Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Hey I'm new here and would love some advice.


Hey I'm new here and would love some advice.

I’m 7 inches length 18 cms and 7.5 inches bpel 19 cms. I started with 4.75 inches of girth which is 4 and 6/8ths inches and increased to 4 and 7/8ths of girth in two weeks. I did this with 300 squeeze base jelqs alternating squeezing and jelqing hands. Should I continue with this till gains stop? Is that a good gain? Is that considered a quick gain? I am so happy that it worked. Do you think I can gain lets say 5.5 mseg or 5.75 mseg. Is it common that someone gains an inch in girth. I just got a bathmate and I’m wondering how to incorporate it into a routine effectively. Any advice would be appreciated and my username says it all I’m Here2Gain, and nice to meet yah. Thanks for any replys and advice.

Hi dude I’m glad for you and your gains but don’t rush and don’t forget about rest, and inch girth I would say it’s a lot harder than an inch length but if you keep the good work I think it’s achievable and your routine seems just fine, what about the stretches are you doing any? I can say you are aiming for a thickness as you are already big in length but I guess if you work of length too you might end getting few measures on girth, good luck and good gains

Start BPEL 5.5 EG 5.2 09-20-2011

GOAL 7x6 - on a 5'5 guy it will look huge

Yeah I am aiming for girth I’m sure I could gain length too, I use my extender on occasion to increase hardness and more frequent erections but I have never combined it with a manual stretching routine because I’m satisfied with my length if I do go for length I’m sure it would be easily obtainable to reach 7.5 inches nbel. I will stretch with the bathmate as I have been reading alot over at MOS. So I guess it’s just stick with the routine and see what happens. I’m aiming for girth because that’s the only thing I’m insecure about. All my old friends have 5.5 eg or more and that’s weird that they are all above average and some are even close to 7 inches eg, it drove me crazy that they all have girlfriends and whenever I would get involved with a girl she would break up with me after sex and a week later I would see her with one of my friends or somebody I know and they are so happy together. This girth thing is driving me crazy. Idk what too do. It seems so weird to know that they have my girth flaccid hanging in there pants and they know my size because some girls have told them about me and it’s too much for me to handle. It’s sad when girls lose interest in me because of my girth and it seems like everybody starts there. So many messed up things have ran through my mind and idk what to do anymore. I guess no friends equals more time for PE. What do you think about this?

Sounds like you did not start with the newbie routine.

Current (Sept 15, 2011) BPEL - 7.6 MSEG - 5.8

Goal 8 x 6 (preferably NBPEL)

Yes, continue until gains stop. 1/8” girth in two weeks is excellent, congrats.

Jelq my boy, jelq like the wind.

Some guys get newbie gains, some don”t. Many guys spend months or even years getting things dialed in just right before they gain. If you are gaining and not getting hurt don’t change a thing.

Running a Massive Co-Front.

Originally Posted by ddolphin

Sounds like you did not start with the newbie routine.

Nope I have known about PE for awhile and havent commited myself to it, so I started with basic jelqing and didn’t gain shit and realized I have to expand my penis more then it is when fully erect while jelqing at the same to expand more. Basic jelqing just wasn’t doing it for me.

Originally Posted by Klayton

Yes, continue until gains stop. 1/8” girth in two weeks is excellent, congrats.

Yes I do plan on it. Thank you sir. May I ask what your girth gains have been?

Originally Posted by iamaru

Some guys get newbie gains, some don”t. Many guys spend months or even years getting things dialed in just right before they gain. If you are gaining and not getting hurt don’t change a thing.

Wow what were they thinking, years without gains, I would stop what I’m doing or change my routine up way before that. And yes I’m not getting hurt and my EQ is good. I’m overwhelmed with all the techniques, I’m always wondering if I should add soemthing to my routine? I’m aiming for at least 5.5 mseg to 5.75 mseg. If other people have done it then I can do it. Whats everyones thoughts on gaining girth I want to gain as much as physically possible? What do you think is possible to gain?

Sounds like your doing fine on progress, I gained over an inch in girth and length in my first year, so yes it can be done but everyone is different. Find a plan that you can stick with and be faithful to staying the course and you will see long term gains.

CWCLARK; Begin_11.11.2010: BPEL=6.5; BEG=5.2

Current: BPEL=7.87(20.00cm); BEG= 6.06(15.39cm): MSEG=5.75(14.61cm). Volume=20.9 (53% increase)

GOAL: BPEL=8.0; BEG= 6.5: MSEG=6.0

Originally Posted by cwclark

Sounds like your doing fine on progress, I gained over an inch in girth and length in my first year, so yes it can be done but everyone is different. Find a plan that you can stick with and be faithful to staying the course and you will see long term gains.

Wow man I’m glad that you gained so well. Congrats. Your gains are inspiring. Thanks for the advice man. What would you say was responsible for your girth gains? What was your starting mseg?

Nice im just starting and this is truly inspiring :D so lets PE!!

Primera meta 22x16.5 en ereccion y crecer algo en en flacidez ... :D

Originally Posted by shotta09

Nice I’m just starting and this is truly inspiring :D so lets PE!!

Yes keep a positive attitude and stay consistent. PE rules

Hey everyone, does anybody who has gained a half inch of girth or more have any pointers for me. My current routine is 400 Squeeze Base Jelqs, I do 2 minute horse squeezes between 5-10 per session. My EQ in the morning is great and my penis is more sensitive than before, I can edge forever and sometimes that takes away from my routine, I’m trying to teach myself some self discipline and get my routine done before edging, My rouitne without excessive edging last about 40-45 minutes. Is that enought time to see results? My penis can handle almost anything and still have good EQ, I have a bathmate and wondering if I should wait to incorporate that in my routine, I don’t see how it could bring gains faster,maybe it could maybe it could. DLD at matters of size seems to think so. But in my experience, my EQ is much better without it, I want the best results with a routine as simple as possible. I gained with what I have been doing with less reps, and no horse squeezes so we will see what this routine brings me, if two weeks comes around and there is no results then I’ll re evaluate.

Ok well no advice right now thats cool. I will go get my routine done and be back on later.


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