Thunder's Place

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How to measure insertable length - "HPEL"?


Originally Posted by Lampwick
I’m having a hard time figuring out why a precision measure of insertable length matters.

We use BPEL and NBPEL and FSL to have standards to measure to, so that we can measure consistently and gauge our progress.

But insertable length? That’s going to vary depending on your anatomy and body fat percentage at the given moment, plus your partner’s particular anatomical configuration. That can vary in the given partner over time, or from partner to partner.

My guess is that ‘insertable length’ is thus a variable, not a constant.

It seems “insertable length” may have been a misleading term to pick: I didn’t mean “pussy insertable” - a stricter description might have been “calculating the fatpad tax”.

About body fat percentage at “the given moment” - not sure about you, but mine has stayed exactly the same for the last year.

About the receptive partner’s fatpad varying: if a girl can’t take your dick at all, technically you have 0” insertable length *that night*, which isn’t really the sort of result I was after - see my response to kruz above your post.

And, all in all, measuring “length minus fatpad” doesn’t really matter (even by the normal standards of dick measurement) - it’s just that there are so many threads full of people having zero sum, unproductive arguments about NBPEL/BPEL being insertable (see the thread linked to in my original comment: “this box is white!” vs “no, this box is black!” - repeat) that I wanted to settle it with the Power of Science.

Last edited by Foryourprivacy : 01-25-2010 at .

Well, I can only applaud the effort to try to harness The Power Of Science in the cause of PE.

My weight does vary, as does my body fat percentage; as you know, they’re not the same thing.

I’m having trouble figuring out what, exactly, you’re trying to measure, though. Your proposed measurement is independent of the partner, then, if I understand you correctly. (Your original post mentioned your partner’s fatpad and how much insertable length you could deliver as a result.)

Your original question was ” Can we insert our entire BPELs, or just our NBPELs? How much does the fat pad compress during sex?” My experience has been that the fat pad compresses considerably. One of the arguments against too much PE has been that those who have gotten overly long for their partner can no longer do the pelvic bone to pelvic bone ‘grind’ that a lot of women seem to enjoy.

I get what you’re saying about the ‘NBPEL/BPEL length during sex’ debate, though. As far as I’m concerned, I’m clearing delivering more than an uncompressed NBPEL measurement. How much more, though, depends on my body fat level, the partner’s body fat level and anatomy, the position… you get the idea. And the usefulness of measurement, for me, stops with keeping track for PE. Beyond that, it’s a ‘three bears’ scale of measurement. Is it too long, too short, or (ahhhh!) just right?

Beyond that, I don’t think anyone is arguing that the amount of fat pad is irrelevant to how much depth you can plumb. In that case, if it makes that much difference, you can reduce your fat pad as one useful way of being able to apply more length.

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

Originally Posted by Lampwick
My weight does vary, as does my body fat percentage; as you know, they’re not the same thing.

Whoops, I used the wrong word: I meant my fatpad has stayed exactly the same for the year: I wasn’t tracking anything else.

Originally Posted by Lampwick
I’m having trouble figuring out what, exactly, you’re trying to measure, though. Your proposed measurement is independent of the partner, then, if I understand you correctly. (Your original post mentioned your partner’s fatpad and how much insertable length you could deliver as a result.)

Partner indepedent, right.

About my original post: I mentioned that if a hypothetical partner had a fatpad the same as mine (0.2”) both fatpads combined would only take off 0.4”.

Since HPEL is the first numeric measurement of fatpad compression I’m aware of, and since my fatpad - at almost an inch - is pretty big, I thought a total fatpad tax of 0.4” was pretty reasonable/average - guys were talking about losing 2 inches etc in the thread I linked to, and I just don’t see that happening.

Of course, since nobody else has volunteered numbers, it’s tough to come up with an average figure.


Originally Posted by Lampwick
My experience has been that the fat pad compresses considerably. One of the arguments against too much PE has been that those who have gotten overly long for their partner can no longer do the pelvic bone to pelvic bone ‘grind’ that a lot of women seem to enjoy.

Your point being that noone talks about the “fatpad to fatpad” grind? Interesting.

Originally Posted by Lampwick
I get what you’re saying about the ‘NBPEL/BPEL length during sex’ debate, though. As far as I’m concerned, I’m clearing delivering more than an uncompressed NBPEL measurement. How much more, though, depends on my body fat level, the partner’s body fat level and anatomy, the position… you get the idea. And the usefulness of measurement, for me, stops with keeping track for PE. Beyond that, it’s a ‘three bears’ scale of measurement. Is it too long, too short, or (ahhhh!) just right?

Right, lots of factors - but fatpad compressibility must be a big one, yet doesn’t seem to have been measured before.

All I’m saying is, if we’re going to obsess over our dick sizes, let’s be creative about it.

Originally Posted by Lampwick

Beyond that, I don’t think anyone is arguing that the amount of fat pad is irrelevant to how much depth you can plumb. In that case, if it makes that much difference, you can reduce your fat pad as one useful way of being able to apply more length.

“Fatpad is relevant to insertable length”, you’re saying? Right.

I’m just suggesting a way to measure it as a novelty, not expecting to change anyone’s life.

Originally Posted by Lampwick
Well, I can only applaud the effort to try to harness The Power Of Science in the cause of PE (…) you can reduce your fat pad as one useful way of being able to apply more length.

Thank you sir, and I agree.

Last edited by Foryourprivacy : 01-25-2010 at .

Originally Posted by Lampwick
I’m having trouble figuring out what, exactly, you’re trying to measure, though.

How about “the degree to which the fatpad, as one factor among many, hinders insertable length,” or “the degree to which the fatpad can be compressed?”

HPEL is an ongoing attempt to start to cross the gap of ignorance towards a full Insertable Length measurement system. Not that it matters very much anyway.

Is it possible to have a body fat percentage low enough to reduce the fatpad to ~ zero?

Does the presence of well developed abs eventually cause a ‘muscle pad’?


Originally Posted by Tweaking
Is it possible to have a body fat percentage low enough to reduce the fatpad to ~ zero?

Not really. Even at single-digit body fat, which most people will never reach, you can still press a ruler about a 1/4” in my experience.

Originally Posted by Tweaking
Does the presence of well developed abs eventually cause a ‘muscle pad’?

Not really. For most people the limit on “insertable length” will rather be the hips than the muscles of the abdomen. When I’m ripped, as in single-digit body fat, my hips are like razors and jut out like they’re trying to conquer the world.

2010-01-09: BPEL: 19,7cm [7.75"] EG: 15,0 cm [5.9"]

2010-04-24: BPEL: 20,4cm [8.0"] EG: [???]


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