Hey I'm new here and would love some advice.
I’m 7 inches length 18 cms and 7.5 inches bpel 19 cms. I started with 4.75 inches of girth which is 4 and 6/8ths inches and increased to 4 and 7/8ths of girth in two weeks. I did this with 300 squeeze base jelqs alternating squeezing and jelqing hands. Should I continue with this till gains stop? Is that a good gain? Is that considered a quick gain? I am so happy that it worked. Do you think I can gain lets say 5.5 mseg or 5.75 mseg. Is it common that someone gains an inch in girth. I just got a bathmate and I’m wondering how to incorporate it into a routine effectively. Any advice would be appreciated and my username says it all I’m Here2Gain, and nice to meet yah. Thanks for any replys and advice.