Thunder's Place

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High EQ is a BAD thing?


I’m not afraid to do hanging because of its perceived intensity.

I’m afraid it will further strengthen my dick. Something that I obviously DON’T need since I already have the quadruple iron-plated tunica.

Don’t want to throw another sheet of metal on it ;)

Hanging is the only thing that is gonna pull that fucker out. Realize you aren’t gaining anything now, so technically your PE methods right now are pointless. Time to change it up.

:( I really wish I could look at it from your perspective and I really do appreciate your words of advice.

But right now, the thought of hanging only registers as this: If I hang for 5 months and see no gains from it, then it will be a safe assumption at that point that I am going to be fucked for a long long time. I’ll need to decondition for years to clear away the stronghold hanging put on my dick. It’s like my dick has 8 corps of reserved forces ready to be deployed as soon as the enemy throws more troops in the field.

It’s not exactly the best attitude to have - assuming something will not work before you even attempt it, but we are creatures of habit and my PE adventures thus far have lead me to only one definitive conclusion: I haven’t gained.

With that being said, I am confident that hanging would be a failure for me. I have done manual stretching for very long sessions concentrating down especially. Hanging basically IS stretching. IN fact, I think stretching with enough force is more intense than hanging. And stretching never worked for me.

There is simply no way you can produce the force using manual stretching that you can while hanging, or sustain it for necessary times. Furthermore, and maybe most importantly, you cannot apply a powerful heat source like an IR lamp to you dick while doing manual exercises.

I gained nothing in length and it didn’t feel like I ever would until I combined hanging with IR heat, since then I gained quite rapidly.

You should look at it the other way. Stretching basically IS hanging, except you don’t need to use your hands. If you haven’t gained using manual stretches by now, YOU AREN’T GOING TO. You obviously have a mental block that is preventing you from trying it. You’re gonna have to let go of it. Goodluck :)

Damn, this is not really where I wanted this thread to go. I wanted to discuss EQ moreso than methods of yielding gains because everyone is automatically going to direct me towards what produced gains for them. And so far, I could go down about 18 paths with the advice given in this thread so far, which IS greatly appreciate. I really just wanted to get opinions on how a high EQ can prevent gains.

I probably should have never mentioned that I haven’t gained yet but some of you probably already knew. I might be the only active Thunders member who hasn’t :)

I think there is nothing wrong with a high EQ in the perspective of gaining. For this part you should be thankful imho. :)

Gator , I’m going to chime in here , because in my mind , you are on to what you need to do to gain .
You have stated that you’re not very consistent .This has been my lack too .
I’m wondering if you have an IR lamp and use it for heating ?
Just a thought , you may be doing this already ,if you are consistent and re-heat repeatedly ,might that
over come that pesky tunica ?
In my mind , I’d rather use my hands to alter myself . Perhaps this is like everything else ,we just have to
find the sweet spot where gains are .

“I’m afraid it will further strengthen my dick. Something that I obviously DON’T need since I already have the quadruple iron-plated tunica.”

“But right now, the thought of hanging only registers as this: If I hang for 5 months and see no gains from it, then it will be a safe assumption at that point that I am going to be fucked for a long long time. I’ll need to decondition for years to clear away the stronghold hanging put on my dick. It’s like my dick has 8 corps of reserved forces ready to be deployed as soon as the enemy throws more troops in the field.”

I’d try my best to do this without anything else . What you write above is true .
My 2 cents .

Start Sept. 09 BPEL 5.5"

Now Jan. 14 BPEL 6.6" Goal 7.5 "x 6"

Improving my Best Friend in 3 Dimensions.

I’ve said this in previous threads, however: i’ve previously given myself an artificially high EQ by pumping, even though I was over jelqing, which lead to a whole load of confusion on my behalf until I pinpointed the problem.

I don’t believe that a high EQ really indicates much, apart from that your smooth muscle isn’t being stressed by the exercises you’re performing.

I know you don’t want advice on how to gain but… HEAT HEAT HEAT and more heat. I’ve heard so many people reiterate the point: “All heat does is help you recover faster” that is a total fallacy. In a study observing the deformation of Rat’s tails, high temperatures allowed greater elongation in a given time period, with less force and subsequently less damage; infact it was termed: “significantly less damage”

When doing girth work I follow some fairly simple rules: I believe that stretching my unit, using fulcrum bends to place greater pressure on my tunica, allows for a temporary “thinning” and destabalising effect of the collagen/tunica components, I then quickly follow my stretching (done with an ADS but with high intensity for 10 minutes) with girth work, taking advantage of the deformation caused by the ADS.

I would be trying high erection level wet Jelqs, combined with O-bends, instead of increasing the repetitions i’d be increasing the strength of your grip + throwing in more O-bends until you finally manage to fatigue your unit into ED for a short period. Rest days are important :)

Did you have a high EQ before you started PE and it’s just gotten higher?

It may be that you have an especially tough tunica and all you’re efforts have increased the soft muscle tissue in your penis and it’s blood flow and veinage thereby increasing your EQ to a very high point, so you have rock hard erections. The rock hard erections may indeed be indicative that you’re tunica is super resilient to stretching so instead of growing, your penis will just get more solid.

To a large extent I find this to be the case with me. The only solutions I can think of are the ones I’ve already mentioned. Out of interest, do you have an upward curve?

EQ has always been high. Did PE make it higher? I’m not sure. I’m inclined to believe that it didn’t, but it’s tough to say with any certainty because I didn’t have any understanding of what EQ was before I found PE. Before PE it was a simple thing: I can get it up, good deal. As far as morning wood, erection frequency, bounce-back ability — I don’t think PE has made any of these more prevelant. Basically, I can’t really find anything that I have gotten from PE besides some tenacity and knowledge. I do understand my dick a lot better.

If I have an upward curve, it’s VERY minimal. So, basically no. My erection angle is pretty high though.

Tweaking, I’m going to send you a PM.

OH…And no, I have never used IR heat. Aren’t those lamps REALLY expensive?

Originally Posted by Tweaking
Did you have a high EQ before you started PE and it’s just gotten higher?

It may be that you have an especially tough tunica and all you’re efforts have increased the soft muscle tissue in your penis and it’s blood flow and veinage thereby increasing your EQ to a very high point, so you have rock hard erections. The rock hard erections may indeed be indicative that you’re tunica is super resilient to stretching so instead of growing, your penis will just get more solid.

To a large extent I find this to be the case with me. The only solutions I can think of are the ones I’ve already mentioned. Out of interest, do you have an upward curve?

You’re absolutely right, look up the TCG theory, or was it TGC? Either or, Remek and Iguana came up with it, and it works.

In my opinion, there is no way that high EQ could ever halt gains. I knew a guy on here who got hard so easily he HAD to hang erect. I know his pain as when I attach my bib now, I sometimes get half hard and it sucks. But guess what? The guy gained, a lot.

Bib is a great guy to talk to and so is Saiyan22. They both make a very valid point. “ANY tissue under the correct amount of stress for the correct amount of time will deform.” Meaning lengthen or get thicker in our case.

Originally Posted by Pillars
Not true.

Well they say something about it’s harder to stretch a thicker rubber band. Which means the bigger your tunica(Girth) the harder it is to stretch it out and the more penis there is to grow so theoretically it’s easier to gain length with a smaller girth. I’m hoping that the only upside to a smaller base girth is the easier growth through ligament stretching.

Originally Posted by UFGator

OH…And no, I have never used IR heat. Aren’t those lamps REALLY expensive?

Hey Gator , You can get a 250 watt IR bulb and a 10 1/2” Brooder lamp with porcelain socket ,at Target’ .

$ 20.00 .Good deal . I love mine .

Start Sept. 09 BPEL 5.5"

Now Jan. 14 BPEL 6.6" Goal 7.5 "x 6"

Improving my Best Friend in 3 Dimensions.


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