Holding on for Dear Life
So I’ve discovered something recently. Whenever I masturbate, or have sex, I keep my PC muscle clenched almost continuously.
I mean, obviously I can’t keep it clenched the entire time, but I seem to do it quite a bit. I think I do it because kegeling draws more blood into the penis, and with more blood comes more sensation.
I don’t know when I started doing this, but I noticed it because I’ll often do it unintentionally when jelqing.
I’m positive I do this simply because when I cum, I usually shoot quite far(btw I have hilarius stories about unitentionally zonking girls in the face). Since I am keeping my pc muscle clenched for so long, when I release to cum, there’s a lot of pressure. Makes sense.
So, does this at all seem like a bad thing? Is it bad to clench the PC during jelqing as well? The only thing that I feel is bad is that I’ve clearly trained my body to enjoy this. IE if I don’t clench it, or make an effort to not enjoy it, I don’t get as hard and don’t have as much feeling.