Thunder's Place

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I got my first P-Shot

It’s hard to believe that nearly an inch in girth could be attributed to improved EQ. Is it possible that the doctors are claiming increased size because clients with ED are getting hard erections that measure larger than before? It’s interesting that your doctor told you not to expect any size increase. Could this be due to your age? On another forum, someone said that the successful guys just followed doctors orders with pumping and didn’t add in manual exercises. It seems like you did a bit of everything. That is a lot of girth to gain in one year. Makes me hopeful.

Those are some impressive gains I’m interested in that device keep us posted.

Hey All,
I’ve done 3 p-shots over almost the last 2 years and have experienced much better EQ — the reason I started — to beat ED. I’m older — 60 — and was at the point where it was hard to get it up (not doing it without viagra, cialis) leaving my wife disappointed, which I was determined not to do — if possible. I was encouraged to pump with the treatment and having experimented with it earlier, I owned one. The p-shot, however inspired me to commit to it and committed to find out everything I could learn about PE. So I’m convinced the shots helped, but also my quest for EQ has lead me to learn and apply a lot that has helped at least as much. My doc told me not to expect any growth — but better EQ I might chalk up as growth — but is actually experiencing potential I may have lost. Either way, I love it. Besides the shots— which my doc says I’ll need roughly once a year because I continue to age — I’ve been experimenting with different pumping regimens, hanging — I’m up to 11 lb (starting from 2), clamping, which my wife likes — clamped blow jobs are the greatest — and manual stretching and jelqing. I use the manual mainly as warm ups and cool downs.
That being said I’ve gone from a little over 7 BPEL to 8.25 and from 5.125 to 6 mseg. I’ve been stuck there for a few months, but could be content here. I can fill my wife from front to back and she likes the pressure against her cervix as long as I’m not aggressive and warm her up. She initially thought PE was weird, but has since warmed up and is now encouraging me to concentrate on girth. Lastly I recently bought a b-potent — - bpotentlife Resources and Information. — ultra sound device and although it’s too early to be sure it’s helping, it seems promising — I’ll report back in a month or so — but it seems to be helping with improved EQ.
That’s my story and that being said, I’d love to get to 9 and to give my wife what she wants, 7 in girth. Any advice is welcome.
Begin 5/2018 — 7.125 BPEL x 5.25 mseg , Now 8.2 x 6. Dream goal — 9 x 7

I’ve read from some users that gains didn’t come until several shots later. I can’t imagine what mechanism is responsible, but it might be worth noting.

I’ve gotten all the things I need to do the procedure at home. I’m due to practice blood drawing through a Uni course. Might be a great addition, seeing as I paid under 500 for everything I needed.

Originally Posted by DomXZ
I’ve read from some users that gains didn’t come until several shots later. I can’t imagine what mechanism is responsible, but it might be worth noting.

I’ve gotten all the things I need to do the procedure at home. I’m due to practice blood drawing through a Uni course. Might be a great addition, seeing as I paid under 500 for everything I needed.

It’s very simple for someone that can draw blood I have even seen a way to make a centrifuge DIY for pennies. Can’t believe some are charging $1500 for a single shot.

Centrifuge, syringes, assortment of needles, vials, anti-coagulant, lidocaine and some odds and ends like gloves. That and being able to draw blood.

Originally Posted by DomXZ
Centrifuge, syringes, assortment of needles, vials, anti-coagulant, lidocaine and some odds and ends like gloves. That and being able to draw blood.

Definitely do share your experience and instructions. It sounds like something that would be reasonably safe. They didn’t use lidocaine on me and it didn’t hurt.

I’m getting my shot in a week. Any advice for how to prepare for it? Could I do a bathmate session prior to get a better flaccid hang? Should I take some viagra? Maybe bring a cock ring to put on immediately after and pump at the doctors office to keep the stuff in my dick?

Also, it’s interesting that this doctor offers a P Shot combined with stem cells. I wonder how much that costs. The girl on the phone couldn’t tell me so I’ll see what’s up with that next Wednesday.

Last edited by HalfLife : 07-03-2019 at .

Originally Posted by HalfLife
I’m getting my shot in a week. Any advice for how to prepare for it? Could I do a bathmate session prior to get a better flaccid hang? Should I take some viagra? Maybe bring a cock ring to put on immediately after and pump at the doctors office to keep the stuff in my dick?

Also, it’s interesting that this doctor offers a P Shot combined with stem cells. I wonder how much that costs. The girl on the phone couldn’t tell me so I’ll see what’s up with that next Wednesday.

The place in Turkey I went didn’t do anything like that I just pump on my own even though the Dr. there said just take Cialis daily which I’m not sure why. I was talking though a translator so wasn’t able to ask too many questions. All they did was take me to the lab. Then I waited while they centrifuged the blood. Then he gave me 2 shots one on each side of dick. Just 2 sticks it only hurt a second. No numbing cream or anything. He said I would notice some difference right away but it would take a few weeks to get the full impact. I am only 10 days now. My dick looks fatter than ever definitely more girth than length more at base where he gave the shots. Hard ons are harder and just generally things are working better. Can’t wait for things to even get better.

I’m new to this subject of P-shots, so I did some searching on it. One urology website which promotes it’s Priapus Shots says how it works:

The growth factors & proteins released by the high concentration of platelets in PRP in turn activate stems cells and stimulate cellular repair and regeneration wherever they are applied in the body. In addition, collagen production and the formation of new blood vessels occurs and further aids in tissue repair.

(and they make you use a vaccum pump to stimulate growth while the shots are fresh)

Does this look like a roundabout version of HGH to anyone else? Or something that could be accomplished by HGH injections combined with PE exercises?

Got my shot today

Just got my shot. I got it from a urologist who runs his business around “sexual wellness.” He seemed very knowledgeable and I felt good about choosing him. He didn’t give me any numbing cream. He gave me 4 shots. It hurt a little. Then he showed me how to use the pump. He doesn’t do it like the other doctors. He wants me to do two sessions where I pump for a minute and rest for 30 seconds. I do that five times and then in the evening five times. There’s no pressure gauge on the pump. He says to do it by feel. I asked why the other doctors did high pressure for twenty minutes and he said that as a urologist he doesn’t believe there’s any value to that method. So I’ll do what he says.

I spoke to him a little bit about PE. He told me to be careful. He said that he can always tell when a guy is into jelqing by the scarring he sees when he does an ultrasound.

He also didn’t have anything good to say about Gainswave. Apparently that’s a cheap machine. He does what’s called Corewave therapy. I don’t understand the difference, but he explained it and I forgot it. The point is that the Corewave machine that he has is state of the art. People offer Gainswave which is a cheaper machine and a much less effective treatment.

Corewave is just another version of LI-ESWT (low intensity extracorporeal shockwave therapy) and competes with Gainswave, Rejuvawave, Sonicwave and perhaps others. All are based on the same concept, but I have no knowledge of how similar or different their application procedures are (i.e., energy levels, Hz, number of pulses, and number and frequency of of treatments).

Initial: 7” BPEL; 6” NBPEL; 5.25” - 5.5” MEG

Current: 7-7/8” BPEL; 7-3/8” NBPEL; 8.5” BPFSL; 6.5” MEG; 6”x5” Flaccid.

Goal: Improved/consistent EQ while managing ED. Secondary: maintain current stats.

Last edited by 32quarters : 07-11-2019 at .

Just to update after 6 weeks it looks like I am going to get about what I have read you should get from one shot. 1/4 inch in length and 1/4 in girth especially at the base my dick looks a lot more girthy. I am pumping at some pretty high pressures now I had to get a bigger pump because my other one was only 8 inches and my dick was blocking air hole so I see that as proof I gained something. I’m not sure I would pay $1,500 to have this done again. If I were to go back to Istanbul I certainly would do it because I think it’s worth $200 but for me being pretty big already I don’t think I would repeat, unless the price comes down. My erection quality has improved hopefully I will continue to see improvements there too.

Re: P Shot

Another update. I am now doing P-Shots on my own. I bought a centrifuge for $50 and it is a simple procedure. I draw my own blood with a butterfly needle 23 gauge it has about 12 inches of tubing so I can do it on my own. I ordered the vacuum tubes that I attach at the other end from Amazon. I draw 3 tubes put them in centrifuge spin at 4000 for 10 min. Then I draw out the white blood cells with a 23 gauge needle 5 mil syringe and inject into dick. Make sure you press had on injection site after the injection to prevent bruising. Also don’t angle. I have gained about .3 inches in length and girth from first 2 shots I just did 3rd. My EQ is much better now too. I can get hard from kissing or sexual thoughts.

Bit- my personal concern with doing my own p shots would be the cleanliness aspect. I’m curious how or what steps you are using to sterilize the tubing, vials, etc. Would you please elaborate on your process?

Initial: 7” BPEL; 6” NBPEL; 5.25” - 5.5” MEG

Current: 7-7/8” BPEL; 7-3/8” NBPEL; 8.5” BPFSL; 6.5” MEG; 6”x5” Flaccid.

Goal: Improved/consistent EQ while managing ED. Secondary: maintain current stats.

Originally Posted by 32quarters
Bit- my personal concern with doing my own p shots would be the cleanliness aspect. I’m curious how or what steps you are using to sterilize the tubing, vials, etc. Would you please elaborate on your process?

Everything is sterile to start. Not real hard just like doctors office. Just use an alcohol swab when you draw the blood. Then just use alcohol swab when you inject your dick.


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