Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

I got my first P-Shot


I got my first P-Shot

I got my first P-shot when I was in Turkey. It was only $200 USD. The doctor said my dick was huge already so he injected more stem cells than normal. It has only been a couple days already my dick is at .25 inch bigger around and .25 longer and harder than it has been in years. Can’t wait to see final result. I will be pumping hard and taking Cialis to get the most out of it. It only took less than an hour. I was not numbed and the pain was not bad. Doc said some guys do not take it as well as I did. So far I definitely would recommend. I have a slight downward curve which looks straighter now too. I hope to see more improvement there too. I will post pics soon.


Thank you for sharing your experience but can you please answer the following to properly assess your journey.

1. How long have you been PEing?
2. If you have been PEing, have you seen gains?
3. If you have seen gains from PEing, have you plateaued in girth and length before deciding to get your P Shot?
4. If you did any form of PE and made gains, have you lost those gains as of recent before the P Shot appointment?
5. Are you at your biggest in terms of length and girth before getting the P Shot?

Sorry for the questions as some of them can be ignored if it doesn’t apply to you but because of the lack of information and success stories, what I want to know if the P Shot can help current PEers the ability to break plateaus and stimulate new growth. From what I can see online and speaking with a local doctor who offers P Shot, it seems its only clients who are either older, never PE or lost size and managed to regain it back.

I will be following to here your progress at your 3 month mark if you break new length/girth plateaus. Thanks again

Current: BPEL - (Before 6.8' - 7') (Now 7' - 7.25')

Current: MSEG - 4.80' - 5.2'

Goal: 9x6

I just did some reading on this P-shot. Looks like it wears off in a year. Once local doctor says it gives .25” girth. I wonder too if this can be used alongside PE to accelerate gains.

Originally Posted by HalfLife
I just did some reading on this P-shot. Looks like it wears off in a year. Once local doctor says it gives .25” girth. I wonder too if this can be used alongside PE to accelerate gains.

Can’t say this thought worked for me. But others say differently.

Now: 9" BPEL x 6.25" MSEG as of 11/10/2019 This is my story, a few progress pics of me here, and all my methods.

Then: 6.25" x 4.37" in 8/2009 Are you new to PE? Here's some advice I wish someone had given me when I first started.

My Extender and forward to 10" and balls enhancement project. There is no "Holy Grail" of Penis Enlargement. Only time and effort works. I'm *10* years in and counting. All you have to do is put the work in and keep the faith.

I have been PEing fairly regularly for 10 years or more. Sorry I didn’t keep great records. I started at 7.5x 5. Mostly pumping. I would say slow gainer. Before this shot I was 8x5.5 BPL. I had shot Tues. Doc said I would notice something that night. I just noticed a bit plumper probably just added volume with stem cells. The next day I got an erection in the shower definitely felt more girth didn’t look longer. The seconded day traveled home to US. Pumped with Bathmate then an electric pump that I have definitely outgrown now. It is a 8 inch tube I maxed out before the shot. I have a longer pump that is broken hopefully get it fixed today. Definitely going to be pumping a lot to get most gains out of shot because to get in US it’s about 5 times the price. I measured yesterday and the girth gain is real. .25 inch so 5.75 girth and I’m definitely seeing less of a curve. Length maybe .25 or less. The biggest difference is EQ which is amazing. Harder than I have felt in years. I get hard from sexual thoughts which I have not been able to do in years. Hard ons at night again. I have not told my hubby yet. I am waiting to see if he notices anything different. He gave me a BJ last night was hard as a rock the whole time felt much more sensitivity and had an awesome orgasm even after a couple strong martinis which usually make me limp. It just seems like things are functioning like I’m 20 years younger so far. But I guess the best is yet to come hopefully I will continue to see more gains in both size and EQ. As others have said it feels like my dick is on steroids. Yes I am at my biggest ever I think if I could lose 20 pounds I could be my goal size of 9x6 without too much effort.


Thank you for sharing your experience but can you please answer the following to properly assess your journey.

1. How long have you been PEing?
2. If you have been PEing, have you seen gains?
3. If you have seen gains from PEing, have you plateaued in girth and length before deciding to get your P Shot?
4. If you did any form of PE and made gains, have you lost those gains as of recent before the P Shot appointment?
5. Are you at your biggest in terms of length and girth before getting the P Shot?

Sorry for the questions as some of them can be ignored if it doesn’t apply to you but because of the lack of information and success stories, what I want to know if the P Shot can help current PEers the ability to break plateaus and stimulate new growth. From what I can see online and speaking with a local doctor who offers P Shot, it seems its only clients who are either older, never PE or lost size and managed to regain it back.

I will be following to here your progress at your 3 month mark if you break new length/girth plateaus. Thanks again

Yes I have heard the same but I think if you PE along with it gains could be permanent. Not a lot of info on this yet. It doesn’t seem like there’s a lot of information out yet on this. Hopefully prices come down and it will become more common it is a very simple procedure a person could almost do on their own if they had a centrifuge. They are using stem cells on all different parts of the body everything from hair loss to regenerative joint repairs. I would think at some point it’s something you could get done by a general practitioner. I have also scene one study that says the games are cumulative. 5 millimeters in girth and 7 mm in length per shot. I have heard claims of as much as 2in but that seems fairly far-fetched but everyone’s different. I have heard that the more you have start with the more you get from the P shot since I’m pretty big to start with it will be an interesting experiment.

I just did some reading on this P-shot. Looks like it wears off in a year. Once local doctor says it gives .25” girth. I wonder too if this can be used alongside PE to accelerate gains.

I just received my 5th p-shot at the end of May. The first four were effective in straightening a severe curve I had developed from Peyronies or perhaps uneven growth during PE. This most recent one was a year after the fourth and I considered it a maintenance or refresher shot. I had a good pump session right before I had the fifth one, and my dick was much fuller for the next couple of days, which was different than the results of the previous four. I do think my EQ is a little better, but I also took June as a decon break.

Everyone’s results vary, but I think the p-shot is helpful for general penis health. Is the benefit worth the cost? That’s an individual choice.

Initial: 7” BPEL; 6” NBPEL; 5.25” - 5.5” MEG

Current: 7-7/8” BPEL; 7-3/8” NBPEL; 8.5” BPFSL; 6.5” MEG; 6”x5” Flaccid.

Goal: Improved/consistent EQ while managing ED. Secondary: maintain current stats.

Also responding to the P-shot only lasting a year:

I have received Gainswave and P-shot treatments for ED from the same clinic. The doctor recommends refresher treatments after a year for both GW and P-shot. His explanation is that the forces which caused the ED are still at work in the body and refresher treatments are needed to offset them.

Initial: 7” BPEL; 6” NBPEL; 5.25” - 5.5” MEG

Current: 7-7/8” BPEL; 7-3/8” NBPEL; 8.5” BPFSL; 6.5” MEG; 6”x5” Flaccid.

Goal: Improved/consistent EQ while managing ED. Secondary: maintain current stats.

Thank you very much in your response in clarifying your experience and your PE journey. So there is some hope that this might be something someone can incorporate to break plateaus potentially. We need more members like this to share their positive or negative result in regards to this procedure.

I will continue to watch closely and honestly I hope you keep us updated with the negative/positive results.

Current: BPEL - (Before 6.8' - 7') (Now 7' - 7.25')

Current: MSEG - 4.80' - 5.2'

Goal: 9x6

Did you gain more size with each shot. My dick is also got more even girth now since the shot.

Also responding to the P-shot only lasting a year:

I have received Gainswave and P-shot treatments for ED from the same clinic. The doctor recommends refresher treatments after a year for both GW and P-shot. His explanation is that the forces which caused the ED are still at work in the body and refresher treatments are needed to offset them.

Where can you get the shot outside of the US for cheap? The closest doctor to me offers two shots 3 months apart for $2500. I see she’s offering a $500 discount with a free consultation and penis pump thrown in. I think I’m going to do it. Two shots should get me from 4.5 girth to 4.75. There is also value in the ED treatment because I have a little of that too. Plus, I can learn how I react to this stuff so maybe if it works I can get more shots in six months if I can expect to get to 5”. Since PE + P-shot is not yet understood, I may be able to keep these gains with bathmate + manuals which I intend to do anyways. I think I’ll go in for the free consultation and see what this doctor has to say. The other great thing is that you don’t have to really worry about the doctor. The procedure is so simple that there’s no anxiety that the doc will screw up.

If this shot could produce real gains, and was offered at a reasonable price, it would make PE not worth the trouble. Even if you had to get shots every six months, a few K a year is a great value compared to jelqing for hours every week. I wonder if there will be any more advancements with this technique or if what’s offered now if the best it will ever be.

Ok, just to clarify, I read it wrong and the doctor says on her website that girth can increase an inch and ymmv. I went through TG’s thread and while his non-recommendation is disappointing, it’s not going to stop me from trying this. The only concern I have is with this high pressure pumping that seems to be required. I thought this type of pumping was not recommended. My dick is somewhat conditioned using the water pump so maybe it’s not so bad. But what TG is saying, you need to be doing this a lot to realize the size gains.

I will talk to the doctor on Monday and find out what she has to say. I’m pretty excited about this.

I could not correlate any size changes with my p-shots. I gained an inch in length and 1/4” in girth after I had the GainsWave treatment combined with pumping. I also developed a 45° upward curve during the same time. I had the p-shot to offset the curve, which was diagnosed as peyronies (although there was no noticeable scar tissue).

I do believe I get an EQ bump from the shot, but cant quantify it.

Initial: 7” BPEL; 6” NBPEL; 5.25” - 5.5” MEG

Current: 7-7/8” BPEL; 7-3/8” NBPEL; 8.5” BPFSL; 6.5” MEG; 6”x5” Flaccid.

Goal: Improved/consistent EQ while managing ED. Secondary: maintain current stats.

Hey All,

I’ve done 3 p-shots over almost the last 2 years and have experienced much better EQ — the reason I started — to beat ED. I’m older — 60 — and was at the point where it was hard to get it up (not doing it without viagra, cialis) leaving my wife disappointed, which I was determined not to do — if possible. I was encouraged to pump with the treatment and having experimented with it earlier, I owned one. The p-shot, however inspired me to commit to it and committed to find out everything I could learn about PE. So I’m convinced the shots helped, but also my quest for EQ has lead me to learn and apply a lot that has helped at least as much. My doc told me not to expect any growth — but better EQ I might chalk up as growth — but is actually experiencing potential I may have lost. Either way, I love it. Besides the shots— which my doc says I’ll need roughly once a year because I continue to age — I’ve been experimenting with different pumping regimens, hanging — I’m up to 11 lb (starting from 2), clamping, which my wife likes — clamped blow jobs are the greatest — and manual stretching and jelqing. I use the manual mainly as warm ups and cool downs.

That being said I’ve gone from a little over 7 BPEL to 8.25 and from 5.125 to 6 mseg. I’ve been stuck there for a few months, but could be content here. I can fill my wife from front to back and she likes the pressure against her cervix as long as I’m not aggressive and warm her up. She initially thought PE was weird, but has since warmed up and is now encouraging me to concentrate on girth. Lastly I recently bought a b-potent — - bpotentlife Resources and Information. — ultra sound device and although it’s too early to be sure it’s helping, it seems promising — I’ll report back in a month or so — but it seems to be helping with improved EQ.

That’s my story and that being said, I’d love to get to 9 and to give my wife what she wants, 7 in girth. Any advice is welcome.

Begin 5/2018 — 7.125 BPEL x 5.25 mseg , Now 8.2 x 6. Dream goal — 9 x 7

Last edited by Alberto 25 : 06-29-2019 at . Reason: eliminar fotografías


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Alberto 25

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Inicio enero 2015: BPEL 14,5 cm x EG 13,5 cm Actual noviembre 2015: BPEL 20,0 cm x EG 15,0 cm

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