How to Read & Adjust Rod style Traction Devices (X4/Size Genetics/JES/Similar)
I was reading in this forum and noted several differing views on tension in traction devices, particularly the popular X4 Labs model. Fortunately, this model and several others function identically in how they actually work. Below I have several pictures that cover the base of the X4 Labs Gold Edition and how it is meant to function. I’d do a 5 minute video but 5 pictures will have to do.
The first picture has the ruler in it and the two rods at the base and my finger pointing at the exact area that measures the tension. Seen in that picture are the spring pistons and the lines on them that signify how much tension is being applied. You see all three lines and the pistons are fully extended so no tension is being applied. Also, note that the ruler showcases that for the bars to fully extend only roughly 3/4” is required. Meaning if you have a VERY springy or spongy penis, applying the device may become tricky for you. However, there is a method that works around this as well. I will cover that in the 5th paragraph.
I have it zoomed in on a tension rod piston but you see that part of it is covered up. That is because I am compressing it to show that it reaches the first level of tension when the rod covers up 1/3 of the piston and reaches the first marking on both of the pistons attached to the base.
I have it zoomed in on a tension rod piston again. However you see that a larger part of it is covered up and it reaches the second line. This is 2/3 tension and that is signified by the rod reaching that line on both pistons.
I have it zoomed in on the tension piston but now no lines are visible on the gauge. This is maximum tension. Meaning the springs are compressed as much as they can be so they are reaching their maximum resistance level. So, the device is exerting all possible tension at this time if it is affixed properly. Also, at maximum tension it tends to come off much more easily. Be careful moving around.
This picture shows the two ways you can adjust your pistons without adding or subtracting rods. Sometimes a 1/2” rod isn’t precise enough for the adjustment we want to make so you can manually adjust the two pistons at the base as shown in the last picture. The upper piston towards the top of the picture is adjusted upwards using the area ABOVE the thumb dial. this moves the tension gauge up to expose more threaded area. This has more play in it than the bottom method. The bottom rod is adjusted using the area BELOW the thumb dial. Also beware, using the area BELOW the thumb dial can take the rod out of the base medallion and you’ll have to thread it back in. Use the area ABOVE the thumb dial to adjust first if possible then add additional rods if that is not enough adjustment. As, if you note, the upper area adjusts further than the smallest rod extension you have, meaning you can adjust back down then add the smaller rod extension if you need more play.
Additional notes.
*You can only read tension WHILE YOUR PENIS IS STRAPPED INTO THE DEVICE. Think about this. If your penis is not in the device, the spring pistons are fully extended and waiting for use. There is no tension on them.
*If you adjust one piston, adjust the other the same amount. If you add an extension bar to one piston, add the same size one to the other side. If you do not, you risk damaging the device seriously.
*To get tension from the device and use it properly YOU MUST COMPRESS THE DEVICE TOWARDS YOUR BODY AS YOU STRAP IT ON. If you do not do this, you will read and experience very low or ZERO levels of tension. You will merely be holding your penis in the flaccid state with no actual force exerted upwards to stretch it.
*If the device head slips off you will lose tension. Check your tension level regularly. I do this with a fingernail, as you can feel how many of the lines are exposed and feel how much extra metal is exposed as the device compresses and releases.
I fielded these questions many times at the X4 forum and they didn’t have picture options so this, in my opinion is a great boon. Questions and comments below. This way everyone can learn, even me.
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Now: 9" BPEL x 6.25" MSEG as of 11/10/2019 This is my story, a few progress pics of me here, and all my methods.
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Last edited by thoughtfulgold : 08-24-2016 at . Reason: Clarity