Thunder's Place

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Helping Brother And Hurting PE


Originally Posted by C.C. Deville
Just make sure he’s actively trying to get back on his feet.

I think this is whats making me question helping him. He is not trying to better himself.

Is he into drugs? I know times are probably pretty tough in the US even if he isnt but a drug habit can definitely cause extra struggle.

At birth I was given a choice between a good memory and a big dick, but I can't remember what I chose.

BeardedDragon - "I have definitive mathematical proof that PE works. But I can't send it to you because it's attached to me."

Originally Posted by Czepa
Is he into drugs? I know times are probably pretty tough in the US even if he isnt but a drug habit can definitely cause extra struggle.

Unfortunately yes. He’s on probation now. If he were showing signs of trying to better himself I wouldn’t be so hesitant. PE issues or not, I’d help.

I’m afraid he’s using again based on decisions he is making that seem irrational. I also have a history with drugs but am 30 years clean this January. Even after almost 30 years I still get nervous being near them. Also I know first hand how someone will hurt those around them when they’re actively using.

Karma might be the most responsive PE exercise you have tried to date. You may want to give it a try

Originally Posted by happi_g_more
Karma might be the most responsive PE exercise you have tried to date. You may want to give it a try

You really need to know the entire story before passing too much judgement. I try hard to be kind, caring and compassionate. Co-dependent though, I try to avoid. When you do for others what they can and should do for themselves you are only enabling…..

This is a tricky situation then, can I ask what drug mainly? I would still be taking him in if he was my brother. Bunking with friends isn’t so good unless you know that they are some if his better friends like ones who are clean that he knew from school etc. If they are associates from the world of drugs you need to get him to yours pronto.

At birth I was given a choice between a good memory and a big dick, but I can't remember what I chose.

BeardedDragon - "I have definitive mathematical proof that PE works. But I can't send it to you because it's attached to me."

Unfortunately it’s Meth. I am going to talk to him about it as soon as I get up the nerve. I really would like to help but from my personal experience until he’s ready for help it’s pointless. Honestly he may turn me down anyway as he is very uncomfortable around me when he’s using. He is sleeping on our mom’s couch right now so I know he’s at least safe and not hungry.

BTW Czepa your quote is hilarious :D

Originally Posted by wawawuh

I’m afraid he’s using again based on decisions he is making that seem irrational. I also have a history with drugs but am 30 years clean this January. Even after almost 30 years I still get nervous being near them. Also I know first hand how someone will hurt those around them when they’re actively using.

Aha, now it makes more sense and I can understand your hesitation.

short (no pun intended) routine

I came across this thread yesterday and found it very interesting and maybe a good answer to the comment in my original post regarding short routines that might help maintain or even give gains with limited time and privacy:

Gains From Multiple Short PE Sessions Throughout Day?

I’m going to read through the links found in above thread to see what others have done with limited time and still made progress.

I know from experience albeit not much, that meth is not something that can be maintained as a habitual do it on the weekend only type of thing, its highly addictive and it becomes your life, and I know you probably don’t want drugs in your house. If he does stay with you definitely set some ground rules. I think you should ask him questions about his drug use but not prying (like: “how does it make you feel” “what do you feel like when you can’t get”) and tell him about what you went through and why you are happier without junk. Anyway, if he comes around to quitting you should look into stuff that counters withdrawals short of taking more meth and how to supplement serotonin. If you want a permanent solution and your bro is committed id recommend a iboga/ibogaine treatment/ritual. (Pm me if you want more info on this, ill do anything to help)

But at the end of the day he’s your brother and you will know whats the best to do for him.

Originally Posted by wawawuh
BTW Czepa your quote is hilarious :D

Thanks :p

At birth I was given a choice between a good memory and a big dick, but I can't remember what I chose.

BeardedDragon - "I have definitive mathematical proof that PE works. But I can't send it to you because it's attached to me."

Last edited by Czepa : 11-14-2013 at .

Blood is thicker than penis.

Start: April 2012 BPEL 5¼" x EG 4¾"----> July 2012 BPEL 5¾" x EG 4⅞"

First goal: 6"x5"

Long Term Goal: 8"x5¾"

Originally Posted by wawawuh
You really need to know the entire story before passing too much judgement. I try hard to be kind, caring and compassionate. Co-dependent though, I try to avoid. When you do for others what they can and should do for themselves you are only enabling..

Sorry, not trying to pass judgement. Just meant that sometimes doing the right things leads to positive things in your life

Originally Posted by happi_g_more
Sorry, not trying to pass judgement. Just meant that sometimes doing the right things leads to positive things in your life

100% agreed and I have a LOT of catching up to do…..


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