I have around 1000 hrs logged with a noose extender with MANY trials and errors and this is the best way for me and here’s how I do it:
I put some wrappings on the penis just below the glans, for comfort and reduce pressure in glans. I put the penis through the extender base. Then I make sure any skin on the sides of the base and scrotum is also pulled through with the penis to give you the maximum stretch (but not your scrotum itself and not the skin on your pubic bone or this may cause pain).
Then with right hand push the extender town against yourself so the springs compress, with left hand grab penis through the noose.
This step is key: As you pull your penis through the noose bend your knees slightly so ur butt sticks out so as to help the stretch of the penis.
Then pull on the straps and fixate them with a hairband or something.
Another key thing: you don’t want to pull your penis through the noose by squeezing your glans..this only creates unhealthy pressure in the glans. Instead pull the penis with friction. This is only possible imo if you put some rubbery or silicone strap under ur glans (I use a cut up leluv pump silicone base). This will also make sure you are extending safely because your glans will be aligned with the extender, I.e. your pee hole should not be pointing at your face when in the extender because that’s too much glans pressure.
Hope that was helpful mate,
2022: BPEL: 7.08" x MSEG: 5.00"/18.0cm x 12.7cm.
2024: BPEL: 7.50" x MSEG: 5.30"/19.0cm x 13.5cm.
Extender: 1.3k hours (13/10/2024). Goal: 3k hours.