Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Holding on for Dear Life

Holding on for Dear Life

So I’ve discovered something recently. Whenever I masturbate, or have sex, I keep my PC muscle clenched almost continuously.

I mean, obviously I can’t keep it clenched the entire time, but I seem to do it quite a bit. I think I do it because kegeling draws more blood into the penis, and with more blood comes more sensation.

I don’t know when I started doing this, but I noticed it because I’ll often do it unintentionally when jelqing.

I’m positive I do this simply because when I cum, I usually shoot quite far(btw I have hilarius stories about unitentionally zonking girls in the face). Since I am keeping my pc muscle clenched for so long, when I release to cum, there’s a lot of pressure. Makes sense.

So, does this at all seem like a bad thing? Is it bad to clench the PC during jelqing as well? The only thing that I feel is bad is that I’ve clearly trained my body to enjoy this. IE if I don’t clench it, or make an effort to not enjoy it, I don’t get as hard and don’t have as much feeling.


Originally Posted by forthegf
So, does this at all seem like a bad thing? Is it bad to clench the PC during jelqing as well? The only thing that I feel is bad is that I’ve clearly trained my body to enjoy this. IE if I don’t clench it, or make an effort to not enjoy it, I don’t get as hard and don’t have as much feeling.


I see no harm in this. It probably works to your advantage. Taking a shot in the dark, I bet you can hold out for long periods of time. When you are jelqing, try releasing the clench continously; allowing blood to enter the penis. This, will help more blood flow to the penis, allowing for more expansion.

Also, while stretching, try to let the PC muscle (It is actually the BC muscle used while kegeling, but that is a different story) relax. The more relaxed the PC muscle, the further you can stretch the ligaments.

Good Luck.

TGC Theory | Who Says The Penis Isn't a Muscle?

"To leave the world a better place, to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived is to succeed." - Emerson

I do the same thing during masturbation and sex — lots of intensely pleasurable, long-lasting BC contractions. When I’m getting close to orgasm and want to hold back, I just consciously try to stop the contractions and relax the muscle. Works well.

With regard to jelqing, use whatever technique keeps you at an appropriate erection level for your goals. Pleasure during jelqing is fine, as long as you aren’t getting 100% erect.

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