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The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Hoping PE helps me


Hoping PE helps me

I’m hoping that PE exercises will help me.

About three years ago, at the age or 35, I had a urinary tract infection. It’s rare in men, but when they do happen they are pretty bad. Mine got completely out of control and spread to my prostate. The first doctor prescribed sulfa and then went on vacation. It turned out that I was allergic to sulfa. I went from bad to worse, had severe fever and hives. I went to the emergency room, and they just gave me some pain killers and the bum’s rush.

By the next day, I couldn’t even pee any more and my fever was at 104f . A family member who is a nurse in another state convinced my wife over the phone to call a urologist and tell them that we had an emergency and needed to see them immediately.

We got in with him right away. By this time, I was semi-delirious and don’t remember much of the visit. They gave me an injection of antibiotics and a prescription for Levaquin and some alpha blocker. They were going to put me in the hospital, but we persuaded them to let me go home instead; with the caveat that if I didn’t improve, I’d go to the hospital.

We went home and the fever broke about 4hrs later. I got the first good sleep I’d had in a couple weeks.
By the next day I could finally pee, but not without a lot of discomfort.

Slowly, the infection went away and I was left with a painful case of prostatitis that lingered for a year and still flares up occasionally.
During the first year, I was just happy to be able to pee. Sex was out of the question since I couldn’t perform, but I managed to masturbate a couple times a month (doctors orders were; “.. As often as possible”).

Up until about six months ago, nocturnal erections and morning wood simply didn’t happen. I would dribble after urination, and sex was a chore.

My health has finally returned to the point that I get morning wood, and sex is a lot more interesting to me. I have noticed that my penis has shrunk. It used to be 6.5” long (without pressing the ruler against the bone) it is now 6” (ruler pressed tight).

I’m thinking that if it can shrink, it can also get bigger. So here I am.

I found this site by searching the web. I had seen articles before about jelqing and had even tried it a little in the past, but wasn’t dedicated enough to get anywhere.

My goals now are to:
1.Try to improve health, fitness, and erection quality.
2.Regain, if possible, my previous size.
3.If I find that I can make progress, I will happily try to make it bigger than before.

I started PE a couple days ago, and found that the newbie routine is a bit much for me. My unit wants to turtle up at all but the most gentle force. So I am just trying to be very easy on it. Eventually it will get better.
I have seen benefits from Kegels already. It must be improving circulation.

I have spent hours reading on this site so far, and to say that I am impressed would be an understatement. What a great site.

Hamly, welcome aboard!!! Wow, that’s quite the horror story, but it sounds like you are on top of things.

You have come to the right place. One of the first things people notice after starting a routine is an improvement

in penile health and erection quality. The take it easy approach is a good one and especially applicable in your case.

Stay focused and committed and you should start seeing improvements in a few weeks. It seems that most people

who loose size over the years for whatever reason seem to gain it back rather quickly. Just don’t over do it.

Let me tell you the secret that has led me to my goal: my strength lies solely in my tenacity.

Louis Pasteur

I can’t really add much to what Iguana posted. Take it easy and build it up slowly. Welcome to the forum; it is the finest forum on the web!

firegoat is fully RETIRED from Thundersplace.

All injuries happen from "too much", or "too much, too soon" or "doing the exercise incorrectly".

Heat makes the difference between gaining quickly or slowly for some guys, or between gaining slowly instead of not at all for others. The ideal penis size is 7.6" BPEL x 5.6" Mid Girth. Basics.... firegoat roll How to use the Search button for best results

Hello Hamly,

Welcome to Thunder. Here you will find most of the answers to most of your questions. The members and moderators are extremely helpful.

You will also find that most of the people who made it big started only with the goal of obtaining a better erection quality in mind.

P.E does take some time. I guarantee you if you put the effort and dedication, you will certainly achieve your goals and perhaps even more.

Take care.

I have decided whatever I do I will move forward in life

Although it sounds as if your infection has been eradicated, consider adding cranberry juice to your diet. It’s an old folk remedy for urinary tract infections that has been proven to work. Something in the juice prevents bacteria from establishing a foothold in the bladder. Women are more likely to be familiar with this treatment, as they are much more prone to infections in that area.

A very light newbie routine type of PE, with a good lube for wet jelqs, will hopefully train your body to react well to the penile stimulation. If all goes well easier and stronger erections should be obtainable. In fact, that’s just what many of us look for as part of the benefits of PE. You should not have much trouble reclaiming your original length once you’ve conditioned yourself to the PE exercises.

Have you looked into prostate massage? I recall finding information online a while back which indicated that prostate massage, properly done, can help some men recover from prostate infections more quickly. The massage helps express the prostate fluids, and improves circulation in the gland, which in turn facilitates the infusion of the antibiotic into the prostate tissues.

Thanks for the welcome everyone,

I do take cranberry concentrate pills, and lots of water whenever I think an infection might be trying to start. It seems to help. The juice is something that I don’t always keep on hand, even though I should.

I haven’t tried prostate massage, but I’ll look into it. It sort of worries me because some men have said that it can make things worse. I have been relying on ejaculation to flush it out, which is something I can usually manage (on a bad day, it’s quite an accomplishment though).

I’ll give it a try and see if it helps.

Well they pretty much covered it but instead of cranberry juice use cranberry supplements. You can get them at the drug store or a health food store and it should help clear up any residual infection that may still linger.

Yeah when you have prostatitis it is necessary to masturbate to help clear out the infection. But it sounds like you are out of the woods. My question is are you still having trouble urinating even the slightest trouble?

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

I had a similar experience about 10 years ago. I went to the doc with a high fever and terrible ache between my legs, and my doc told me I had a prostate infection. It never progressed to the point that your’s did, but it was still bad. The doctor asked me if I’d had anal sex recently, to which I immediately replied “NO!”. The I realized he was asking me if I had be the giver, not the receiver. LOL. I had, actually, about a week earlier. He told me that is usually why guys get a urinary tract/prostate infection. So, I’m more careful now. I always clean up and take a piss afterwards.

In regards to your original question, I’m guessing you’ll grow back quickly. Whenever you’re kicking back and relaxing, just pull it out and stretch it gently. I’m uncircumcised, and my penis was pretty tender at first, but after a couple of weeks it seemed to toughen up. Now I stretch the hell out of it every chance I get. Sometimes I even have to type with one hand. :-)

September 20, 2007: BPEL: 5.8 inches, EG: <5.5 inches

March 15, 2008: BPEL: 7.6 inches, EG: 5.75 inches

Yes, that's a gain of 1.8 inches. And no... That's not my real picture.

Am I the only one that transposes some of the letters in your name and reads it as, “Manly Hamster”?

I have had UD’s in the past, not fun. I have used the supplement Lysine to combat low level chronic infections in the past with some (subjective) success. No idea if it would help at all as far as reoccurring UD’s goes.

Running a Massive Co-Front.

Originally Posted by iamaru
Am I the only one that transposes some of the letters in your name and reads it as, “Manly Hamster”?

I have had UD’s in the past, not fun. I have used the supplement Lysine to combat low level chronic infections in the past with some (subjective) success. No idea if it would help at all as far as reoccurring UD’s goes.

Eat cranberies they are delicious dried. A higher dose of lysine may have knocked it for a loop. Lysine is affective on virus’s I don’t know about bacteria, I’ll try to get a link.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

I take the cranberry supplements whenever I have the least suspicion about an infection.

I do occasionally have a little trouble urinating, it will be a weak stream and dribbling afterward. I’ve been attributing it to inflammation. Like I said the prostatitis seems to flare up now and then.
It hasn’t done so for quite a while now, so I’m looking to try to restore as much health by exercise as I can..

It was smart of you to get help right away. I honestly don’t know how I got it.
I put it off too long and paid dearly for it. In fact,, the blood tests later showed that my liver and kidneys were shutting down. If they had known that at the time, I would have never been able to talk my way out of an expensive hospital stay. It took a couple years to recover to the point that I had any strength. It was all I could do to hold down my job.

I’ve never heard of Lysine, I’ll look it up.
I heard the name “Hamly Manster” on a cartoon while channel surfing and thought it was funny for just that reason, so I used it.


I had a UTI when I was younger..

It was not fun~

Originally Posted by Hamly Manster
I take the cranberry supplements whenever I have the least suspicion about an infection.

I do occasionally have a little trouble urinating, it will be a weak stream and dribbling afterward. I’ve been attributing it to inflammation. Like I said the prostatitis seems to flare up now and then.
It hasn’t done so for quite a while now, so I’m looking to try to restore as much health by exercise as I can..

It was smart of you to get help right away. I honestly don’t know how I got it.
I put it off too long and paid dearly for it. In fact,, the blood tests later showed that my liver and kidneys were shutting down. If they had known that at the time, I would have never been able to talk my way out of an expensive hospital stay. It took a couple years to recover to the point that I had any strength. It was all I could do to hold down my job.

I’ve never heard of Lysine, I’ll look it up.
I heard the name “Hamly Manster” on a cartoon while channel surfing and thought it was funny for just that reason, so I used it.


You may want to up your vitamin “C” levels to about 1000mg per day just t be on the safe side. Cranberries are high in vitamin “C” you may be getting that amount already. Drink lots of fluids. Stay away from soda pop or anything with lots of sugar. Bacteria love to eat sugar.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Well, It’s been eleven months since I started this thread. I wanted to update it.

The past year has been busy for me, but I did PE off and on. I have followed Kingpole’s excellent advice about cranberry supplements and vitamin C, and do feel much better.

I started the newbie routine again a couple weeks ago, and found that my unit can handle it just fine.
So it’s time to give it a solid try for a few months and see what happens.

Armed with a ruler and seamstress’s tape, I headed off to the bathroom to take my official starting measurements.

I had been expecting BPEL of 6” to maybe 6 1/4” just like last year, because I had done minimal PE since.

Imagine my surprise when it was BPEL 7” exactly. I checked, and double checked, and sure enough, 7”.
I went on to measure the girth. It is now 5” mid-shaft and 5 1/2” at the base. Last October, It was just under 4 3/4” mid- shaft.

I was totally shocked about how different my perception was from reality. I would have sworn that it was 6” BPEL. But it had grown without my even realizing it.

My original goals have been met!

Now I want to see if I can get to that 8”x6” ideal.

Congrats and even best luck! Some details about your routine?

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