Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Hombah's Log

Hombah's Log


Today I’ve finnally got enough of being insecure and I’ve decided to do something about it, I’ve known about PEing for about a year soon, but still havent even tried it.
About 9-10 months ago I was browsing on Direct connect and I found a folder named “Penile Enlargement”, I dloaded it of course =), and started to read.
But I never did anything with it, becouse I have always heard it is impossible to do anything about it, and they were asking for aprox 1 hour a day 5 days a week, and that was a little to much time to give up just to test.
But just the possibillity of gaining is worth “wasting” my time =).
Anyway in this post I’m gonna try to log my routines and once a month update my measurements.
Just so you guys know, I’m not from The US, UK or any english as mother-tounge speaking countries so my english aiint that good, but ill try to do my best.

Anyway some basefacts about me if your wondering:
18years old
187cm cm tall
Somewere around 85kg

The reason I feel insecure about my dicksize is becouse I don’t feel big.
I actually felt big the first years when I started to think about my dicksize, it started with my friends commented that I was big, and my first gf was actually crazy about my dick, but know when I’ve gotten a little older and I finnally measured myself I realized I’m not that big, I’m actually just avarage =(, the problem with me is I’m not that kind of guy that girls go to to get avarage..
I have turned down a handfull girls becouse of my size, and wasted 2 years in high school just feeling insecure, so I have decided to do something about it, here are my measurements, they are fresh, taken about 30-40 minutes ago, but they are taken with a measurementtape and not a ruler, so I havent pushed it in to the bone like I’ve read that you should do.

Measurements 21 June 2005

Flaccid: Erect:
Length = 11cm / 4.34inch Length = 17cm / 6.7inch
Girth = 12cm / 4.73inch Girth = 14cm / 5.5inch

Id rather wait and see how it goes for a period of time before I set up any goals.
But of course, TO FEEL BIG =).

I know that I’m young and I have I lot of time (hopefully) but I’m still looking for the most effective and fastest way to gain.
I’m not really sure what to do, should I follow the Rutine(was ripped of some PE paysite) that I downloaded from Direct connect, or should I follow the newbie routine on this site?
Should I hang or should I use stretchers, I’m really confused, it’s not that I’m to lazy to read and expects to get everthing handed on a silver plate but I’m not the smartest person and my english isnt that good either, half the time I can’t understand what you guys are writing, I mean BIB? BPEL? KEGEL? I understand more Danish than that =(.
Basically I guess what I’m looking for is for a Coach, someone that has the time, spirit and knowledge to guide me.
In reward, me and this post will be something for other newbies to be able to check and compere to.

Anyway, be sure to come back and look at this after 30 days, hopefully there will be an gaining update =).
And if someone with the knowledge wants to coach me PLZ pm me.

Thanx for a great site and for all your help.
Best Regards, Sam.

Last edited by Hombah : 06-21-2005 at .

Glad to have you aboard, Hombah. This is a welcoming community that is sensitive to your needs. Start out on the newbie routine, and just read read read. If you have anymore questions, don’t be afraid of asking. :)

Originally Posted by xlmagnum
Glad to have you aboard, Hombah. This is a welcoming community that is sensitive to your needs. Start out on the newbie routine, and just read read read. If you have anymore questions, don’t be afraid of asking. :)

Thanx, I paniked for a while, thought I messed up my first post, actually tried to delete it, but ill leave it alone and hope it’s ok.
Again thanx for your encuriging words =).

Hi Sam and welcome to Thunders.

I would suggest you follow the newbie routine here, its tried and true.

Ok, Bib is short for a hanger, one of our members (unfortuantely former) designed this device to hang weights off of the penis. I suggest a search on Bib, you will find lots of good information.

BPEL stands for Bone Pressed Erect Length and is a unit of measurement here. Read lots and you will soon have more questions, although somewhere lurking about in the ‘building’ is a glossary with all of the abbreviations in it.

Kegel is an exercise in which you strengthen the musculature of the pelvic floor. What you want to do is start to urinate (pee) and stop the flow. You’ve just done a kegel.

Now, on to the hard questions, you say you are young, if you don’t mind my being nosey, how young? Next, do your best to follow the guidelines, I realize when English isn’t your first language it can be difficult, but we do make the attempt at not using chat speak, the u, ur, plz, tx, etc as our non english speakers have difficulty understanding what that means.

Setting goals, you need to be realistic, it isn’t going to happen overnight. It takes time and dedication to enlarge your penis, be willing to make that type of committment or you will be disappointed in the results.

There are many guys around here who will be helpful in answering questions. Even though sometimes they snarl, they mean well. Use the search function which is located in the top right hand corner of the page, it even says search, will help in finding answers to the many questions that will arise in your mind.

Once again, welcome.

sunny A day without sunshine is like a day without laughter :sun:

Originally Posted by sunshinekid
Hi Sam and welcome to Thunders.

Hi and thanx =)

Originally Posted by sunshinekid
I would suggest you follow the newbie routine here, it’s tried and true.

OK, but should I add something else like a hanging/streetching rutine to, or only the newbie stretch rutine?

Originally Posted by sunshinekid
Ok, Bib is short for a hanger, one of our members (unfortuantely former) designed this device to hang weights off of the penis. I suggest a search on Bib, you will find lots of good information.

BPEL stands for Bone Pressed Erect Length and is a unit of measurement here. Read lots and you will soon have more questions, although somewhere lurking about in the ‘building’ is a glossary with all of the abbreviations in it.

Kegel is an exercise in which you strengthen the musculature of the pelvic floor. What you want to do is start to urinate (pee) and stop the flow. You’ve just done a kegel.

Ok thx

Originally Posted by sunshinekid
Now, on to the hard questions, you say you are young, if you don’t mind my being nosey, how young?

Now it’s ok, ur not being nosy, but I’ve written it under the Basefacts (18yrs old) =).

Originally Posted by sunshinekid
Next, do your best to follow the guidelines, I realize when English isn’t your first language it can be difficult, but we do make the attempt at not using chat speak, the you, ur, plz, tx, etc as our non english speakers have difficulty understanding what that means.

I relay apriciate that.

Originally Posted by sunshinekid
Setting goals, you need to be realistic, it isn’t going to happen overnight. It takes time and dedication to enlarge your penis, be willing to make that type of committment or you will be disappointed in the results.

Yes thats why I wanna check it out how it goes for a while before I set any goals, I wrote that under “Goals”.

Originally Posted by sunshinekid
There are many guys around here who will be helpful in answering questions. Even though sometimes they snarl, they mean well. Use the search function which is located in the top right hand corner of the page, it even says search, will help in finding answers to the many questions that will arise in your mind.

Once again, welcome.

Ok, and once again thx for taking time help me and answering my questions, I really apriciate it.

Originally Posted by Hombah

Flaccid: Erect:
Length = 11cm / 4.34inch Length = 17cm / 6.7inch
Girth = 12cm / 4.73inch Girth = 14cm / 5.5inch

OK… First of all, you are anything but average size.
NBPEL of 6.7 is rather LARGE. I would guess BPEL to be over 7.0 for sure.
Your girth is what some who have been working at it for a while, would like to have.
Dont be upset with what you are starting with. You got more than most start with. You could put a hurtin` on a lot of women. I`ve done it with my size, even. I had a girlfriend I could put in tears.
Work at it because you want more,not because you think you are not up to par.

Good luck..

6/12/05 6.5 BPEL 5.125 EG 1 week! 6.875 x 5.375 UPDATE.. 7/28/05 OK, I would say I`m a SOLID 7.000 now!! Squeezing out 7.250 BPEL!! OH! Wait a second.. Now I`ve hit 7.375. New numbers!!! 12/7/05 7.625 BPEL!!!!!! Hang long, hang strong! Hey!! This shit works!!! :thumbs:

Hello Hombah and Welcome to Thundersplace!

Yours is big! You should be happy with that! Start your newbie routine maybe just like mine, It will help for sure!

Good luck

Best regards,


PS : To all nice folks who just replied to Hombah, you are great today! Sounds like a lovely mother who is trying to console a child, I really appreciated that :up:

7 x 6 EG is perfect!

Routine : Manual-V-Inverted V-JAI-BTC stretches (alot of stretches :D ). Wet Jelq, Pumping (once a week to maintain my girth)

If I had your starting measurements when I started I dont know if I would hve bothered joining as you already have a big tool.

I only have been a member for just over a month and have put off remeasuring until 6 to 8 weeks have gone by although I sure do feel that I have already made improvent.

It will be interesting to follow your progress.


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