Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

How long should the good Fatigue be there??

How long should the good Fatigue be there??

I was just thinking how long should a good Fatigue be there while doing your routine??

is it a week ?? 2 days ect. Any suggestions??

Well it has been about a week now and I’m still getting that good Fatigue!!! I know because my PI’s are giong thru the roof!!

I’m just curious what you PE brothers think too.

You’re on the edge then. From my experience if you continue like that, it will result in a firm flaccid which is over the line. Give it a week off.

My journey .... My pics

Start BPEL 6.50" x MSEG 5.00"

Now BPEL 7.625" x MSEG 5.25"

Good fatigue? Can you explain?

Improving your life, one pelvic thrust at a time!

I’m very interested to hear what everyone has to say about this.

Started: BPEL 6.75" MSEG 4.75", Now: BPEL 7.75" MSEG 5.438", Goal: BPEL 8" MSEG 6"

I exercise Monday-Thursday, by Thursday I have developed a slightly hard flaccid, by Sunday evening it’s gone and I’m hanging full and low (6 inches)

Good fatigue is when your penis has a good soreness to it right after a good workout but EQ stays in tact. This good fatigue can last for the rest of the day. What you want is controlled fatigue.

My penis stays slightly sore right where the tunica runs from midshaft all the way to the connective tissues rooted in the base in the scrotum sac from all of the hanging and clamping sessions.

Fatigue means that the tissue’s structures are wearing down. This is what we want because as the tissues cellular and molecular intregity weaken, CREEP and plastic deformation will take place as more stress is applied.

As long as you are getting controlled levels of fatigue and your EQ is in tact, you’ll be fine. Just use good judgment to determine good soreness from bad soreness.

(Starting size) (NBPEL: 8 Inches), (BPEL: 8.5 Inches) (BPFSL: Didn't measure then), (Midshaft Girth: 5.2 Inches), (Base Girth: 5.5 Inches)
(Current size) (NBPEL: 9.3 Inches), (BPEL: 9.7 Inches), (BPFSL: 10.3 Inches), (Midshaft Girth: 5.8 Inches), (Base Girth: 6.35 Inches)
(Final Goal) To be the next Mandingo LOL.


hey Sayain22 thats what happening right now! My EQ is the same even when I get good fatigue along the Penis.

So I guess I should ride this out as long as I can . Be very cautious of any Neg PI’s escpecially lost of EQ.

Thanks for the awesome explantion of the ( Good Fatigue) .Ever since I been doing PE I haven’t got any Neg PI so far. Today I did my offical measurements gained again in BPEL AND EG.

So far I have gained a total of 0.81” BPEL and 0.31” EG.

I try to do PE five days on, two off. I try to set it up so I get optimal good fatigue last two, maybe three days.

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