Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

How to Read & Adjust Rod style Traction Devices (X4/Size Genetics/JES/Similar)

Originally Posted by oldjake
I just received my sizegenetics extender yesterday, and I was pretty frustrated as the DVD wouldn’t play on my MAC, and the lack of instruction on the web. There was quite a bit of swearing the first few times I tried it.

After fiddling around a bit, I found for me (and I’m not girthy), the following worked best:
I would get myself hard first.
Then, I would use the foam wrap piece (not sure if yours has it) to place over the shaft just up to the glans.
Then, I use the silicon noose (I don’t think I’d use the noose without the foam).
The trick is you have to compress the gadget down all the way (and my thumbscrews are screwed in all the way), and while holding it down, tug your unit through the noose and pull it tight (being very careful to keep the noose on the foam and not let it slide up to the glans, ouch!).
By this time, you’re not hard, but your glans is big enough to work with the noose and foam.
Then, when it’s comfortably in place, start cranking out the set screws to the desired tension.
It takes some fiddling..

I found the right number of rods (mine comes with several sizes to adapt with). I used it for an hour last night, and then I decided to try it in stealth mode today. I put it on and then pointed it downwards ( I saw this on a video from goodlookinglooser - if I recall correctly), put on a pair of boxers and a loose pair of slacks and drove in to the office. Big mistake - trying to drive any distance with this thing on! I started to feel a pinch around my glans that was progressively getting worse, so I had to take evasive action and undo it halfway to the office. ( I did pull over to do that :) )

Anyway, after I got to the office, I put it back on and did 3 one hour sessions with breaks in between to get the feel for how it works.

If you don’t have the foam and noose just right, you’ll get some pinching on the skin.

I also did notice that I’m not setting the tension past the first notch, but just shy of it, and it seemed enough for me.

That’s all I can say for now. It seems that this is going to be one of those things in my arsenal, that I will have to put up with to get results.

Hi Oldjake!
I also thing that is a BIG mistake trying to drive with this thing on!
Just imagine having a car accident, because of wearing an extender…
(Must be hard to explain to the police officer) lol
Personally,I prefer to put my extender at home only.

Originally Posted by dj8cut
Hi Oldjake!
I also thing that is a BIG mistake trying to drive with this thing on!
Just imagine having a car accident, because of wearing an extender..
(Must be hard to explain to the police officer) lol
Personally, I prefer to put my extender at home only.

Yup. Bad idea. Won’t do that ever again.

JUN-01-17: BPEL 6 1/4" MEG 4 1/4" || JAN-20-18: BPEL 7" MEG 4 3/4"

Short Term Goal: BPEL 7 1/2" MEG 5.0" --> Long Term Goal: 9x6

My Progress thread: Oldjake's Progress Report

I was considering the driving idea well glad I read that.

New extender

Hello, I am new to this site but not new to PE. I have been pumping off and on for several years now. I have a question about the use of my new x4labs extender I purchased. I have been only using it for a few days but it seems I have to readjust this thing pretty often (more then I would like to).

My question is, is it normal for this extender to lose tension a few times over the course of say an hour? I am also having an issue which I assume it is my fat pad that is causing all this, but I don’t feel any pressure on my pelvic bone and have tried to get at the extension rods to get max tension but the increments are not working for me to start. So when I just put it on and have 2/3 tension ( I use the extender pointing towards my chin) I get stretched to the point of all the tension marks are visible.

Any and all advice would be much appreciated. I have the drive and motivation, just not all the answers. YET!

Originally Posted by southofheaven
Hello, I am new to this site but not new to PE. I have been pumping off and on for several years now. I have a question about the use of my new x4labs extender I purchased. I have been only using it for a few days but it seems I have to readjust this thing pretty often (more then I would like to).

My question is, is it normal for this extender to lose tension a few times over the course of say an hour? I am also having an issue which I assume it is my fat pad that is causing all this, but I don’t feel any pressure on my pelvic bone and have tried to get at the extension rods to get max tension but the increments are not working for me to start. So when I just put it on and have 2/3 tension ( I use the extender pointing towards my chin) I get stretched to the point of all the tension marks are visible.

Any and all advice would be much appreciated. I have the drive and motivation, just not all the answers. YET!

It sounds like you have an extender with very firm springs. As you say you can see all the tension marks. The reason you have to adjust the tension a few times every hour might be that the band or strap that secures the head of your penis may be stretching & cause the extender to loose its firm traction.
Might be good if you can loose a little off the fat pad too, that will give the base plate a better fitting on your pelvic bone.

Any suggestions on where to find or how to make more rods? I read something about using pencils on page 1, would that work?

Originally Posted by WorstNoten
Any suggestions on where to find or how to make more rods? I read something about using pencils on page 1, would that work? sells more rods, as does your company that makes it usually. Though if you are using a cheap eBay extender you just ain’t gonna get rods that fit to my knowledge.

If you’re using a standard one autoextender sells both rod thread types.

Now: 9" BPEL x 6.25" MSEG as of 11/10/2019 This is my story, a few progress pics of me here, and all my methods.

Then: 6.25" x 4.37" in 8/2009 Are you new to PE? Here's some advice I wish someone had given me when I first started.

My Extender and forward to 10" and balls enhancement project. There is no "Holy Grail" of Penis Enlargement. Only time and effort works. I'm *10* years in and counting. All you have to do is put the work in and keep the faith.

Originally Posted by WorstNoten
Any suggestions on where to find or how to make more rods? I read something about using pencils on page 1, would that work? sells more rods, as does your company that makes it usually. Though if you are using a cheap eBay extender you just ain’t gonna get rods that fit to my knowledge.

If you’re using a standard one autoextender sells both rod thread types.

Pencils or dowel rods are not used to replace rods. Or add to Rod length. They are used in the event that you have a very small amount you want to increase the extender length slightly and it is smaller than your smallest Rod increments.

Now: 9" BPEL x 6.25" MSEG as of 11/10/2019 This is my story, a few progress pics of me here, and all my methods.

Then: 6.25" x 4.37" in 8/2009 Are you new to PE? Here's some advice I wish someone had given me when I first started.

My Extender and forward to 10" and balls enhancement project. There is no "Holy Grail" of Penis Enlargement. Only time and effort works. I'm *10* years in and counting. All you have to do is put the work in and keep the faith.

Originally Posted by thoughtfulgold sells more rods, as does your company that makes it usually. Though if you are using a cheap eBay extender you just ain’t gonna get rods that fit to my knowledge.

If you’re using a standard one autoextender sells both rod thread types.

Pencils or dowel rods are not used to replace rods. Or add to Rod length. They are used in the event that you have a very small amount you want to increase the extender length slightly and it is smaller than your smallest Rod increments.

I’m using a proextender of questionable source. Any idea if I could just buy replacement rods and use them as extra rods instead?

Originally Posted by WorstNoten
I’m using a proextender of questionable source. Any idea if I could just buy replacement rods and use them as extra rods instead?

“Questionable source” is the operable term here. I only purchased an X4 and a sizegenetics. I simply am not equipped to answer your question.

monkeybar, who runs, is a member here. Send him a PM and ask. I can’t help you further, maybe he can.

Now: 9" BPEL x 6.25" MSEG as of 11/10/2019 This is my story, a few progress pics of me here, and all my methods.

Then: 6.25" x 4.37" in 8/2009 Are you new to PE? Here's some advice I wish someone had given me when I first started.

My Extender and forward to 10" and balls enhancement project. There is no "Holy Grail" of Penis Enlargement. Only time and effort works. I'm *10* years in and counting. All you have to do is put the work in and keep the faith.

I just realized extenders are supposed to extend beyond your EL. My mind is blown. I’m a decent 6.8” BP, but my stretched flaccid is shorter, and the idea I need to work up to extending my flaccid dick 7”+, possibly 8” or more, sounds crazy to me. I can barely imagine what such a long flaccid inside an extender will eventually look like.

Any place I could find pics of that to convince myself this is actually a (good) PE thing?

Originally Posted by WorstNoten
I just realized extenders are supposed to extend beyond your EL. My mind is blown. I’m a decent 6.8” BP, but my stretched flaccid is shorter, and the idea I need to work up to extending my flaccid dick 7”+, possibly 8” or more, sounds crazy to me. I can barely imagine what such a long flaccid inside an extender will eventually look like.

Any place I could find pics of that to convince myself this is actually a (good) PE thing?

usually most guys have longer BPFSL than BPEL.

i used to wear my extender high tension close to 8” and im just 7” bpel.

Then- 5.7 x 4.7 (bpel x mseg)

Now- 7.1 x 5.1 (beg 5.5) // Goal-> 8 x 5.5+

Extender Log 2017

Originally Posted by WorstNoten
I just realized extenders are supposed to extend beyond your EL. My mind is blown. I’m a decent 6.8” BP, but my stretched flaccid is shorter, and the idea I need to work up to extending my flaccid dick 7”+, possibly 8” or more, sounds crazy to me. I can barely imagine what such a long flaccid inside an extender will eventually look like.

Any place I could find pics of that to convince myself this is actually a (good) PE thing?

I don’t think that the theory is solid because everyone does not carry that level of elasticity in their flaccid sizes. My own usage of the extender extended my flaccid size to just below my erect size for quite some time. This Is my own Experience, your mileage may vary

Now: 9" BPEL x 6.25" MSEG as of 11/10/2019 This is my story, a few progress pics of me here, and all my methods.

Then: 6.25" x 4.37" in 8/2009 Are you new to PE? Here's some advice I wish someone had given me when I first started.

My Extender and forward to 10" and balls enhancement project. There is no "Holy Grail" of Penis Enlargement. Only time and effort works. I'm *10* years in and counting. All you have to do is put the work in and keep the faith.

Originally Posted by WorstNoten
I just realized extenders are supposed to extend beyond your EL. My mind is blown. I’m a decent 6.8” BP, but my stretched flaccid is shorter, and the idea I need to work up to extending my flaccid dick 7”+, possibly 8” or more, sounds crazy to me. I can barely imagine what such a long flaccid inside an extender will eventually look like.

Any place I could find pics of that to convince myself this is actually a (good) PE thing?

Hi WorstNoten!
I have used my extender for over 4000 hours so far.
I have also a high level of elasticity, now I can stretch my penis up to 9.25 inches with it (photo) but, the longest flaccid mesure I have reached without my extender is 7.5 inches in the shower.
Usually I have about 6 inches “flaccid” and 8.4 “erect” BP so, if you want to have 8 inches or more in “flaccid” you will have to work very hard.
But 7-8 inches inside an extender must be more than possible,who knows…
All the best,

Last edited by dj8cut : 07-16-2018 at .

Thoughtfulgold: thank’s for this post, just received an x4 in the mail today and came on here to figure out how to use the thing.. Tried using the strap as a demo run and my skin got pulled into it and I shed a tear.

dj8cut: what have been your results with 4000 hours? What was your routine like? Most importantly, what do you use for straps? It looks like some soft wrap + velcro in the picture? Thanks!

Sadly my x4 didnt come with velcro straps despite the instruction manual showing them.. Got 4 of the same plastic strap :(


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