Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

I need your help and support!


I need your help and support!

Hey all,

I just found this forum today and I think it’s going to be answer to my PE problems.. First of all hi! nice to meet you all. I’m here because I need help I want to enlarge my penis but i’m very worried about how to’s and damage etc..

First let me tell you why I want this, I’m sure you all share in my sentiment that for me even having an extra inch either way will make a big difference to my confidence and the ease in which I can be intimate with girls. I’m at the moment just below 6inches in length and i’m not sure about girth but nothing speical there either. I have a beautiful girlfriend with whom i’m very sexualy active however (and this makes it kinda worse) i’ve been her only sexual partner and even though she goes wild and I think i’m doing a great job I can’t help but think and worry all the time about all the other dudes out there and how for me and for her what a difference it would make to my peace of mind if I had a larger penis. I just thought i’d share that with you to let you know I’m doing this for the right reasons, to make both of us happy.. (don’t misconstru please she has no Idea I feel this way and wouldn’t want me to change, I understand this but I would like to give as much to her as I can)

Now if you guys would be kind enough to help I really need some mentoring through this, my PE history starts like this,

About a year ago I found some free info on PE on the net and used it for about a week, during that week I didn’t masturbate which I think also had a good result (i.e. I wasn’t used to making myself hard all the time) so when it came time to get naked with my girl so to speak I did feel slightly larger during the act and stayed harder e.g whilst swapping positions etc. I never kept this up for whatever reason (I think we broke up at the time). Each time I break up with a girl I go on a sort of a PE mission because i’m so scared that the next girl will have had bigger guys than me (I also understand that this is insecurity within my on psychology), either thankfully or not thankfully all of my girlfriends have been virgins.. fate who knows? ?

Moving right along!

So about 3 weeks ago I decided to try again (my GF is overseas on holidays and will be back soon) first I would do this, every morning in the shower I would warm up under the spray and massage and stretch a little. Then I’d perform 200 Jelq’s with a lubricant then i’d warm down again, also i’d do about 100 PC clamps of different intensities. I had a few incidents were I was left sore after but managed to work through it ok, so then I decided what the hell i’ll get an online program to make sure i’m doing it right. I wont mention the site but it’s a well known one, by a chance of fate I managed to get all the info from this site without having to pay a cent, I signed up with my credit card was let into the members area and began copying all the info to notepad.. subsiquently my bank blocked the transaction and the billing company refunded my money but took away my membership.. leaving me with all the info, great hey ? not really it’s exactly the same stuff you come across for free on the net EXACT!

Anyway I regress.. So this is where i’m at now for the last 2 weeks i’ve been using that program 5 days on 2 off, Hot towel wrap 5 mins, stretch for 30secs striaght out and then in all other angles (repeat 5 times) then flop it around to promote circulation (I would do this after each set just like stretching between sets a gym). Then i’d perform 300 Jelqs the 3 second ones, after that a series of PC clamps and the another hot wrap to finish.

After the 2 weeks here I am I’m trying not to masturbate but I have maybe twice, each time orgasms have been powerful and I do have a hard fat erection HOWEVER! I’m really worried about continuing because i’m experiencing numbness in my penis, it feels numb when it starts getting hard and it feels tight as in it’s having trouble filling up with blood, and it takes alot of arousing to make it appear normal again. If I squeeze it it appears quite fat in comparison to what it used to be but no length gains as such still just below 6”. So anyway this numbness scares the hell out of me.. I see things all over the net on doctors forums with men writing in saying they’ve damaged themselves permanently from doing this and broken down and scarred the tissue basically wrecking their sex life forever.. this is major scary to me as i’m sure you’re aware as my sex life is very active and important to me.. Anyway I guess what i’m asking is if anybody here can a. tell me what’s happening to me and what it is i’m doing wrong, b. is it safe to continue and should we really be doing this ? c. suggest a failsafe program that I can start on and what to do (I don’t care how slow and tedious it is i’ll do it for me and my girl!!)

If anyone can help i’ll be forever greatful,

In Desperation,


Hello out there ?

Sorry guys hope i’m not beating a dead horse as well with the numbness thing, i’ve done some searches and read some similar things, maybe i’ll take a week off.. I just thought i’d add though, i’m able to get fully erect and have no problems with that It’s just feeling a bit numb and loss of sensation, any advice on my program and how to proceed would be awesome,


Dude, I have the same issue as you! My penis is very sensitive at the glans, but not along the shaft. However, I have had this problem for a long time, since before I started PE. Sometimes I wonder whether my lack of sensitivity is the result of having done some jelqing in an uninformed, sporadic way about three years ago prior to discovering this forum and learning about the importance of warming up, lubrication, not overdoing the jelqing, etc. I remember there would be days back when I would jelq the crap out of myself, and be sore and shrunken for an entire day afterwards.

I don’t know whether my sensations (or lack thereof) are different to yours, but my “numbness” is only on the skin but not below the surface.

In fact, I’m not even sure whether I am less sensitive than I am supposed to be. Like most people, I’m way less sensitive and even have a slightly numb feeling if I have had sex multiple times, or masturbated excessively. However, I suspect my sensitivity may be sub-par even when I have left my penis alone for a while. I know that different parts of your skin are supposed to have different levels of sensitivity. In order from least sensitive to most sensitive, various parts of my body are ordered as such:

elbow skin < forearms < face < penis shaft < insides of my thighs/groin area < glans

It seems a bit odd that, while your groin is supposed to be sensitive, mine is more sensitive than my dick. I’ve tried to assess three different types of sensitivity: sensitivity to touch; sensitivity to heat (using a heating pad) and sensitivity to cold (using a bottle of vodka from my freezer). My penis is relatively more sensitive to heat and to cold, but it’s the tactile insensitivity I’m a bit worried about. Sometimes, I’ll get all paranoid and when I touch myself I feel like I’m touching another man’s penis, i.e., I’m feeling my penis in my hand, but my penis isn’t feeling my hand as much as I think it should.

I thought your penis shaft was supposed to be one of the most sensitive areas, after only the glans. I’m not sure whether I have cause to be worried.

Hi RicciR, welcome to thunders. There are 3 things which may be causing the numbness, you’re either performing the jelqing or stretching exercise wrong, you use too much pressure, you spend too much time doing your routine or a combination of course. It would help if you describe in detail how you jelq and stretch. You can also compare your style to that of the videos at the tutorialforum. Next try to jelq light, make your grip just strong enough to feel some blood being pumped through your shaft. Now when you feel your dick is beat up from pe take a break for the rest of the day, when you feel the slightest amount of numbness take a whole day off. A slight numbness may be common among pe’ers but it is something you want to avoid at all costs.


I just started jelqing and stretching over the last 2 weeks. When I was with my wife the other night I noticed that I have lost a lot of sensation. Stuff she used to do that would just get me off immediately, I now watched for what seemed hours not really feeling it the same way, and even when I came, I couldn’t feel it the same way - like it was someone else’s dick.

Do you think that this loss of sensation is just temporary, or is it probably permanent? I’m afraid if I continue I might eventually lose all sensation. Do you have any accounts of this happening, or does sensation usually return when jelqing is stopped?


Where in your shaft do you feel the soreness, if any, when jelqing?

It sounds like you may have been jelqing with pressure on the dorsal nerve. penis%20anatomy.jpg
To be safe, try not to jelq the last inch before the glans; definitely not with hard parts of your hand over this nerve. Jelq with the soft tissue between thumb and index finger along the top of your shaft.

There are others on this board who could tell you more about nerve damage, but hopefully after 2 weeks of jelqing, numbness isn’t permanent and sensation will gradually return.

It’s unbeleivable to me how many guys tart off with PE sprinting right out of the gate. Guys, we only have one God given unit and if we screw that up, we’re done. So TAKE IT EASY, and make sure your are doing things correctly. Listen to your body, it tells what is right and what is wrong. I know we all want 10 inch dicks, but you won’t get it over night, hell you won’t get it in 6 months (unless you start with 9.75 inches). Start slow and easy, then build up. When jelqing you are not wringing a chicken neck, you are only filling your penis with blood to promote expansion. Squeeze hard enough to feel your dick fill to expansion and no harder. When stretching, it isn’t a rubber band that you want to shoot across the room. Stretch just past normal elastic expansion then hold it there. Be gentle and caring in PE. If you feel like something is wrong, most likely it is, TAKE A BREAK till things feel normal again. Then begin at a lesser routine. Your unit has to be conditioned to do this stuff. How many people run the Boston marathon without years of training and stretching. This also goes for those of you who take a extremly long break (months or even years), don’t try to jump rioght back where you left off. Get back to it slowly.

The more in tune to your body you are the better the experience and the better the gains.

If I were feeling numbness, I would take a break until the numbness was gone. Then try again, but try an easier routine. Just my .02


darn you took the stuff from sparkyx, yours and some (slightly) of mine and just made it into something better.. Grats! :)

And yeah peeps, listen to ynarevith (and Piet whose one of the few in the 9” EBPL department ;) ). He’s making (unbelievably) much sense today :P

She said you had a small dick huh? Well just remind her of what Tom Arnold said about his soon to be ex-wife, Roseanne, when she said very publicly that he had a little dick - "Hell, even a 747 looks small when you put it in the Grand Canyon". START: 2004-12-06 EBPL 6.70" BPEL, EG 5" CURRENT STATUS: Full Healing Break (Plasticized ligaments need time to heal -- Beware the rotating manual stretches ;) ) 2005-01-07 EBPL 7.68", EG 5" GOAL: EBPL 8.5" (ENBPL 7.9"), EG 6"

Thanks, ys, that means a lot. I get passionate about this because I really believe in it. I personally keep a daily journal now, noting my daily routine, all the PIs (physiological indiocator’s) throughout the day, and my measurements (which I will most likely take evry other week or monthly). I think I really need to turn PE into a science more than just a speculation. Knowledge is Power.

If anyone reading this thread isn’t familiar with PIs yet, please read Sparkyx’s Thread. It will help a great deal. It did for me.


Last edited by ynarevith73 : 01-10-2005 at . Reason: clarification

I kinda got to the same conclusions like sparkyx by accidentally inflicting more than little damage to my ligs, remember? ;)
That’s why I couldn’t do anything else than finding out my personal stack of PIs :)

BTW: For me playing turtle is a bad PI.. A little bigger flaccid girth/length is a good PI. Pain is a bad one ;) .. etc. pp.

She said you had a small dick huh? Well just remind her of what Tom Arnold said about his soon to be ex-wife, Roseanne, when she said very publicly that he had a little dick - "Hell, even a 747 looks small when you put it in the Grand Canyon". START: 2004-12-06 EBPL 6.70" BPEL, EG 5" CURRENT STATUS: Full Healing Break (Plasticized ligaments need time to heal -- Beware the rotating manual stretches ;) ) 2005-01-07 EBPL 7.68", EG 5" GOAL: EBPL 8.5" (ENBPL 7.9"), EG 6"

Losing Sensation

Hi Ideal,

Thanks for your response. I really appreciate it.

Originally Posted by Ideal

Where in your shaft do you feel the soreness, if any, when jelqing?

Most of soreness in on sides, some on botton and top - though there was a lot less soreness today than last week (I took weekend off).

One thing I’ve been doing is at the end of the Jelq when I’m at the base of the head, I’ll sometimes give forceful stretching jerks to stretch the ligs. Is this a bad idea?

Originally Posted by Ideal
It sounds like you may have been jelqing with pressure on the dorsal nerve. penis%20anatomy.jpg
To be safe, try not to jelq the last inch before the glans; definitely not with hard parts of your hand over this nerve. Jelq with the soft tissue between thumb and index finger along the top of your shaft.

I probably have been jelqing it with my thumb wrapped across the top. Thanks for the advice. I’ll be sure to rotate a little further to make sure the V between thumb and index finger is on top.

>Hi Ideal,
>Thanks for your response. I really appreciate it.

Hi sm, you’re welcome and I’m glad if I can help. I’ve had periods of numbness of various degrees from hanging, but not from jelqing (quite the opposite actually; especially the shaft has been more sensitive from jelqing).

>Most of soreness in on sides, some on bottom and top - though there was a lot less soreness today than last >week (I took weekend off).

Sides and bottom is very good, top is very bad, as you can see from the anatomy pic.

>One thing I’ve been doing is at the end of the Jelq when I’m at the base of the head, I’ll sometimes give >forceful stretching jerks to stretch the ligs. Is this a bad idea?

You want to grip the corpus cavernosum; not right up to the ridge of the glans, but maybe an inch back so you really get a good grip of the CC’s. Just like when jelqing, you should apply the pressure laterally and your dorsal nerve will not be damaged.

When I jelq, I place the webbing along the dorsal side, as some people have suggested. As well, I find it very hard to close my fingers round the corpus spongiosum at the bottom. In other words, my thumb and my index finger don’t touch. Since my CS is already longer than my corpera cavernosa, I’m not particularly concerned about this. Do you guys think jelqing only on the sides, as I have been doing, is effective?

So I think my dick is more sensitive again today. I’ll try to jelq and stretch more gently from now on.

My Process.

I Jelq with medium pressure but I think mabye stretching has something to do with it, I warm up then I stretch flaccid straight out for 30secs then straight down then right then left etc.. then I repeat that 5 times..

Then I Jelq about 300 strokes making each one last 3 seconds not going past the glans at a medium level. I did notice a slight tinge when I stretch downward but I’d just try and ease off as to not create pain, maybe this had something to do with it ?

If anyone is willing to help me out with a routine i’d be really greatfull i’ve been looking through archives but things tend to be a bit non specific and confusing. I guess what i’m asking is, What will give me length and girth, e.g. You need to stretch for length and you need to Jelq etc.. and start out with *blah*, i’m really calling on the experienced ones here, I need help!!!

Oh and also I’m not sure if this is PE related but as well as the numbness i’ve also noticed when I get erect It seems like it’s top heavy i.e. the base is too weak and it keeps flopping down, if I were to stimulate it then it would probably be ok and be hard but I think alot of my problems stem from being too used to (forgive the crudeness) Getting myself off.. Don’t get me wrong I get plenty of action but I have a high drive so I pleasure myself alot especially to relax and before bed etc.. I think as a result i’ve become used to getting myself hard and have trouble sustaining an erection unless i’m being touched or touching myself or having sex.. I think this could be part of the problem and i’m going to try to masturbate less and rely on nature a bit more..

Thoughts ?

Ok So here's what I'm thinking.

I’ve been thinking about this for a while now whilst browsing the site, man it’s depressing sometimes when you feel like you’re in a rut with this, I mean I feel like all you guys a living proof that it works but I feel like the injuries I’ve had are putting me off it.. Maybe I’m just thinking too much..
So here’s what I’m going to do. I’m going to start a light program again today 11th January 2005.
And I’m going to meticulously record and mesure what happens with my program..
January 11th 2005.
Measure - Length = 5.5Inches
- Girth = 4.0Inches

This will be my daily program for one month and I’ll measure again in one month with keeping the same intensities, please post if you think I’m doing too little or too much.
(All done in the shower)
Warm up and massage..
Gentle stretch holding for 30secs in each possible direction, only once.
150 Gentle Jelqs
50 kegels - holding in for 5 secs.

As many Kegels as I can throughout the day.

Also any thoughts on my injury ? I’ve been resting for 4 days now should I give it more time ?


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