Help with PE Protocol

Hi team!

I’ve been making slow and steady progress over the last 6 months. Started out with very poor EQ and with working on peripheral blood flow, increasing my over all fitness, Jelqs, and pumping with a bathmate I have seen noticeable improvements in both flaccid and erect size. Started at around 5.5 / 5.75 BPEL and now measuring 6/ 6.3 BPEL. Noticeable improvement in flaccid length and girth as well - which has really helped with self image.

I could use some assistance tightening up my protocol.

Currently I am doing 20 minute Jelq sessions with a minimum of 100 jelqs each hand, followed by 3 five minute sets of the bathmate (in the bath), between 4 - 6 times per week. Occasional stretches in the shower as well, but not on any set schedule.

I’d like to tighten this up as follows:

M: 20min Jelq / 15 minute Pump/ 5 minute stretch
T: 20min Jelq / 15 minute Pump/ 5 minute stretch
W: 20min Jelq
TH: 20min Jelq / 15 minute Pump/ 5 minute stretch
F: 20min Jelq / 15 minute Pump/ 5 minute stretch
S: Off
S: Off

Eventually I’d like to add traction with RestoreX device, but not for a few months.

Would be grateful for any feedback. I am coachable - so please feel free to let me know if I am on the right or wrong track here.

Also - I am really loving the pump I get after jelq/bathmate sessions. Is it possible that this could be a normal state after doing PE for a few years. That would be awesome!

Thanks for reading and commenting!

Start: June 2023: 5in nbpe and 5.5in bpe

Current: April 2024: 6in nbpe and 6.3in bpe

Goal: 7in