Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Horse cock or your money back.

Horse cock or your money back.


I’ve never done any kind of jelqing before, but I’ve read a few things about it. Of course, the Internet is not a very reliable source..

Anyway, despite my fear of being razzed by the author of the post “Why do guys with 7 inches even bother”, I’d like to report that I am (on a good day, anyway) exactly 7.2, with 5.8 girth.

This is ok.

Yet part of me wants to try these exercises just to see if they work. While I’m about 85% satisfied with my size, I figure that another inch or so in length couldn’t hurt, nor could a little more girth.

I neither expect nor desire 10”. But to be “over 8” would ring nicely in my ears.

So what is “edging”, and does it do anything? How hard/fast should a person jelq, and for how long (daily time and long-term)? Is this jelqing stuff going to bust my cock and/or related parts and leave me a miserable shadow of the man I once was? How can I make the head bigger and more pronounced? How about noticeably increased appearance of veins? Does this stuff really work (NO PICTURES PLEASE!)? Can’t I just buy that Fastsize gadget and cut my time in half? What can I reasonably expect to gain, and in what time frame? Is it possible that I’ll jelq myself dry for three years and never gain a centimeter in either length or girth? Is it possible that I’ll jelq myself dry for six months and gain an inch in both length and girth? Are you people all crazy, thinking that you can stretch your own business to ridiculous sizes without causing permanent damage? Do women find testicle size attractive, and is there any way to increase testicle size (I’ve never actually met a woman that mentioned one solitary syllable about testicle size making any difference to her; but then, I’m not privy to the discussions that ensue behind closed Ladies’ Room doors). I once saw a guy in a porn video that shot his load for at least thirty seconds. Is this the result of PE, or merely one more perfect example of movie magic? If I do decide to spend part of my day squeezing and stretching my dick, how do I go about doing it safely and productively? My doctor is an old Polish man, and I prefer he see/touch/examine my cock as seldom as possible—please keep this in mind as you answer.

There’s probably a plethora of theories about all of these things, and I’d like to hear them.

I won’t necessarily try all of them (I’m not swinging weights from my cock for anything or anyone—I don’t care if somebody promised me all the money in the world or a dick like a deprived bull elephant), but I’d like to learn them for my own edification.

Thanks, and good jelqing.?


Last edited by zacky2 : 06-10-2007 at . Reason: Repaired syntactic error.

If you’re still here I think you should use the search function. Any newbie question you could possible ask has already been answered and I’m trying to save you tons of flamining from other members. :S

I guess so.

Flaming? From members on here? You’re kidding me…..:D

"God is dead"-Nietzsche

"Nietzsche is dead"-God

What are they going to do? Tie me up and beat me with reeds?

Very long and thick reeds, I’m sure. Ones stretched from four inches long alllllll the way up to sixteen inches :)

— Zack!

It’s happened before ;D

But we thought you liked that zacky.

"God is dead"-Nietzsche

"Nietzsche is dead"-God

*Sigh*.. Here we go again. Searching would be good, but for all you LAZY people I will say it once more. Hopefully correct, if not please correct me or put in your input :)

Edging is used to help you last longer in bed. It takes a long time to master this technique to stop the urge to cum. A person should jelq as slow as possible but not TOO slow. I would recommend anywhere between 5 - 10 seconds. As to how long, it is really up to you and how much you think your penis can handle. There are exercises to increase your head size. All you have to do is go to the tutorial section or something but here is one of them- the jelq and hold technique (search for it). Veins appear through PE. It is natural and is considered a positive.


Buying a gadget doesn’t necessary mean you will gain faster although these may help aid you in a faster growth. Some people gain fast, others slowly. You can jelq and stretch and do what ever for 5 years and still not notice any gains. Like I said before, some are easy gainers (such as myself) and others are hard gainers.

Are we crazy ? Can this cause permanent damage?

NO, we are not crazy. We just want a bigger dick. Sure you can cause permanent damage. That is why we advise you to take it slow and don’t go hard out at the beginning. That is why there is something called conditioning your penis. If you are putting your penis through hell because you want fast gains, you are asking for some serious trouble and damage.

Some women like large testicles, some don’t. It is the same with penis size.

Shooting loads for about 30 seconds ? Hmmm, it could be those pills which supposedly cause you to cum for unimaginable amounts of time. But I do not know as I have never tried them. Other people however, when eating certain foods before wanking or having sex have found that they are able to ejaculate much more.

P.S. The search button is located in the top right hand corner.

Past: 5-5.5" BPEL x 4.5" GIRTH

Present: 7.55" BPEL x 5.55" GIRTH (1 year progress)

Future: 8-9" BPEL x 6" GIRTH



I’d suggest that you start the Newbie Penis Enlargement Routine immediately, and stick with it faithfully through the entire course. While you’re doing that, take the weeks ahead to do a lot of reading and research on this site to figure out what you’ll do next after you’ve completed the Newbie Routine.

One thread that I would particularly recommend is SparkyX’s thread Physiologic Indicators (PIs) to help growth!. It’s the best single thread I’ve seen on how to monitor what is going on with your cock, whether what you are doing is working, and how to know if you’re overdoing.

Also, right now, as you’re beginning, get good measurements, and consider taking some pictures, even if you never show them to anyone else in the world. As you get larger, and chances are very good that you will, it’s a useful reality check. There is no end to threads here about members who know that they have gained and yet can’t quite believe it. Measurements and photos reinforce the new reality that yes, you have gained.

And don’t hesitate to ask questions, although it really is a good idea to do some reading and searching on the site first. I can honestly say that I don’t think I’ve ever had to post a single question to the site; between the FAQs, the tutorials, reading through the threads and doing some searching, there is a staggering amount of information here. Members will expect you to put out a reasonable effort to find your own answers before they answer a question that they’ve already seen many many times before.

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

Or, if you wish, you could start with the modified newbie routine (link in my signature). It is a very mild routine and it will take you about 20min total, one day on, two days off. Lots of newbies have reported and documented good gains with it.

What ever you choose, good luck on your journey!

Welcome zacky2.

I think you will need to do some reading, and there’s plenty here to read.

In the meantime the Newbie Routine is a good place to start (or the Modified Newbie Routine - well done on the shameless plug babbis ). Either are good, and will help condition your dick and improve its overall health.

You already have a very big dick, zacky2. With time, patience and dedication you can have a huge dick.

It’s up to you.

Welcome to Thunder's.

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

Originally Posted by Mr. Happy
I think you will need to do some reading

Sage advice :up:

Originally Posted by Okish6er
Some women like large testicles, some don’t. It is the same with penis size.

Well, sort of…

There are, I’m sure, some people in the world who find big balls attractive, but nothing like the amount of women (a significant minority, IMO) who feel the same way about a big penis.

Jelq my boy, jelq like the wind.

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