How far are you from your ultimate goal?
As the title suggests, our TP fellow committed PEers will come in and log here, at the time of posting in this thread,
1) how far are you from your ultimate length gain?
2) how far are you from your ultimate girth gain?
Then update semi annually at 6-month intervals.
Remember this isn’t about competition, and it should logically not be since we have different goals and different PE history. It might be a good starting reference for data collection.
Should you get to your ultimate goal within the time interval (e.g. 9 months after your first post in this thread) log “goal met”
I’ll start: 2.25” in EL, 1” in EG.
I’ll come back and post in 6 months and see how far I will have come toward my the ultimate goal and, then again in a year.. Etc.
I hope y’all like the idea. Good look on your hard work.