One comes across different figures regarding the percentage of women who have orgasms from vaginal intercourse without direct stimulation, with percentages as low as 10% or as “high” as 40%.
The figures that most closely correspond to my own personal experience with a moderate sampling of women is as follows (I don’t remember where I read this): “30% of women will never experience orgasm with vaginal intercourse (without direct clitoral stimulation) and only 30% will do so with any regularity”.
If accurate, that would suggest that up to 40% might occasionally but rarely orgasm with vaginal sex, which pretty well fits with what I experienced with those partners with whom I had longer-term sexual relationships, about a third only came with clitoral stimulation, about a third came occasionally with vaginal intercourse but not frequently, about a third came pretty regularly with vaginal sex (nearly every time).
What have others experienced?