Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Hoping PE helps me


Right now, I’m doing the newbie routine.

5 minutes heat (rice sock)
Just increased to 10 minutes fairly gentle stretching.
10 to 15 minutes of wet jelqing.
5 more minutes of heat.

2 days on 1 day off.

I do the kegels most every day, usually while watching tv or something. I’m doing at least seventy five at 5 second holds and am thinking of increasing that. I try to remember to do a few sets of kegel squeezes throughout the day just to do extra.

If my unit doesn’t seem up to a workout, tries to turtle up, or feels a little sore, I give it the day off and resume the schedule the next day.

For the last year or so, I mainly did kegels whenever I would think about it. I did some stretching and jelqing maybe once every week or two.

Any gains during that time, I would classify as recovering my original health and size.
From here on out, I think it’s going to take time and diligent work for me to realize any real gains.

I don’t mind putting in a little effort. I was going to be playing with it anyway, so it’s not too far out of my way.

What are your goals, friend?

Yesterday: 6.2 NBP

Today: 6.5 NBP (varies...)

Tomorrow: 8 NBP

I’m going to see if I can get to 8x6. That would be great.

I’ll take whatever I can get for now, though.

That is very ideal for me too. I will plow many skeezers with my unit at that size one day.

I wish you health and success!

Yesterday: 6.2 NBP

Today: 6.5 NBP (varies...)

Tomorrow: 8 NBP

That’s an awesome and inspirational story. Congratulations on your recovery and gains.

My starting stats, NBPEL 5.75", BPEL 6.75", MSEG 5.00" Most guys walk up and stick it in, when I'm finished here I'm going to stick it in and walk up :)


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