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Estimating gain potential per "hour" of LOT

Estimating gain potential per "hour" of LOT

I’ve gained a solid 3.5” of BPEL during my PE career. I started before the LOT theory was conceptualized, so like many I can only speculate as to my starting LOT. If I had to guesstimate, based on what I remember of my pre-pe erection angle and hang in general, I suspect it was around 10 o’clock.

Bib stated before that he suspects his LOT was high as well, and probably 50% of his gains were from LOT lowering to 7 o’clock. I suspect the same. So, using my gains as an example (which were less than Bib’s, but hey, I’m not done yet :) ), I developed the following hypothesis:

3.5” total BPEL gain x 50% (half gains from lowered LOT) = 1.75” of BPEL gain from lig stretch and “inner” penis expression.

Starting LOT of 10 o’clock, “ending” LOT of 7:30 o’clock, total number of “hours” LOT changed- 10-7.5= 2.5 hours of LOT.

1.75” BPEL gain from LOT divided by 2.5 hours of LOT= .7” of gain per hour of LOT change. Bib gained more (I think around 5”?) with a similar LOT change, so perhaps my estimations are conservative. Using 5” total gain gives you 1” for each hour of LOT decrease.

So, with my LOT now closer to 8:30, theoretically I could gain .7” by hitting my ligs and lowering it back to 7:30. Keep hitting ligs to 6:30, and I could gain 1.4”, again, theoretically. That would put me just at 10” BPEL.

On paper, this looks phenomenal. I’d like input on to why this theory is flawed, perhaps the potential for gain per hour of LOT decrease lessons the lower your LOT gets, I don’t know.

Has anyone lowered their LOT substantially and not had good gains?

Twatteaser: the man, the myth, and the legend in his own mind.

Any thoughts on this?

Twatteaser: the man, the myth, and the legend in his own mind.

My head hurts thinking about all those calculations, but one thing that would concern me is whether the individual spent time hanging for tunica or just ligaments.

If time was spent on tunica it seems that your theory would not be accurate.

With ligaments I could see the logic of your theory working. As for approximating the precise mathematical formula I don’t think I can help you :(



Interesting formula and theory. Wish I could help, but my LOT is really hard to move. I’ve been exclusively hitting the ligs for the last 4 months and my lot has changed maybe 1/2 an hour. And even worse, I haven’t made any gains. This plateau is really frustrating. I’m going to continue working the ligs for the rest of this year and see if it moves. I only want another 1/2” length, so according to your theory, I only need to change my LOT by an hour. I’m currently at 9:30 and if I get to 8:30, then I’ll measure and let you know what happened.

I'm hung like Einstein and smart as a horse.

I think that we need to gather information from about 200 people who have measured this and then find the average.

If time was spent on tunica it seems that your theory would not be accurate.

I ignored 50% of the gains as coming from tunica stretching.

I started hitting BTC today, currently only manual stretching, will hit it with weights on Monday. However, I’m getting a good stretch manually, which is all I ever used for the majority of my gains, so who knows…

Will see what happens.

Twatteaser: the man, the myth, and the legend in his own mind.

I guessed at .25” per half hour of LOT, so .5” her hour, based on the LOT experiment and other reports around that time. Also, my LOT raised by a half hour after gaining .25” from tunica stretching.

The thing to do, RB, is to start a thread asking for people who knew their LOT before making any gains and asking them to re-test it, and also for people who have seen LOT changes without gains, of which I have seen a few reports. Then make a graph or some shit for the hell of it.


You’re saying you can make lig gains with a LOT of 8? I was under the impression that after 8, you should go with tunica hanging?

One other thing - my erection angle is close to 11. Does that mean I have some gains left in the ligs?



Originally Posted by mm

You’re saying you can make lig gains with a LOT of 8? I was under the impression that after 8, you should go with tunica hanging?

For maximum inner tunica expression, you need to go all the way down to 6 o’clock, I believe. This is where DLD was at.

One other thing - my erection angle is close to 11. Does that mean I have some gains left in the ligs?

As for a high erection angle I think it means you are getting maximal inner tunica expression during your erections. As the CCs and CS engorge, they expand but only to the limit the ligs will allow them to. The more they expand against this limit, the higher the erection angle. DLD reported a very high erection angle with the lowest of LOTs I’ve seen reported, but he took/takes(?) viagra, giving him maximum inner tunica engorgement/expression.

As for more length to gain from lig stretching, I would suspect so. Hit BTC for awhile and monitor LOT and gains.



You’re welcome, just my wild ass guesstimates :)

Twatteaser: the man, the myth, and the legend in his own mind.

I’m gonna start hangin’ when I return from a trip to France,my LOT’s 10 o’clock


Very interesting post with regards erection angle. Do you know that to be fact or are you just hypothesising?

It does make perfect sense to me though.

I think I’ll have to do some searching on this one because it really interests me.

Andrew, personal observation and hypothesis.

I’ve noticed my erection angle was about 9 when My LOT was lowest. Now it’s about 10:30 or a bit higher. Both instances assuming a maximally pumped erection.

Twatteaser: the man, the myth, and the legend in his own mind.

Thanks RB.

I’m going to do some searching on this to see if I can find out for sure.

BigKnob, how are you attacking your ligs?

Up until the last 2 months or so, all my PE was manual. My dick was too short or I was too inflexible/fat or some combination thereof to do BTC stretching. As such, I spent a lot of time stretching straight down, slightly hunched over in a sitting position. I went gainless for some time. When LOT theory hit and I checked, golly gee, I was concentrating all my downward lig stretching at my LOT, engaging all tissues of my penis in there resistant to stretch glory. It was that point where I started tunica stretching, and have been for the past 6 months or so, with two of those hanging. In that time, my LOT’s raised 1-1.5 hours, as has erection angle, but I wasn’t registering much of BPEL gains, so I decided to take a break. Then, based on my speculations above I decided to hit ligs again. Only this time around, I CAN do BTC stretching, so that’s what I’ve been doing, for the past 2 days.

With a LOT of 9:30, it would seem most any downwar angle should target your ligs. I assume you’re hanging. In what angle? Doing any BTC at all? If not, I’d recommend concentrating on it, as it pretty much engages the ligs like no other. Also, are you reaching any level of fatigue at the end of your first set?

Twatteaser: the man, the myth, and the legend in his own mind.

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