Originally Posted by joe_smith
Just wondering, I might have missed it, was this a PE related injury or just some random stroke of bad luck?
This was not in any way related to PE because I was not following any type of routine while this happened. About 8-10 months ago I was following a newbie routine, but I stopped mostly because of college and privacy and finding time. So the last time I PE’d was 8 months ago before the torsion.
Originally Posted by Mr. Happy
DO NOT EVEN THINK ABOUT PE RIGHT NOW.Your situation is beyond unforgiveabl. I hope you sue the shit out of that doctor and that hospital.
I think you really need to listen to us: the situation is you have had surgery. The last thing you need to worry about is jelqing.
Two to three months rest is what your body needs to fully recover. The 4 week recommendation is way too early.
Mravg is right, why not see if your erectile function comes back to normal first?
Three months is a short time in the PE universe, but it might be just the time you need as far as recovery.
I will be suing, but like I said, I need my medical records in order to do so. Trust me, we have a lot of our friends that our doctors at that hospital that are backing us 100% of the way.
I would also like to add that my erections are fully functional and I’m healthy enough for sexual activity. I have morning wood, random erections, and I can masterbate normally.
Originally Posted by commanderblop
Yeah, I wonder this too. Could PE have had anything to do with this event?And whether it did or not, what is the usual cause of this injury? Or is it totally random? (In the mean time I am googling it.)
Sorry to hear about this shitty experience. :( Can they put an implant in place so it looks the same? And I’ll say this, while you may want to hold off on the PE for a bit, you have a great can-do attitude! :)
The reason they explained as to why it happened to me is because a.) it became so inflamed and heavy (which, it was VERY heavy) that it was almost inevitable to be torsed b.) some people are genetically predisposed to getting torsions are have a much higher risk or c.) a combination of both a and b.
I’m going to wait at least a month before doing any PE. Also, keep in mind that they didn’t go anywhere near my ligaments. Right now I gave a small pull to see if things were any different with the “dull pain” when I stretch to the left, and I was suprised at how much better it feels. I’m not going to rush this and I will defintely be waiting at least a month or more.
Pre-PE: EBP: 5.50'; EG: 4.25'
Short-Term Goal: EBP: 6.00'; EG: 4.50
Total Gains: EBP: +.25 EG: +.25