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More flaccid length

More flaccid length

Hi all,
i did some PE by the beginning of the year then i gave up, i have to admit that even if i didn’t gain much (i took no measurements) i noticed gains in veins, hardness and fullness.
now i would like to start again with one goal, to increase flaccid length and appearance, i mean, due to, maybe, low blood pressure, when flaccid, my penis is small, very small (not that when erect is a monster but i think it belongs to the average being about 6 1/2 by 5 1/2), also i have some (some is an euphemism) bodyfat i should get rid off to make it look longer but the flaccid problem is not fat related…
what could i do to make it look fuller when flaccid and what to gain some length (given that i have to loose fat)?

thanks all and have a nice week


Originally Posted by DonGiovanni
Hi all,
now i would like to start again with one goal, to increase flaccid length and appearance, i mean, due to, maybe, low blood pressure, when flaccid, my penis is small, very small ….

Hi Don,

I am from Italy too.

Same problem, big problem: flaccid size.

I started about with your length in January, at about 2.3” flaccid.

In this 5 months I have PE very consistently and gained surely something.

But my dream is a flaccid of 5-6”.
The first thing to understand is why some people is a grower and some is a shower.

Is for different elasticity of some internal structure or ( as I suspect ) for different blood flow when flaccid?

And I do not think the reason is low blood pressure, at least not in general.


You have 90 posts and you still don’t capitalize appropriately? Please freshen up your use of the Forum Guidelines.

Generally, the longer you do PE for, the better your flaccid becomes. So, in other words, you have to make a better long term commitment to the process.

It’s damn annoying to type the capital I ;-)

I didn’t like the fact that by peing it seemed I gained some girth that’s already enough compared to length, I just wanted some more length and some more flaccid fullness

You never know what your body is going to give you unless you just keep going. My flaccid has become huge from pumping, but not everybody wants to go that route. But even with pumping, it takes time and a schedule of at least 5 days per week.

I made good flaccid gains from clamping, inverted v stretches and rotation stretches. My flaccid is massive now :D

Aren’t Italian guys suppose to be naturally big? You guys should be ashamed of yourselves :D


Observe... learn from other people's mistakes.

Originally Posted by gprent
You never know what your body is going to give you unless you just keep going. My flaccid has become huge from pumping, but not everybody wants to go that route. But even with pumping, it takes time and a schedule of at least 5 days per week.

What about this routine? Is it enough to gain flaccid and erect length?

I pump five/six days a week for 40 minute’s at max 4 hg.

Every 10 minute’s I get out of the tube and do 100 firm dry jelqs.

I have fun in this routine, but want to gain from it also off course…

I, can, I can, I can not, can not compute..


Sounds like a fine routine to me. But I like to always change things up a bit just about everyday to keep my cock guessing. :)

Try starting your first set at 10 minutes, your 2nd at 12 minutes and 3rd at 15 minutes. In the middle of each set, push the pressure up to 5”hg for a little while and then let it fall back to 4”hg. Every once and awhile, go for an hour, or an hour and 15 minutes, just to see what happens.

I think just a little bit of variety, while staying within your boundary limits is a good way to stimulate growth and keep things more interesting.

Originally Posted by gprent
I think just a little bit of variety, while staying within your boundary limits is a good way to stimulate growth and keep things more interesting.

I agree, and some variety make’s it more pleasureable.


I, can, I can, I can not, can not compute..

I noticed a .5-.75 in increase in flaccid at least; I believe it is from fowfers. From what I heard they help increase flaccid size.

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