Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

How do you know if they are telling the truth

Reading the thread title, how come I was ABSOLUTELY convinced the author meant “how do you know if WOMEN are telling the truth”?

So many people lately that don’t PE works, a bit strange. Sure I can understand people find it hard to believe. I have gained and I still sometimes find it hard to believe bu I keep going because I want a bigger dick. People here have gained, are they all lying? Probably not. People that say PE doesn’t work, are they lying? Probably not. To all the none believers I say, if you want to have a bigger cock swinging between your legs try some PE. Only way to find out if it works is to try it. If you get a bigger unit be happy, if not maybe you at least got better EQ? If you got nothing from it you lost some time.

Originally Posted by keybord
So many people lately that don’t PE works, a bit strange. Sure I can understand people find it hard to believe. I have gained and I still sometimes find it hard to believe bu I keep going because I want a bigger dick. People here have gained, are they all lying? Probably not. People that say PE doesn’t work, are they lying? Probably not. To all the none believers I say, if you want to have a bigger cock swinging between your legs try some PE. Only way to find out if it works is to try it. If you get a bigger unit be happy, if not maybe you at least got better EQ? If you got nothing from it you lost some time.

Make sense I guess. Please don’t get me wrong I’m not saying everybody is dis honest but some yes, and not saying that pe is full of shit but when dealing with a touching subject as growing your penis, you have to raise these questions don’t you. With so many people and company’s trying to rip you off it would be suicide to just go off what somebody said or type without convincing evidence and pic that don’t take you on a loop especially when dealing with extenders and advertising.

Originally Posted by Titleist
My vote for the most difficult post to read this year. Granted, I’ve been drinking water all day.

Good one Titleist, Lmao. The water will do it everytime.

I understand your dilemma.

One group will tell you it 100% works, but you have to take it with a grain of salt, because they are looking for your money.

Another group will tell you they 100% don’t work. However, it takes a lot of time and patience to use an extender properly and impatient people are often very vocal people, so you’ll hear more from them so you should take that with a grain of salt as well.

Somewhere, there is a very small group of patient people who are vocal enough to share their stories of success, and if they are anywhere, they are here on TP.

I’ve realized the only way you’ll really know anything for sure is to try it yourself, and that PE’ers should have a diet high in sodium.

Keep an open mind and a closed wallet... unless it\'s open to making a donation!

Originally Posted by iamaru

But there is another way. A huge encyclopedic, loosely cataloged, data base. With tens of thousands of helpful guys wandering amongst the stacks. And none of them with an interest in your $. And the best part is that you are already there.

Add up every other PE resource in existence and it doesn’t even come close to the FAQ section in Thunder’s Place. Have you checked the review section? Review


I’d go a step further and say that at least HALF of the non-parasite sites are built on TP PE tech— in fact a goodly number of the less crap ones are done up by current and former TP guys.

This place is the PE equivalent of the ancient Library of Alexandria— and all for free.

Here’s the deal, enough with the BS doubters— try it for six months, donate nothing and benefit [or not if you are a hard gainer].


We ain’t a cult, we’re just getting tired of the same BS every time enrollment opens up because the newbies can’t be bothered to actually read shit before posting.


WE are the 99% 'WE are the people you depend on; we cook your meals, we haul your trash, we connect your calls. We drive your ambulances. We guard you while you sleep. Don't f&ck with us'-- Madame DeFarge

"Rope trades @$10 a yard. I wonder if they even know that?"- Capitalist

I think it’s very possible that there are people on here who haven’t gained, but still get very extremely defensive when someone questions the the effectiveness of PE. Some guys on here are so insecure about the size of their penis that they shudder at the thought of PE not actually working. For some guys on here, life is a dark haze because of their penis size insecurities, and in their mind life will be all bright and glorious when they transform their dick into a third leg. This hope leads to wishful thinking, and they lash out at anyone who would dare cause them to doubt whether their “Huge Cock Dreams” will ever be realized.

He’s just talking about the extenders not PE working or not. By the way, you don’t even need to buy lube. I don’t use lube. But I think the circumcised guys might need lube.

All my gains are manual too so you don’t even need an extender. Just patience and discipline. Both free.

Start (aug '09) 6x5

Current [(AUG'10) 7 x 5.25] [(OCT'10) 7.25 x 5.3] [(OCT'12) 7.5 x 5.5]

Death is real, it comes without warning and it cannot be escaped, therefore, Penis Enlargement

"………Moncada-Iribarren and colleagues [11] reported on the use of a traction device to treat penile shortening that had occurred after PD surgery. A total of 40 men participated in this study, with 12 undergoing a grafting procedure while the remaining 28 underwent plication only. One-half of the patients were treated with penile traction and the other half served as the control group.

"hile the use of traction therapy in PD may be a relatively new concept, it has a long history of use in other areas of medicine. In 1969, Ilizarov and Soibeman [8] described ‘distraction osteogenesis’ as a technique to stimulate bone remodeling. Subsequently, the use of traction and tissue expansion therapy has spread to other areas, including orthodontics and plastic/reconstructive surgery [9]. From these initial experiences, the concept of using traction therapy to lengthen the penis was felt to be a logical consideration.
The penile extender was first instituted once the surgical incision had healed (approximately 2-3 weeks) for 8-12 hours daily for a total treatment period of at least 4 months. For both groups, penile shortening after surgery ranged from 0.5-4.0 cm. Those patients in the treatment group experienced a length increase ranging from 1-3 cm and this increase was proportional to the number of hours per month that the patient was wearing the extender.
Based on these initial positive studies, further investigation into the use of penile traction as a non-surgical alternative in the treatment of PD deformity was encouraged.

In 2008, Levine and colleagues [12] reported the results of a study of 11 men with PD who underwent treatment with a penile traction device. All participants were evaluated with pre-treatment measurement of stretched penile length from pubis to corona, and a dynamic color duplex ultrasound was performed with measurement of curvature and girth at maximal erection.

Of the 11 men who entered the study, one subject dropped out due to inability to comply with the treatment protocol. Patients were instructed to wear the device for a minimum of 2 hours per day but were encouraged to increase the duration of use to a maximum of 8 hours per day. Treatment was continued for a total of 6 months. Every 2 weeks, the extender rods were lengthened by 0.5 cm, and repeat length measurements were recorded every month during an office visit.

Of the 10 men who completed the study, all reported subjective improvements in length and curvature of 0.5-2.5 cm and 10-40°, respectively. Objectively, mean penile stretched length increased from 0.5-2.0 cm and curvature had been reduced by 10-45° (mean of 22°). There were no patient-described changes regarding penile sensation, worsening erectile function, or skin injury. Overall, patients reported high satisfaction rates and improvements in International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF) scores.

This year, Gontero and colleagues [13] published the results of a study of 19 men who underwent treatment with a penile traction device for PD-associated penile curvature. Of the men participating, all had pre-treatment curvature of less than 50°, disease lasting a minimum of 12 months, and no penile pain when flaccid.

Patients were required to wear the device for a minimum of 5 hours daily, up to a maximum of 9 hours. Patients were evaluated at months 1, 3, and 6. After finishing treatment at month 6, they were evaluated again at 12 months (washout period of 6 months). A total of four patients were dropped from the final analysis due to lack of compliance with the protocol or were lost to follow-up. ……. there was a significant improvement in mean flaccid and stretched penile length measurements of 1.3 and 0.83 cm, respectively.

No further changes in curvature or length were noted after the washout period. There was only a marginal improvement in IIEF score, which was also not statistically significant.

There are several potential explanations for the large discrepancies in the findings between the Levine and Gontero studies. The selection criteria for each study were quite different.
Penile traction therapy in Peyronie’s disease - PMC

Are these studies conclusive? An honest answer would be : no. Is there really any study in the realm of medicine that could be called conclusive? Hard to find an example - but I’m not a researchere in this field, other members can answer this question.

But some studies on penis extenders are legit enough IMHO, more than many studies in other areas regularly published in scientific journals. Some of the authors are not ‘fake Docs’ but respected researchers who have published on different topics.

Look also at the PE Science thread, there are some interesting studies published there.

Hope this helps a little bit.

Originally Posted by marinera
".Moncada-Iribarren and colleagues [11] reported on the use of a traction device to treat penile shortening that had occurred after PD surgery. A total of 40 men participated in this study, with 12 undergoing a grafting procedure while the remaining 28 underwent plication only. One-half of the patients were treated with penile traction and the other half served as the control group.

\"Hile the use of traction therapy in PD may be a relatively new concept, it has a long history of use in other areas of medicine. In 1969, Ilizarov and Soibeman [8] described ‘distraction osteogenesis’ as a technique to stimulate bone remodeling. Subsequently, the use of traction and tissue expansion therapy has spread to other areas, including orthodontics and plastic/reconstructive surgery [9]. From these initial experiences, the concept of using traction therapy to lengthen the penis was felt to be a logical consideration.
The penile extender was first instituted once the surgical incision had healed (approximately 2-3 weeks) for 8-12 hours daily for a total treatment period of at least 4 months. For both groups, penile shortening after surgery ranged from 0.5-4.0 cm. Those patients in the treatment group experienced a length increase ranging from 1-3 cm and this increase was proportional to the number of hours per month that the patient was wearing the extender.
Based on these initial positive studies, further investigation into the use of penile traction as a non-surgical alternative in the treatment of PD deformity was encouraged.

In 2008, Levine and colleagues [12] reported the results of a study of 11 men with PD who underwent treatment with a penile traction device. All participants were evaluated with pre-treatment measurement of stretched penile length from pubis to corona, and a dynamic color duplex ultrasound was performed with measurement of curvature and girth at maximal erection.

Of the 11 men who entered the study, one subject dropped out due to inability to comply with the treatment protocol. Patients were instructed to wear the device for a minimum of 2 hours per day but were encouraged to increase the duration of use to a maximum of 8 hours per day. Treatment was continued for a total of 6 months. Every 2 weeks, the extender rods were lengthened by 0.5 cm, and repeat length measurements were recorded every month during an office visit.

Of the 10 men who completed the study, all reported subjective improvements in length and curvature of 0.5-2.5 cm and 10-40°, respectively. Objectively, mean penile stretched length increased from 0.5-2.0 cm and curvature had been reduced by 10-45° (mean of 22°). There were no patient-described changes regarding penile sensation, worsening erectile function, or skin injury. Overall, patients reported high satisfaction rates and improvements in International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF) scores.

This year, Gontero and colleagues [13] published the results of a study of 19 men who underwent treatment with a penile traction device for PD-associated penile curvature. Of the men participating, all had pre-treatment curvature of less than 50°, disease lasting a minimum of 12 months, and no penile pain when flaccid.

Patients were required to wear the device for a minimum of 5 hours daily, up to a maximum of 9 hours. Patients were evaluated at months 1, 3, and 6. After finishing treatment at month 6, they were evaluated again at 12 months (washout period of 6 months). A total of four patients were dropped from the final analysis due to lack of compliance with the protocol or were lost to follow-up. .. There was a significant improvement in mean flaccid and stretched penile length measurements of 1.3 and 0.83 cm, respectively.

No further changes in curvature or length were noted after the washout period. There was only a marginal improvement in IIEF score, which was also not statistically significant.

There are several potential explanations for the large discrepancies in the findings between the Levine and Gontero studies. The selection criteria for each study were quite different.
Penile traction therapy in Peyronie’s disease - PMC

Are these studies conclusive? An honest answer would be : no. Is there really any study in the realm of medicine that could be called conclusive? Hard to find an example - but I’m not a researchere in this field, other members can answer this question.

But some studies on penis extenders are legit enough IMHO, more than many studies in other areas regularly published in scientific journals. Some of the authors are not ‘fake Docs’ but respected researchers who have published on different topics.

Look also at the PE Science thread, there are some interesting studies published there.

Hope this helps a little bit.

Thanks for article was a good read. Thanks for not taking it the wrong way just trying to really understand the truth and not buy the myth’s, and understand how can these devices give gains and how some people gain from it and some don’t doing the same thing. The thing now is just who to trust or how to trust someone who said they have gain using them.

Who? Generally speaking, trust old members here without a commercial account (they have a signature). How to trust? Not really getting the question. Will you gain by these devices? No one can say for sure.

The best thing to do, is stay on manual techniques for at least 3 months and after that, see what it gives. Most amazing gains where achieved without any device. My word.

Originally Posted by marinera
Who? Generally speaking, trust old members here without a commercial account (they have a signature). How to trust? Not really getting the question. Will you gain by these devices? No one can say for sure.

The best thing to do, is stay on manual techniques for at least 3 months and after that, see what it gives. Most amazing gains where achieved without any device. My word.

That’s one of the most honest answer or replies I have seen. I guess it won’t hurt to give it a try and trust whats being said. That reply you gave I can live with that.

I say you won’t gain from these devices, especially if you don’t use them enough, thinking you actually don’t want a 2” growth as advertised and you’re happy with 1” only and then after two months quit. Just as the fat ladies won’t lose weight at the gym if they sit there on the bikes and barely move their legs, reading magazines and waiting to finish the “tremendous workout” and go have a sweet reward afterwards.

In my opinion, the devices work, but not really as advertised, which leads to too much confusion. Yeah maybe there are some nature freaks out there who gain very fast, but they shouldn’t advertise by those.

Successful PE is more about dedication and hard work, rather than the method you chose.

Maybe if the claims would’ve been more realistic, there wouldn’t be such a debate on this. And maybe they’d be making much less money.

Originally Posted by cantlook

I’ve realized the only way you’ll really know anything for sure is to try it yourself, and that PE’ers should have a diet high in sodium.

I get the first part but ..what about the sodium ? It’s an equivalent to that saying “a grain of salt” ? Or you have truly convinced yourself that manipulating the electrolyte balance by adding more sodium could help you out ?

Starting stats: 6.4" / 5.6" Current Stats: 7.4" / 5.8" Short term goal: 7" / 6" Long term goal: 8" / 6.5"


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