Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

I know I'm going to be ridiculed for this..

I know I'm going to be ridiculed for this..

Using a rubberband for a clamp.

You may well be ridiculed for deciding this is worthy of it’s own thread, but the point itself is valid enough. Many guys start out using rubber bands to trap blood in their dicks, but they can cut in a bit much and be tricky to remove painlessly.

I think it’s insintex that uses a bundle of bands together as a ‘stayer’. It’s alright, but a proper clamp or jelly ring is worth the investment if you want to clamp seriously.

"Drilla Knows Ass" - Para-Goomba

Starter Pics/Clamping Pics

Do you think it would work?

You have to think about your own safety. If you put a rubber band around it, you would probably have a very hard time getting it off. Plus, it could snap if they are cheap rubber bands.

Originally Posted by ilikeshinystuff

You have to think about your own safety. If you put a rubber band around it, you would probably have a very hard time getting it off. Plus, it could snap if they are cheap rubber bands.

I was most likely going to just get a normal tan one and just bound it twice.

Originally Posted by spankey
I was most likely going to just get a normal tan one and just bound it twice.


Try it, but you’ll find that rubberbands are uncomfortable, and there are much better alternatives out there. By the way, your question is not ridiculous. I tried rubber bands as cock rings and as potential clamps early on in my newbie days.

Forum Guidelines PAST: 5.25"L x 4.75"G (base),EBP (January 2001) / PRESENT: 7.50"L x 7.00G (base),EBP It doesn't happen overnight! Commitment! Focus! Patience!/ Main Routine = Pumping/Jelqing/clamping + Homedic TheraP or ACE Wrap TheraP or ACE Wrap

I used a spanner wrench.

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

Use a pony tail holder I can’t imagine a rubber band wouldn’t hurt like hell.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Be careful, watch for numbness and your dick turning funny colors.

sunny A day without sunshine is like a day without laughter :sun:

Originally Posted by Mr. Happy
I used a spanner wrench.

Good show! - and I assume you used the famous inverted, between-the- cheeks approach with the open jaws of the spanner so as not to inflict too much trauma and misery on the dorsal nerve by keeping it in the open space of the spanner. And, with just a touch of the right lube you can morph this most versatile tool into a power jelk - too clever for words - we need pics!

Cheers :)


If you use wide rubber bands, there is no problem. The perfect rubber band for this is the broccoli band that holds broccoli stalks together in the produce section of your grocery store. They are about 1.5" in diameter and 1/2" wide. Scroll down to post #3 in this thread:

Home-made Cock Ring

Wow I really didn’t know I was going to get this much support, I’m going to try the hair braid thing, sounds like a good idea. Thank you all.


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