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How Accurate Are Flaccid Measurements?

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How accurate do you feel that your flaccid measurements are?

My flaccid measurements are very accurate


My flaccid measurements are inconsistent

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How Accurate Are Flaccid Measurements?

For quite some time now I’ve been curious how people are able to consistently measure flaccid.

The PE data site says to measure it as it hangs, but I find that there is so much variation in mine from day to day, and even from hour to hour that it’s impossible to give any single measurement.

While the overall qualities of a flaccid penis are very useful indicators as to future growth, I really don’t know how it’s possible to get an accurate measurement. So I ask my fellow forum members:

How do you get consistent flaccid measurements?


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Take your time, pick a simple routine you can stick to, and be consistent in your efforts. Patience is the key.

Flaccid sizes change all the time, If I drink an energy drink or knock a few cups of coffee back my size suffers. Some days I go to take a leak and I feel like I have a horse dick and others I feel somebody let the air out of a balloon.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

One point here is that my flaccid size is always around 10-12 cm. But it can look much bigger sometimes, but I think its due to the hang.

Starting 01/05/2009: BPEL: 15.5 cm (6.1 inches) MSEG: 12.5 cm (4.9 inches)

back then: BPEL: 17.5 cm (6.9 inches) MSEG: 13 cm (5.1 inches)

Now: BPEL: 16.5 cm (6.5 inches) MSEG: 12.7 cm (5.0 inches)

Originally Posted by Mjolnir
I find that there is so much variation in mine from day to day, and even from hour to hour that it’s impossible to give any single measurement.

How do you get consistent flaccid measurements?

I agree there is too much variation in one day with a lot of factors having an affect. I don’t measure my flaccid unless its a very good day and I’m just curios. I would suggest you just take the measurement that’s biggest.

I measure my flaccid fairly often; almost daily. I find it one of the best indicators if a routine is working. If the hang is consistent or improving then I know the routine is working and if it shrivels then I know to back off. Lol, I know when I should eat if my flaccid gets to small.

My hang is fairly consistent as well most of the time being between 5.25 and 5.5NBP.

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Last edited by aom91 : 08-03-2009 at .

I’ve noticed that my post-erection flaccid measurements are very consistent. So I always take my erect measurements first, wait a few minutes until I haven’t got a hard-on anymore, and then measure my flaccid.

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