I’ve been doing PE exercises on and off for years now. With jelqing, I’ve not noticed any permanent gains, but I have noticed harder erections and more stamina. I never noticed any negative side effects, besides the occasional soreness which would go away in several days. I’ve always edged since I first masturbated, but I’ve recently been taking it to the next level. I’ve been able to masturbate for days without orgasm, ballooning and doing kegels the entire time. I’ve even been able to ejaculate during these marathons without having an orgasm. It feels pretty good and you can just keep on going.
Anyway, I began to think that maybe I have a problem that I’ve disguised as an exercise. So, I began to read a little bit about it on the internet. Apparently, there are many people, some self proclaimed doctors, who are saying that edging and other forms of PE can cause erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, prostate infection, prostate cancer and even brain damage. I’ve been combining jelqing with edging for the last couple of days, because I started to notice that my dong looked bigger after edging and would shrivel after orgasm.
I’ve not been able to find a scientific article about any of this. I’m responding to a lot of hearsay. Does anyone know any legitimate articles on any of these things? Everyone here seems to have the opposite opinion on edging and other forms of PE. That it helps with erections, improves health, etc. I am just wondering if there is anything to back either side up. Is PE all hype or are these internet doctors all hype? Maybe, both?
Personally, I think there is a little hype on both sides. I’ve not experienced any problems with edging, stretching or jelqing, all of which I have done, but I’ve not noticed any major gains, either.
Anyway, I applaud anyone who actually sat down to read all of this crap. Another thing, if I am masturbating for hours on end for days, do you think I have a problem, or am I just exercising?
Thank you.
Last edited by rumpelforeskin : 06-21-2015 at .