Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

How to Maximize the process of Gaining Length


And therein lies the problem with trying to layout a set “game plan”…as everybody’s bodily systems and structures vary and respond differently to external forces of influence. Which is why I welcome difference of opinion, as in some ways we are all correct in our thoughts, ideas and theories.

Not sure if I can agree/confirm your statement about jelqing…as I have been consistently and systematically PE ing for just under a year now and might possibly have gained at least a quarter of an inch in length and an eighth in girth…from a combination of erect bends and jelqs or from only one of these…Which I use to fatigue my penis before hanging.

Starting size: 6.25" BPEL (5.5" NBPEL); 6.5" BPFSL; 5.0" MEG (3/2014)

Goal: 6.5" NBPEL (7.25" BPEL); 5.5" MEG

Current size: 6.50" BPEL (5.75" NBPEL); 7.5" BPFSL; 5.25" MEG (11/25/2015)

That’s the problem with doing many things at once : you don’t know what is doing what. Many newbies start doing about everything under the PE sun, than their penis is just telling :wtf: and doesn’t know where to go. Then they come for advice.

Erect bends, wouldn’t never advice. No points in them IMO. A too hig stretch can’t be held for a significative amount of time because the chances of injuries would be too high. It would be like trying to become stronger doing a static hold with 5,000 pounds in the bench press for 1/10 of second (yes I know the penis is not a muscle, thanks).

You don’t want scar tissue in your penis, always remember that. You don’t even want a healthy but stronger tunica, although it can be helpful : my penis has become so though that the chances to have a penis rupture through fuck are none. I can bend my erect penis way more than I could before PE, yes, so erect bends are less dangerous for me. But gaining is almost impossible now. Think to that.

Wouldn’t say I am mixing a bunch of stuff simultaneously…I was light jelqing and hanging before using erect bends.

What I meant was my switch from light to heavy jelqing (slightly more intense/longer duration) may have contributed, the erect bends alongside the jelqs and continued hanging may finally be presenting the gains. Perhaps in the “cementing” stage. There honestly is no definitive way to prove whether any of it is the “cause” of possible gains or the lack thereof…Perhaps it was the change in routine that “awakened” this growth possibility. (As I have stated, it’s not a set increase but rather a noticeable change).

So apparently I’m doing something right (in the sense of PE goals)…finally.

Starting size: 6.25" BPEL (5.5" NBPEL); 6.5" BPFSL; 5.0" MEG (3/2014)

Goal: 6.5" NBPEL (7.25" BPEL); 5.5" MEG

Current size: 6.50" BPEL (5.75" NBPEL); 7.5" BPFSL; 5.25" MEG (11/25/2015)

Hey, sorry for asking you this (to the mods), but can you please delete the 1st post of this thread (or maybe the thread itself). :) I would be very thankful! :)

No we can’t. We can move the thread to a private area (only members) if you want.

Hmm, no, don’t. If you can not remove the thread or I can not edit the 1st post- let it just stay then. :)


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