Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

How do I make the head bigger

How do I make the head bigger

I know to jelq but when I do jelq everything starts to get bigger but the head, whats wrong?

You have to pray for the head to get bigger. Pray hard too. :D ;)

Try some Uli’s or a jelq and hold technique. Jelq as normal but squeeze and hold for at least ten secs when just below the head. With either technique, the point is to engorge the head with blood for an extended period. Be sure to kegel and recirculate the blood after each of these.


Ha-ha OK man.

Yea dude but thunder says that may cause damage.

DON’T DO ULIS till you condition yourself. Otherwise your dick will look like a Big Bite Hotdog left in the micro for too long. That is not good.

“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor

I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.

Sweet that means if I do uli’s ill get a vagina on my hot dog ha-ha just kidding. Advice accepted, not doing them

See what you get now by the regular routine for a bit. You can always correct the head later.

“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor

I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.

Thanks again

Seriously, I’m working on the same project. From what I’ve read, making the head bigger seems considerably harder than it is to enlarge the rest of the penis. I am considering taking up pumping and work with a cylinder designed to increase the head. Penis Enlargement Pumps, Breast Enlargement Pumps, & Vaginal Pumps| LA Pump

Another talked about technique that might help is "visualization". "Where the mind goes, the body follows," is what Schwarzenegger had to say about visualization, and within reason I believe that to be true.

Good luck!

Ty for the website

Not important: my grandfather nicknamed me mule a long time ago.=p

Hahahaha I wonder why. ;)

Being stubborn sure does come in handy when you’re in the PE-game; it takes a mule’s stubbornness to stay at it.

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