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How important are Rest days?/girth exercises

How important are Rest days?/girth exercises

Ay yo,

Again I’d like to think all the posters on this board. It helped me spice up my routine a lil bit, and I gained 1/4 in about a week and a half after only gaining about 1.5 inch in the previous 6 months.

So to my question: How important are rest days, and how many rest days should I make sure to fit into my routine? Right now I do about 25 sets of DLD blasters then 5min manual stretching before 30 minutes of hard jelqing at night. I pretty much keep my routine religiously, even if I forget and have to do it all at 2am, but I’m starting to think that’s not good. I know that with bodybuidling like my ab work out i get much better results when I take a day or two off between rigorous workouts. I’d like to know what is the optimal routine to follow including rest days and all that?

Also, I’d really like to increase my girth. I might’ve said i was 6” around, but after doing a more acurate mesurment its more like 5.75”. What are the best exerices to promote gains in girth?

I’m ghost

Hey Oddfather,

Good question. Generally speaking, if you are just starting or working into a heavier routine the rule of thumb is two days on, one day off. This gives your body time to heal and cements the gains that you are working for. The PE that you do is designed to make microtears in the inner structure of the penis. The day off gives your body the time it needs to heal those ‘injuries’ that you have created and turn them into the gains that you are looking for. Never, Never, Never, continue any exercise that is painful.
Your ab work is a prefect background, let your body be your guide. Never over do and slowly and consistently work for the gains that you seek.

Good Luck,

ps Here’s a great thread to read
How to Jelq

Life isn't fair, but why be bitter? Life is way too short to go though with a bad attitude.

Last edited by dcangerous : 09-05-2003 at .

Again, beautiful advice. That makes so much sense thank you dcangerous. Before I just figured that you should do it daily without fail, i rarely miss more than 3 days of PE in a month, starting to think that might’ve stunted my growth a bit. I started at a lil under 7” and in about 7 months gained 1.75” in bone pressed lenghth and i’d guess .5 to .75” in girth at the thickest. I’ll definatly do 3days on/one day off routine from now on though.

But about my girth question. I’ve read a few threads on the subject, and I’ve found most people just do jelq’s with high erection levels, and uli’s. Are there any more effective exercised aimed solely at gaining girth out there?


Your gains over 7 months are probably in the top 1%, and are more than I’ve gained since 4 years ago(somewhere around 2 years on). I don’t know if you can improve upon that, but maybe switching your routine to allow more rest days might.

Ditto on what MDC said. Im no expert but the whole “take these days off” seems like bullshit to me. I started May 10 2003 with PE and take a day off when I feel I need it,not because it is the 3rd day,etc. I might be full of shit,but to me I am just forcing my tissues to adapt to different stresses. I try to listen to my body,which could be a art too.

If you feel I am full of shit fine,I just feel that we are not made out of the same mold and you have to find what is right for you. Personally I was in a “rut” and done a workout which some would call stupid. This “Blast” started more growth. I have been very lucky as far as growth,and I credit most of my gains to needing more blood flow. Ive lost 43 lbs since May and take supplements.



An inch and 3 quarters lengthwise in 2 months??? WOW!

What’s your routine? What’s your supplements?

Starting: 5 BPEL x 4.5 EG on 4/19/03

Latest: 6 BPEL x 5 EG on 2/17/04

Goal: 7 BPEL x 6 EG

Gnc Arginmax. Jelqs,pulls,stretches.I am fixing to start hanging


Originally posted by Oddfather
Again, beautiful advice. That makes so much sense thank you dcangerous. Before I just figured that you should do it daily without fail, i rarely miss more than 3 days of PE in a month, starting to think that might've stunted my growth a bit. I started at a lil under 7” and in about 7 months gained 1.75” in bone pressed lenghth and i'd guess .5 to .75” in girth at the thickest. I'll definatly do 3days on/one day off routine from now on though.

But about my girth question. I've read a few threads on the subject, and I've found most people just do jelq's with high erection levels, and uli's. Are there any more effective exercised aimed solely at gaining girth out there?

Don’t hold back give some info on what PE routines your using will you. I will even say please and thank-you..You gained 1.75 BPEL and 1/2 - 3/4 girth.
And what about you cj0057 you said this is what you do below:
Is special jelqs, what about pulls or stretches (A or V or ???)

Gnc Arginmax. Jelqs,pulls,stretches.I am fixing to start hanging
Cj0057 =
5.5/4.5 Start May,10 2003
7.25/5.25 July,8 2003

Wow Great gains guys!

All change is not growth, as all movement is not forward.

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