Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Hi I am the 'NEW' one

View Poll Results:

what leads a woman to ultimate sexual satisfaction?



size (lenghth & girth)


making up after a good scrap


passion & love

Total Votes: 42. You may not vote on this poll

Hi I am the 'NEW' one

Hi Everyone! I have decided to become a member here to share my views and experiences! I am a sexy insatiable beautiful woman! Ask me anything!

I am here to say, that I have determined my sexual demeanor has more to do with satisfaction level, rather than size!

Hi the Bomb

Welcome aboard. Nice to have another female point of view in the forum.

I’ve never known a beautiful women that knew how to set up a poll in a forum…. man alert!!

In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king.

double post…

In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king.

So Pud,

Is something affecting your posting skills? :)

You left out wallet size.

Originally Posted by gprent
So Pud,

Is something affecting your posting skills? :)

I guess, Im not a beautiful women but I am blonde…

In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king.

Welcome Bombalicia!

Its always a pleasure to have another woman in this forum.

Originally Posted by Bombalicia

Hi Everyone! I have decided to become a member here to share my views and experiences! I am a sexy insatiable beautiful woman! Ask me anything!

I am here to say, that I have determined my sexual demeanor has more to do with satisfaction level, rather than size!

Hi Bomb, nice to meet you. I am also new. I am positive I will be asking for your opinion at some point. Thanks in advance.

WHy would you come here?

Did you know America ranks the lowest in education but the highest in drug use? It's nice to be number one, but we can fix that. All we need to do is start the war on education. If it's anywhere near as successful as our war on drugs, in no time we'll all be hooked on phonics

- Leighann Lord

Thanks for your warm welcomes.I am a woman but am very in tune with my masculine side! Open!

As for wallet size.ah, no.there are very proud independent women out here! Transcend.sorry you haven’t had the experience to have one change your perspective! And.why not come here?! Seems to be many interesting peeps here!

Originally Posted by Bombalicia
Thanks for your warm welcomes.I am a woman but am very in tune with my masculine side! Open!
As for wallet size.ah, no.there are very proud independent women out here! Transcend.sorry you haven’t had the experience to have one change your perspective! And.why not come here?! Seems to be many interesting peeps here!

Welcome BB! It is unlike that my perspective or the truth of what sexually best satisfies a women most will change. However, to not acknowledge that one of the main reasons women seek men (for sex or other reasons) is for security - especially financial security. Sex is just lure women use to obtain security and it seems only logical that financial status (wallet size) of a potential mate (man) would enhance a women’s sexual satisfaction.

The truth!Is ..

If a man can completely satisfy, play and get deeply into a woman’s body.(psyche via sex.).mind& soul.all is tightly locked sealed and secure!That doesn’t take a dime. This pertains to my personality/intellectual type.

Depending on many the type of person you are dealing with.

Perhaps BB you are the exception (and perhaps a few others like yourself). However, will you acknowledge that if the entire female demographic were to polled that a man’s financial fitness would be found to be an essential attribute of a women’s sexual and overall satisfaction.

It is not my objective to be argumentative. But, how else would you explain that so many beautiful women end up with very average looking guys (or just plain fat old guys) who just happen to be financially successful?

I don’t mean to be a buzzkill, but I thought I’d help you out before the boss steps in.

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