How do you guys plot your PE workouts and goals?
I’ve known about PE for 2 years, and I’ve never done it inconsistently over those 2 years. The only "gains" I have to report is slightly greater vascularity and a 0.2 inch girth gain at the base of my penis. This isn’t much, considering how my dick barely scratches 6" x 4.5" now. I’ve resolved to start doing P.E more seriously, but I’m not sure how exactly I should plot out my workouts. My previous gains were due to clamping, and I’ve not gained anything since the slight girth gain. I know that this is probably a stupid question, but how do you guys plot your workouts? Do you write it down somewhere and add your increments to the set after a certain amount of time? And at what point do you guys start moving on to more advanced exercises, assuming you start from the linear exercise routine listed in this forum?
I’m trying to get to 9" x 6". Is that just a dream or is it really possible? And if so, how long will it take?