Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

I need your help and support!


Now you’ve got it RicciR. Documenting and analyzing is key in PE I believe. Best of luck to you! Hope all goes well. I think that is a fine routine. It is actually very close to what I am doing now for about two weeks. Is the numbness gone? I would wait till it is to start up again. I know it’s hard to do, but it’s for the best.


Help with Kegels

I’ve been doing manual stretches and jelqing for about 2 weeks, but have never done a “Kegel”. I’ve read in some online sites that you apply pressure to the kegel when you try to stop urinating in mid stream and when you move your erection up and down without you hands.

When people are saying they do 50 kegels, are they just (without hands) flexing that muscle in the way I described in my first paragraph? Like trying to move your penis using that muscle or to stop from urinating?

What are some of the benefits? Does it allow you to have better control of your ejaculation? Is this why people have added it to the routine?


Hey sm, yes that is what a kegel is. Do a search on them. Here’s a link to get you started. Kegel Thread


Hi guys
Here’s some experience I made:

I had this once too, lost of sensation in the whole pubical area! Scared the shit out of me. It wasn’t from PE but from normal sex. Since I study medicine I did some research on that kind of “injury”.
Numbness is a problem with nerves! There is one nerve for the whole pubic area including all of the penis!! But there are multiple branches innervating more or less fixed subareas. Nerves are generally quite stretchable (if they werent^t PE wouldn’t be possible!) but they don’t like pressure for too long time and too much of it! (Think of it like a tube, squeeze it somewhere in the middle the lower half will be cut off from the rest!) I don’t want to go into much detail but when a nerve gets overstretched (like a stinging pain!) it might take 4 months to recover, so be careful!

Numbness: nerve’s irritated, not severely damaged. There is no treatment for this! Doctors won’t be able to help you. It should normally go away after a while, as long as the nerves don’t get irritated all the time meaning slow down a bit! Not as much pressure anymore, not as long anymore till the numbness goes away! (It does, might take a few weeks though!)

So, don’t panic as long as it doesn’t hurt or it doesn’t get worse. If the numbness gets to the stage where your close to not feeling anything anymore (needle pinch?) stop any irrtation to that area, see a doc!

Hope I could help you some.

Cheers and keep up the good work, gives me motivation too read peonple’s progress.



Hey all,

Ok it’s been a day or so and I’ve read more info and learnt more ! Ok so I’m not measuring properly..

First of all the numbness is gone! Horray! Yesterday I felt a little strange like there was something blocking my urethra.. I did some light jelquing and stretching and when I say light I mean light.. Later on I felt alot of pain and it felt like there was little lumps in my urethra.. Anyway I’ve put it down to not drinking enough water may have been a slight urinary infection.. It’s fine today and felt fine once I’d drank lots of water.

Anyways heres my proper measurements, I noticed a difference actualy when I measured my first posting day I was just below 6 inches then when I measured again I was 5.5inches.. Anyway Bone pressed I’m, actualy hmm you’ll have to forgive my naivety as we use the metric system where I’m from but I’m

6 and one 8th past the 1quarter inch line, so that’s 6and 1quater inches plus an 8th.. Geeze you guys make things hard for yourselves! Maybe it’s me I dunno..

So anyway that’s kinda an ego boost already,

So my first goal is 7” for length and 4.5 for girth (I’m a little over 4 for girth already).. I believe it can work.

My workout starts today I’ll measure again in one month.

Thanks guys any support is appreciated always :)


Angle and measuring

Do you folks find that when measuring BPEL, the angle of your thing makes a huge difference? I always take the measurement pointing straight out (9 o’clock), but if it points higher (or lower) by even 10 degrees, I will get a reduction (resp. increase) in length by close to half an inch. It goes without saying that this source of error swamps any gains I have made thus far, which perhaps suggests the use of a protractor when measuring.

With regard to metric v. English units… It’s kind of interesting how our system has become the standard at this board. There are certainly a lot of American, British and Australian members here, but there seem to be almost as many non-Anglophone users. I know you Aussies have officially gone metric, but don’t you guys still use ‘the Queen’s units’ in everyday life?

Tell me about it RicciR, the “Queen’s units” need to go bye-bye. Metric is so much easier. I don’t understand why the English speaking world is resisting it so much. I mean we have 10 fingers and 10 toes, it stands to reason that a 10 base measuring system is perfect for us. You can’t count 12 inches on your hands (which some of us need to do….lol).

Anyway, glad to hear the numbness is gone. Yeah those UTIs can be a pain in the..well…you know. Congrats on the gains already, I wish I could gain without doing any exercises…lol. Hope all continues to go well with you.



>Do you folks find that when measuring BPEL, the angle of your thing makes a huge difference? I always take the measurement pointing straight out (9 o’clock), but if it points higher (or lower) by even 10 degrees, I will get a reduction (resp. increase) in length by close to half an inch.<

Yes, this is correct and standard procedure.

Thanks buddy :

Originally Posted by ynarevith73
Tell me about it RicciR, the “Queen’s units” need to go bye-bye. Metric is so much easier. I don’t understand why the English speaking world is resisting it so much. I mean we have 10 fingers and 10 toes, it stands to reason that a 10 base measuring system is perfect for us. You can’t count 12 inches on your hands (which some of us need to

Anyway, glad to hear the numbness is gone. Yeah those UTIs can be a pain in know. Congrats on the gains already, I wish I could gain without doing any Hope all continues to go well with you.

Thanks Ynarevith,
I’m really determined to make this work, maybe I did gain from my previous work before the injury, or I think it was just my incorrect mesuring.. Doing myself out of nearly an inch pfft fancy that ? Anyways had another really light workout today and all seems fine so I’ll probably up the intensity a little next week. Another surprise today morning wood, I think part of my journey is going to be able to a. Work out b. Have lots of erections without personal stimulation, I feel that will be the key to really getting gains for me.
Anyways fellas appreciate the support as usual!


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