Hit the 1" gain mark, appreciate some advice
Thanks to T and vets, I’ve been fortunate to hit 1” gain in four months (FSL). My PE exercises have consisted of: four days a week (M, T, T, F) performing two twenty five minute manual stretch routines per day and 4 to 7 hours per day wearing a home made ADS (except when I can’t fit it in, I.e. Company at the house). This has gained me about 1/4 inch per month (6” FSL to 7”). My EG started at 5.5” and has remained there (except for a weird 1/4” drop last month, so I started Jelqing twice a week which brought it back to 5.5” EG).
I have fixed on length exercises so far based on suggestion to go long before you go wide. I read an interesting thread by Big Girtha that suggested you might want at some point to mix L and G instead of waiting till you hit your length goals (mine is 8.5”). Would appreciate any opinions on a few strategies to achieve my length goal and my .75” girth gain to 6.25”. Here are three approaches I’m considering:
1. Continue with just the manual stretch (MS) routines (and twice weekly jelqing session) till I hit 8.5” goal then add in clamping; OR
2. Continue MS routines till I plateau (I’m sure these are newbie gains and will slow down soon), then break for deconditioning. Return after one month off by continuing with MS but add two 10 minute clamping sessions once a week (e.g., 2 sessions per week month 1, 4 sessions per week month 2, etc); OR
3. Start clamping once a week now (while continuing manual stretches) adding two new 10 minute clamp session per week each month till I plateau. Then decondition one month and continue MS and clamping.
I’m leaning toward option 3 myself but any thoughts/comments would be appreciated.
Last edited by wowfactor : 04-25-2007 at .