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hotwraps bad for the penis?

hotwraps bad for the penis?

I was just thinking about one thing… lately i have heard that its dangerous for men to for example sit with a laptop computer in the knee because the heat is damaging the penis. The sperms dies or something… I was thinking, it may be bad for the penis to have hot wraps so often when I PE?

You can make new sperm.

Hmmmm, well I’m no doctor, but if heat applied near the testicles causes sperm to die, I shouldn’t think it does any more damage than taking a hot bath, or having a sauna.

I would have thought that if having a laptop on your lap regularly is bad for your testis, then it has got to be more than just the heat that is bad for them.

Then again, I suppose one could have a laptop on ones lap for up to two hours at a time. You don’t keep your hotwrap on for that long, do you? ;)

Hot wrap is good. Laptop is bad because it radiates your unit.


Do not use things that generate EM for your hot wrap.

Running a Massive Co-Front.

Ok! That makes sense! No need to worry then I guess.

Strange question popped into my mind, I don’t mean to hijack thread, but..

Just curious if you managed to heat your sack long enough, (hot tub, sauna hot bathe?) how much of your effective sperm would be sterilized? Like does it kill all of it or a portion or?

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