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Homemade Pump

Homemade Pump


Wanted to share an experience I had. I finally got out and bought my Mitty-Vac from AutoZone and pump cylinder from PetSmart (if you haven’t heard about this, do a search). I put a little electrical tape around the base of the pump. I bought the medium size cylinder (haven’t measured it yet). My base fits snug, and there is some room at the top. This is good to start with. My penis is thinner at the top.

I did not spend much more than $30 and this set up and it is great. I found I loose my vacuum seal around the adapters to fit the hose to the pump. I wrap the tube around the top of the pump (this pinches the tube a little bit) and seems to solve the vacuum loss problem. It is hard to describe this exactly.

I bought some metal rings from Lowes hardware store hoping to stretch out the testicles a little bit, but I have to lube to get one testicle in at a time (1 1/4” ring I believe), and once they are in they tend to slip out even when I dry them off. I need a ring that is smaller in diameter but will open and close so I do not have to worry about pushing the boys through. Don’t want to rupture anything! Ouch.

I have privacy issues but have been trying to manually stretch, jelq, pump whenever possible. Trying to keep a 2 on and 1 off schedule, and trying to fit this in my life so that it will be a daily routine. Something I can do and forget about without obsessing too much. Then after a few months I can measure and hopefully not be disappointed.

ive been tryin to find a good pump for my cylinder that i got from a pet store its to clean gravel in a fish tank, i have privacy issues to. Wondering if you could send me some pics in my email so i can get an idea what your talking about so i can go out and get the pump, does that pump have a pressure guage on it and how well does it work? thanks

No pic, but it is in the AutoZone online catalog. I walked in a store and found it within 5 minutes. Anyone asks, a buddy is tuning up your car and said he needed it. Takes the pressure off. Yes, it has a guage.

cant seem to find it in autozone online must be under something else, couldnt find it out brake bleeders neither….

What sort of cylinder did you guys get? They don’t have any sizes on the gravel cleaners at PetSmart (probably because they don’t expect guys like us to go sticking their dicks into them) but I guess that only the Hagen gravel vacuum is the right size and shape?

Is this true? If not, which make did you get? I need to try and find one in the UK that would fit so I don’t have to go for the £80 set up from

Thanks guys.

Start: 22 Mar 04: 6.5" BPEL x 4.6" EG & 6" head. As at: 1 Jan 05: 7.5" BPEL x 4.8-4.9" EG & 6.3" head.

Re-re-start!: 6 Feb 17: 6.9" BPEL x 4.9" EG & 5.5" head. As of: 23 Feb 17: 7.0" BPEL x 5.0" EG & 6.0" head.

Ideal: ASAP: 8+" BPEL x 5.5+" EG & 6.5+" head But will continue if the going is good!!

The one I got at Petsmart is 2” outside diameter and 1 7/8” inside. It said 10” x 2” on the packaging. Petsmart gravel cleaners . Click on a brand for more info, including sizes.

Thanks hobby. I found a UK based site with Hagen gravel cleaners with the same diameter yours has, so hopefully that will be ok. Although it has 15” of length, but that could be due to the gravel guard it has on it. I’ve already started another thread with a plea to UK pumpers to help point me in the right direction (i.e. if the cylinder is ok or if there’s anywhere else with cheap cylinders).

Thanks a lot.

Woah, wait. I just clicked on your link again and saw you got a brand other than Hagen. I looked through them all and only found that one with dimensions on, so that must be the one (10”x2” - Top Fin). I take it thats good for pumping then? Now I’m not sure which to get. If I can find Top Fin for sale in the UK then I’ll go with that if you think its sufficient. But howdid you deal with the base, because its not flat (in the picture) or do you use that to your advantage, i.e. hold the pump upwards so the hole is flat against you?

Thanks again!

Start: 22 Mar 04: 6.5" BPEL x 4.6" EG & 6" head. As at: 1 Jan 05: 7.5" BPEL x 4.8-4.9" EG & 6.3" head.

Re-re-start!: 6 Feb 17: 6.9" BPEL x 4.9" EG & 5.5" head. As of: 23 Feb 17: 7.0" BPEL x 5.0" EG & 6.0" head.

Ideal: ASAP: 8+" BPEL x 5.5+" EG & 6.5+" head But will continue if the going is good!!

The Top Fin label looks familiar and is probably what I have. That pointy thing on the base might be detachable, but the description doesn’t say for sure. I bought mine 2 years ago. The design may have changed.

Check out the Proquatics brand. The description says its base is detachable.

Surely you have a shop somewhere near you that sells aquarium supplies. Stop by and see what siphons they have in stock.

Yeah, I will do. And that proquatics one looks good too. Come to think of it though, I can’t think of any pet stores near me either at home or at uni. I may have to have a short train journey then… :p

What about connecting that cylinder to a pump? Does that require taping to keep the vacuum, or does the pump fit well in the hose?

Thanks again, hobby!

Start: 22 Mar 04: 6.5" BPEL x 4.6" EG & 6" head. As at: 1 Jan 05: 7.5" BPEL x 4.8-4.9" EG & 6.3" head.

Re-re-start!: 6 Feb 17: 6.9" BPEL x 4.9" EG & 5.5" head. As of: 23 Feb 17: 7.0" BPEL x 5.0" EG & 6.0" head.

Ideal: ASAP: 8+" BPEL x 5.5+" EG & 6.5+" head But will continue if the going is good!!

I’m sure there are more elegant solutions for connecting things together. Here is what I use. Short, poor description.

I don’t have or want a pump, though I do use a good vacuum gauge. I suck on the suction line to the desired vacuum, then fold the line over on itself and apply a stiff spring clamp near the fold.

You’ll have to do something with the base or the thin edges will dig in and hurt. I glued on a slice of 2” schedule 40 PVC pipe to make the rim thicker. Someone posted recently about using a section of bicycle inner tube slipped over the outside of the tube then folded over the edge to the inside. Search the pumping forum. Other ideas have been posted.

I thought about just sucking on the tube, but can you acheive good vacuums with this? What’s the maximum you can go up to with lung power alone? I suppose as long as its 5” hg then that’ll last me a while before I need to buy a pump. Thanks a lot for all the info hobby. I think I’ll just get a gravel cleaner tube when I’m next out and I’m virtually all set! :D

Start: 22 Mar 04: 6.5" BPEL x 4.6" EG & 6" head. As at: 1 Jan 05: 7.5" BPEL x 4.8-4.9" EG & 6.3" head.

Re-re-start!: 6 Feb 17: 6.9" BPEL x 4.9" EG & 5.5" head. As of: 23 Feb 17: 7.0" BPEL x 5.0" EG & 6.0" head.

Ideal: ASAP: 8+" BPEL x 5.5+" EG & 6.5+" head But will continue if the going is good!!

I can suck the gauge up to 20” Hg using 1/8” inside diameter tubing. Not sure about the larger hose that comes with the tube.

Woot, just bought my parts and such

I got the mityvac 700 as well and I went to petco and grabbed a gravel vac

Remember, there are never any traffic jams on the extra mile.

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