water and cloth), of course.

I would like to know, when do I need to start kegels, and what will be the benefit of kegels ? How many should I start with, and how much should I increase it by, and when should I increase it ?

Also, can I start PE, being a bit overweight, or should I wait till I’ve reduced my overall fat levels (I.E Maybe wait until I’ve got to 110kg ?).

I’m worried my girth won’t be in proportion once I’ve lost the weight and got my fat pad down, and got my extra 2-3cm length back. Should I worry, or can I start my jelqs and stretches now ?

I really want to start now. I’ve got everything I need and am all set up to start now.

Any advice would be very much appreciated.

Thank you,

Last edited by Zugger : 10-19-2020 at .

My plan of action with regards to my PE is as follows:

The number besides the jelqs (1,2,3,4,5 etc) is how many times I do that amount of Jelqs before I move up another 5 Jelqs. They are all separate workouts, so, for example, I’ll do 40 Jelqs on 5 different workouts before moving up to 45, for 6 different workouts.

20 Jelqs - 1
25 Jelqs - 2
30 Jelqs - 3
35 Jelqs - 4
40 Jelqs - 5 Here I start stretches - 2.5 minutes stretches
45 Jelqs - 6 Here I start 5 minute stretches.
Etc, etc

So as you can see, its a very slow and steady routine. I will eventually get to 10minutes stretches, but won’t do more than 10minutes stretches per workout.

I am going to do 2 days on 1 day off.

Please let me know what you think!


Hi Zugger. Your first bit of advice is to use the search function. Your questions have been asked and discussed many times. We are all happy to provide advice when someone asks, but we would like to know that someone took the time to seek the information on their own before asking.

I searched with advanced search, titles only, for “kegel”, and returned many threads on this. Please read through this plethora of info and then ask if you still have any questions.

Initial: 7” BPEL; 6” NBPEL; 5.25” - 5.5” MEG

Current: 7-7/8” BPEL; 7-3/8” NBPEL; 8.5” BPFSL; 6.5” MEG; 6”x5” Flaccid.

Goal: Improved/consistent EQ while managing ED. Secondary: maintain current stats.

I put together the following thread to help me and wanted to share it to help others.

Kegels take a lot of practice.

“Elevator Nuts 🥜 “ - Learning to Kegel

Starting (07/15/20): BPEL 6.5” BPFSL 6.5” MSEG 4.75” BEG 4.75” BPFL 4.5”

Current (10/27/20): BPEL 7.0” BPFSL 7.5” MSEG 5.0”+ BEG 5.25” BPFL 5.25-5.75”

Goal: BPEL 7.5” MSEG 5.5” BEG 6.0” BPFL 6.5”


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