Jonathan, glad you’ve decided to give natural PE a chance. I started about 6 weeks ago with 6” x 5” (BPEL, midshaft girth). This morning I measured 2/5” (1 cm) gains in erected length. I know my girth also tremendously gained but I don’t happen to find my measuring tape. In a nutshell, this crap truly works !!
I can truly second what stubtoe said: Take it easy in the beginning. I think I overdid it a little in the beginning, feeling all soar and stuff like that. So I cut back on my routine which I think helped me produce my gains. I am currently doing a small variation of the newbie routine with stretching, 400 jelqs and a couple of low intensity squeezes. That really gives me a good work out, just try it.
Besides just gaining, I have steel erections. And I bet, the guy you saw with that 9” something boner can’t match my hardness (and yours in the future). And you will also experience that - after the first few weeks. Morning wood turns into morning steel. So, better pick-up a welding torch at home depot the next time you’ll get there just to get you’re morning steel cut down before you go to work. :-) ))
Furthermore, my girl asks me recently that she feels a little soar after big time and she wonders what the hell I’m doing differently. I’m not doing anything different - f***, I’m just growing !!
Just be persistent with your routine - take it slow in the beginning and ramp-up gradually. Don’t take measurements everyday, I have done my first measurement after 6 weeks !! And yeah, kind of liked the results !!
The guys here really do a tremendous job in supporting you along the way, advice is always available.
I wish you all the best for your PE efforts, hope you grow a 10” x 7 in the next 1 or 2 years and give your Mrs. The multi orgasm experience and have her screaming that you’re “soooooooo big” !!
Just imagine her screaming “Damn, Honey, you’re soooo big, I’m afraid my eyeballs are going to pop-out whenever you stick “Big Mr. Jonathan” in”.Yeah !!