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How worked should my dick feel after a session

How worked should my dick feel after a session


When you work out at the gym, if you feel your muscles burning the next day it means you did good!

After a PE session (newbie routine) should I feel any type sensation in my dick? If so what should it feel like?

For the guys that have gained nicely, what do you feel after a session?

Thanks all!

One of the important parts for me is to hit fatigue during my workout, not necessarily have a feeling afterwards. When I do my manual stretches after a while I can feel a pulling / stretching sensation in the ligs at the base of my shaft and in the tunica from mid shaft to head. I try and make that stretching sensation last as long as I can, but eventually it does fade and I just kind of hit a wall with how far I can stretch. As far as after my workout the only way I can describe it is that my penis is tired and very malleable, at which point I jump into my ADS and go about my day.

Starting (10 / 2006): 5.8~BPEL, 5~BG ----> Current: 7.6 BPEL, 5.6 BG ----> Goal: Pringles Can

When I was actively PEing, I’d notice feeling energized after a good workout. Some feeling of fatigue or mild achiness in the ligaments.

:_pump: :donatecar

There are broad differences between what people go for. I go for a relaxed kind of “surrendered” feel in the unit. Some people go for a dick that feels like it’s been put through a thresher.

A lot of it is instinctual/personal. Some people gain by going slow and mellow (I’m one of them) and some people can beat the shit out of their cock and gain.

My skin feels a little chafed after a workout :-/

When I did it back in February mine would get that sore dick feeling. You know like if you shoot off like three times in a short period of time? But this latest round I’m not feeling the fatigue at all, even though I’m doing it for longer and with less days off. I don’t want to push myself any more than I am because I think i’m at a reasonable level of work out, but I did find that curious.

I go for a sort of dull, faint pain. Actually its transformed to a sort of a pump sensation, like working out other parts of the body. I actually can’t go to sleep without doing it. I am curious, do any of you feel kind of sore other places? I sort of overworked PE the last week, and I felt a similiar pain in other parts of the body, without any real reason to feel worked out in those places. Mostly in the upper back, between the inner shoulder blades. I think there must be a correspondence between the head, neck and back and the penis. In theory, shouldn’t we all be supporting pe with neck and upper back exercises? I can’t really prove that there is a correspondence. But it seems logical, as there is some message zones corresponding to different parts of the body on the penis.

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