Originally Posted by G263
More importantly, how long have you been doing this and what have the results been?
I have been used the Hydromax for about 6 weeks consistently 3 to 4 times a week. My sessions lasted between 10 and 15 minutes. I saw results in girth mostly and not length. 5.5 x 4.5 is my starting point. The girth would easily go up to 5” when I pumped. The effect seemed last longer and longer as I continued. In the beginning it was lasting 3 or 4 hours and in the end it would last at least 12 hours. I measured 5.75 after 6 weeks or so in erect length, but it did not stay.
My wife is not concerned about size, or so she says. As a result I started losing interest and would pump once a week maybe. My girth went back down to 4.5” and erect length is still 5.5”.
I’m on the low end of average and my short term goal is 6 x 5 and my long term goal is 7 to 7.5 x 5.5 to 6. I have not been consistent enough in my exercises to see any lasting results.
I used the Andro Penis for about a month or so about 3 years ago. What I can tell you is that I needed to add compete rod upon starting back up, which tells me my flaccid length has grown as a result of pumping.
Finding this site has motivated me to get serious. I will start tracing my progress and share. I really like not being embarrassed about what I’m doing, meaning this web site seems to be nothing but supportive.
So my game plan is as follows:
Andro Penis upon getting up. I going for 4 hours minimum, but will strive for 6 to 8 hours if I can stand it. At night I will pump with the Hydromax for 15 to 20 minutes. I will work towards 5 times within 7 days, with a 1 day break in the middle and again at the end, unless someone can confirm it is ok to do more.
My wife is supportive and I’m taking the route of if she doesn’t care, neither do I, meaning I will work on this. I have not shown her the Andro Penis yet, but plan to in the next few days. We have been married together for 24 years. Our sex life is great. I use toys for foreplay and bring her to an orgasm at least twice before penetration. We also have a Symbian that we use from time to time. If anyone wants feedback on the Symbian, please feel free to ask.
So in summary:
1. Do I need to supplement my exercises in any way?
2. By using Andro Penis at least 12 hours after pumping is enough down time?
Any other feedback would be great.