Originally Posted by saulgoode45
No expert but everyone will say hang. I personally have seen some results with clamps and straight down manuals.Still, that 5-6-5 action with your girl might be amazing for her. Lots of toys with that design so maybe roll with it. It flexes her.
Ps she does not care about looks. That feel may work.
Its actually not quite that skinny up top :D Its like 5.5 and up from the glans towards the middle, which is 6, then goes back to 5.1. Its kind of a shock sometimes for girls because 5.5 still isn’t small, then just as I begin to push in past the head its like woah for them, that’s thick, sometimes takes multiple tries kinda maybe an inch or 2 at most before she’s went and lube up enough to take the whole thing, its a cool feeling for sure. I’m honestly sure they don’t care that its skinnier there at all, at least for the visual part. Its honestly my issue, but still, if I could even get a REAL half inch of base girth leading up to the middle I’d be happy. The issue is I’ve never even started PE yet. I have issues getting erections due to ADHD, it can sometimes be hard to concentrate long enough on something without getting distracted. Also, I’m taking vyvanse which is an amphetimine, helps with focus but due to the increased adrenaline in my brain, I have blood flow issues. Not actual of course, but my brain sends blood to parts of my body that are vital in a adrenaline situation, so not the penis. Gonna get some L Argenine in a week or 2, what dose of that do you recommend and how much do you think it would help? Also, clamping is quite an advanced technique yes? And what are straight down manuals?
Originally Posted by Richard65
Hi drISlittleFor me I measured an increase in base girth just from manual stretching (up/down/left/right/out). Is nearly half an inch in a year (don’t have the precise numbers at hand but will look it up later).
Do you need to be erect for these manual stretches? I’ve tried them flaccid but it kinda hurts. Its hard to keep a grip for 15 seconds let alone 30, and feels like I’m gonna yank my dick head off :D Is there a comprehensive guide? Also, do you think since the upper part of my penis is so much thicker relative to volume that its possible I may not gain anything base wise?