Thunder's Place

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Hey everyone, concerns with injuries and long term problems with jelqing


Hey everyone, concerns with injuries and long term problems with jelqing

Hi, I am new to this forum and am very impressed with the quality and depth of info. I started out on a pay-site and I had been PEing for about one month before I injured myself. It resulted in severe ball soreness for a week and a few days almost uninterrupted. Also it felt as if there was a cut on my shaft and it was really painful to the touch.I put polysporin (antibiotic cream) on it, seems to be ok but still soreness. The day of injury I did 200-300 PC (or BC) flexes held for 3s sets of 25 throughout day, 40 wet jelqs fully erect, 40 horizontal movement, (reverse jelqs) 15 stretches each straight out, pulling to left and right, sit down stretch (BTC? Trying to sit down on the head of your penis so that it is partially under you) for 40seconds
1) Was this over-exertion?
2) How do I heal this problem?

Also, after this injury I did more research on potential problematic effects of long term PE.
I found lots of info:
" Another method widely promoted as both “natural” and “ancient” is called “jelqing” and involves stroking the penis. Proponents say you can gain up to four inches in length with this technique, but urologists attribute any change in size to swelling caused by bleeding under the skin triggered by the prescribed jelqing “exercise”. Urologists also warn that in time, this technique could cause formation of scar tissue in the penis, which could interfere with the ability to get an erection."

"Caution: Jelqing is inherently dangerous, and even if done correctly can cause injuries, from irritated skin and burst blood vessels to scarring and impaired penile function, including partial loss of erectile function and inability to maintain an erection. It should not be attempted by anyone without a complete understanding of the risks involved. There have been warnings that one possible cause of the growth is the presence of scar tissue caused by the exercise, which may harm penile function."
http://en.wikip … Jelqing#Jelqing

All of these people PEing cannot be wrong! Help me out!
Thanks, sorry for long post.

Hi Mike,

Wikipedia is supposed to be governed by a Neutral Point of View ethic. To my mind that is being abused by the phrase “Jelqing is inherently dangerous”. That must be a recent edit, it didn’t say that before. You will note that the article currently has a caution at the top, saying that it does not state it’s sources.

Penis enlargement through methods like jelqing has several factors which guide the misapprehension that it’s either dangerous or doesn’t work. No one can get rich from a method that doesn’t involve paying people money, therefore there is no advantage in research other than on a purely academic basis and there is a positive advantage for those getting rich from surgical methods and other even less wholesome techniques in actively rubbishing the techniques you will find discussed here.

From a wikipedia point of view, no research means no basis in fact and therefore no reason for an entry. Over the years various Internet based small scale research has been attempted but none would stand up to scrutiny either in technique or interpretation. There has to my knowledge been one small scale research project done on pumping but even this was done with such a small sample size and with no ongoing data collection that it provided no sensible or usable data.

For the Dr. Weil thing, the same thing applies, unless there is research into Jelqing you will not find a urologist worth his salt who will publicly support the technique.

In the absence of true research, we have attempts at research here like the PE data site and Remek’s survey. Beyond that we have the experience of the members who post here. When you look at the posts as a whole they indicate that PE is possible and that it is fairly (though not entirely) safe but as a data source it is both self selecting and prone to distortion (just like wikipedia).

My personal experience shows me that it is both safe and possible but you really need to work that out for yourself.

I would recommend that you spend a lot of time reading before you restart your program, this will minimise your risks of injury. I would also recommend that you don’t consider buying any equipment, despite the reviews you read here. You may need to buy lube :)

My experience with equipment was that all of it was effectively useless to me and none of it can be credited with any gains.

>The day of injury I did 200-300 PC (or BC) flexes held for 3s sets of 25 throughout day, 40 wet jelqs fully erect, 40 horizontal movement, (reverse jelqs) 15 stretches each straight out, pulling to left and right, sit down stretch (BTC? Trying to sit down on the head of your penis so that it is partially under you) for 40seconds
1) Was this over-exertion?
2) How do I heal this problem?<

Don’t jelq fully erect. Don’t reverse jelq. If you are not healing consider seeing a urologist.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

I am currently suffering from an extremely serious injury that I can attribute to nothing other than PE. I have basically lost nearly all my erectile function for the past six weeks. I have communicated with others who have had the same situation. I honestly don`t know if I will ever be back to normal. And if I ever do heal, it will probably take a long time. Sure, I know such an injury is rare but it is possible. Please understand the risks involved if you decide to continue with PE. I know I am an exception, but I am not alone—others have had long-term erectile dysfunction from PE.

What were you doing exactly? Were you jelqing to hard?

Originally Posted by jtmorgan10
I am currently suffering from an extremely serious injury that I can attribute to nothing other than PE. I have basically lost nearly all my erectile function for the past six weeks. I have communicated with others who have had the same situation. I honestly don`t know if I will ever be back to normal. And if I ever do heal, it will probably take a long time. Sure, I know such an injury is rare but it is possible. Please understand the risks involved if you decide to continue with PE. I know I am an exception, but I am not alone—others have had long-term erectile dysfunction from PE.

Damn that sounds terrible. It seems like there are a lot of people who injure themselves and that no one fully understands the consequences of PE. However, I am reluctant to give up on it, and I attribute my injury to doing the exercises fully erect, which is incorrect.

I have no idea of the validity of this, but give it a shot, it may help.

Vitamin K Bruise Cream

PE has risks anybody saying other wise is full of crap. But I have more of a chance of hurting myself at the gym especially if I was to go up to the squat rack and load that bad boy up to the max and proceed to squat.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

I will admit I have found out I’ve done somethings wrong (scary) from my first 2 PE workouts, from this forum. I continually read it even know it takes me hours too!

It’s so full of information, but I have learned more things on reducing the danger of certain PE’s workouts such as Jelq, like not to do it fully erect. The first time I did it, it resulted in some red spots from veins or whatever that was opening up and whatnot, and I noticed afterwards my inner thighs were weak, I knew right then I did something wrong. So I read up on it more, and the second Jelq session was much better with no spots. I probably should of read a bit more before actually trying, and I have learned my lesson to read up on everything before trying it now.

Re-Start 3.10.2011 - BPEL: 6.750" EG: 4.5" | Current 7.3.2011 - BPEL: 7.250" EG: 4.625" | Just made my first 1/2"!

My PE log - My Picture log

Is there anyone on this forum who has permentantly been injured by their PE routines? As in diagnosed by a doctor?

This is excluding thrombosed veins and discoloration.

Originally Posted by Dino9X7
PE has risks anybody saying other wise is full of crap. But I have more of a chance of hurting myself at the gym especially if I was to go up to the squat rack and load that bad boy up to the max and proceed to squat.

To all idiots….that means work your way up.

Did you know America ranks the lowest in education but the highest in drug use? It's nice to be number one, but we can fix that. All we need to do is start the war on education. If it's anywhere near as successful as our war on drugs, in no time we'll all be hooked on phonics

- Leighann Lord

Yeah, I was watching the Discovery health channel and for some reason I was comparing the “dangers of PE” to Driving a Car. Just like how they compare that flying in planes is safer than driving a car. I came to the conclusion that PE is on part with driving a car? LOL

Than again, you don’t get killed doing PE at least I never heard of anything like that lol.

Maybe I should rethink this.

Re-Start 3.10.2011 - BPEL: 6.750" EG: 4.5" | Current 7.3.2011 - BPEL: 7.250" EG: 4.625" | Just made my first 1/2"!

My PE log - My Picture log

weed fucks with your head


Did you know America ranks the lowest in education but the highest in drug use? It's nice to be number one, but we can fix that. All we need to do is start the war on education. If it's anywhere near as successful as our war on drugs, in no time we'll all be hooked on phonics

- Leighann Lord

Yes Weed also makes your wee wee smaller!!

JK, actually I don’t know. Haha.

Few more posts than I’m off to bed, I can’t believe I spent like probably a good 5-6 hours on this forum today.

Re-Start 3.10.2011 - BPEL: 6.750" EG: 4.5" | Current 7.3.2011 - BPEL: 7.250" EG: 4.625" | Just made my first 1/2"!

My PE log - My Picture log

I think that jelqing is like fitness, but for the penis. As long as you do not over do it, and take breaks from time to time(I`m not sure about this), you will have great benefits. That is what I think.

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